Tuesday 24 January 2012

What should my career be?

Do you frequently get into a spot and ask yourself, “What should my career be?” An affirmative reply manifests that you are not by yourself in this quandary.
            You may be still pursuing your studies. You may already be in a job and on the lookout for a career progression. Whatever be your circumstances, the above question is frequently asked. The answer to the vexed question can be found out by first seeking to identify your career objectives, but you need not worry too much in doing so..
Your prospective career
            You will realize that your prospective career is all about discovering yourself. Occasionally, you may find it rather difficult to select the right career, given your qualifications and individual traits and character. Today, people change careers at the drop of a hat. The positive side of these phenomena is that there are institutions and individuals who are competent enough to show you the way forward.
Determining the way forward
When was the last time you asked yourself, “What should my career be?” If it was a year or two ago, it is quite likely that you have been able to settle down in a job of your liking but not as satisfying as perhaps you envisioned. There is no person who is deficient of abilities, and if he makes use of them, the environment becomes joyous and the world more conducive to work in.
Discover yourself
            The maiden step of determining the course your career ought to take is finding out the real you. You may be something inside and something outside. You may be withstanding workplace negativities and still going there despite your promptings to the contrary – these could well be your positive traits but definitely not your typical you, somebody who is waiting to set himself free and give wings to passions. Your flair and inclinations should be the sole guiding factor to get set and move on the correct course. You need to:
·   Discover your true self:     How do you do this? You can delve into your bank of abilities and find out more about your aptitude, capacity and flair; thereafter you can open up with them. Alternatively, you can undergo special tests to discern your penchant; there are many institutions and counselors who do this.   
·   Get to know what you wanted to accomplish:     This is the second step but of great consequence. Having discovered the true you, it is necessary to discern clearly what you seek to do and achieve in life. This is essential to have a stable life and a career that is in conformity with the true you. Some research needs to be indulged in so that bright ideas come out on careers that are best suited for the true you. Career guides can perhaps be of great help to substantiate your findings.   
·   Find out the way to get employed:  Job seekers often get into a trap by opting for a high paying appointment. Money should not be sole guiding factor; if you are able to formulate a scheme of action, there are greater chances that you will reach where you want to be. You should jot down the career you seek and reduce to writing various stages and actions that will be necessary to get into it. In other words, you will need to devise an accomplishment plan.
Identify your career objectives
            It is quite likely that you are fairly clear about your career objectives, but you are unable to attain them in the timeframe that you want. It is advisable that you should list out your career objectives and also draft a plan of action to attain them. If you reduce your thoughts and impressions to writing, the prospects of achieving your objectives increase manifold. Remember that your career is your embodiment and a representation of your personality. It is thus necessary to make certain that your career befits you in all respects. 
The approval & the plunge
            A large majority of people do not look for an approval within themselves as far as their career is concerned. On the contrary, they seek it outside and want validation of their choices from others. But remember that you may want to feel good about your preferences and career path alright, but their approval may become an issue when you want it the most.
            True endorsement ought to come from within you. If you take cognizance of it, you will have a better sense of direction. Your career should be a manifestation of your aspirations, aims and goals – something that you would love doing. Remember that the time you would be spending at work would make up a very large chunk of your life; therefore, it is judgmental correctness to pursue what you love. Finding out what you love doing is also easier said than done; some time-tested tips are:
·   The earlier you decide to take a plunge, the better it will be.
·   Concentrate on whatever you are fond of.
·   Do not attach much significance to the remuneration aspect.
·   Take your time to find a job that you love.
·   Be bold to seek whatever you want.
·    Don’t be afraid to ask for whatever you desire.
·   Anything that is extraneous or beside the point should be looked right through.
The nub of the issue is that the search for a job that will make you happy begins with a question directed at yourself, “What is that I want to do?” The search ends when you accord yourself permission to leave a job which does not bring about the cheer in you that you aspire for. 

Thursday 12 January 2012

Learn to learn

          All advancements in life are about gaining knowledge from encounters and occurrences. And so is the case with your career. But merely discerning what is what of a matter is not sufficient. You also need to overcome predicaments, trounce problems and triumph over impediments. Only then you will be able to go all-out to craft the future that you seek.
            Moving forward in your career is indeed possible and well within your reach. Each and every man and woman, because they are human beings have the power of intellect. With every step they take, they learn; so the learning process is incessant and becomes a new experience every time it takes place.
            You can learn to learn. You need to discover, you need to ascertain and you need to discern. And this is possible. How? Here are four clear-cut steps of the method:
·   Seeing  into the future:
This maiden step implies creating a realistic but hardnosed portrait of your future. Whatever you seek to attain, it should be consequential and evocative. It should never be relegated; on the contrary it should serve as the very basis of your verve and steadfastness.
It may be possible that you are not certain of what you intend to seek. If that be so, exercising any option from amongst the many you may have considered will set the ball rolling. You will start delving into it more and more; and over a period of time be able to perfect and even upgrade it. You will have a clear image of the future that you actually yearn for.
But the most important part of the matter is that unless you venture and wager, your vision will never graduate to a reality. If you lack a clear vision of whatever you want to be or for that matter, what your life is envisioned to be, you will not accomplish anything significant. An odd success may come your way by fluke, but that alone will never transform you to a person that you could possibly be or eventually want to be. 
·   Being active & performing:
The second step is to do something. It is only by implementing a plan of action that you will edge your way. You will have a better focus of things; the prospects of your visualization transforming into actuality will thus be positive. Following any line of action entails taking tangibly precise measures for attaining whatever you envision.
All sound ideas are pragmatic, explicit and futuristic. Hence they tend to acquire long-term peculiarities. Therefore, one tends to brand them as difficult to attain. If you remain active and keep performing, you will be able to split a long and arduous voyage into short and comfortable rides.
You may indulge in action, but yet things may not be to your advantage. There could be setbacks but let them not upset you. You ought to have courage to face odds; after all, courage is nothing but going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. You should be highly tenacious and be able to exploit your potential fully. If you do not do so, you will not achieve anything meaningful in your life.
·   Going through outcomes:
You may envision, you may act; but you need to weigh whatever you have accomplished. So the third step ought to be assessing the effects of your actions. You will also get to know what the environment feels about you. Such pointers will help you determine how close or how far you are from realizing your dreams. You may get bouquets or brick-bats, just like stage-performers get applauded or booed.
The process of going through outcomes is like sieving all what has surfaced to separate out clarity and confusion, both being perceptible inputs. An examination of ‘clarity’ will provide you reliable proof of whether your actions are bearing fruit or not. Remember that even negative results can be very constructive on account of their inherent capability to offer something to learn. A word of caution though, you will have to be as unbiased and unprejudiced as possible.  
You should also bear in mind that whatever be the results, no success is ever final, nor is any failure fatal; what will eventually count will be your courage and courage alone.
·   Mulling over lessons:
Learning to learn can be a disappointing process when you have to ponder over what has emerged after you have performed. But going over what transpired and what followed is an important component of the procedure. A single stroke can convert opinions and inferences from good to bad – this could well be applicable to you or any other person.
The bare truth is that if you do not give up, the process to create your future will always be alive. So long as you keep viewing yourself and the world around you in correct perspective, you will be on the move and getting close to your vision. As a matter of fact, the more serious you are on this aspect, the earlier you will attain your objectives.
            It is quite likely that you already have defined a future for yourself and are taking appropriate measures for its achievement. If your move forward is sluggish, you may not be learning from your experiences. The ‘learn to learn’ process has to be evenhanded and objective by all counts. It is like riding a bicycle; if you have deflated tyres, the ride will be bumpy. On the contrary, if everything is roadworthy, you will have a smooth ride; the smoother it gets, the more likely that your destination is closer.   

Friday 6 January 2012

Handling job-hunting stress

Hunting a new job can be a nerve-racking experience. It eats into your valuable time and vigour. Not to be disregarded are domestic obligations, unfulfilled responsibilities, monetary compulsions, plummeting self-respect, and plunging self-assuredness – all these together can wreck havoc to your peace of mind.
But the story ought not be only about turmoil and dejection. There are time-tested convenient steps that you can take to safeguard yourself and make certain that your well-being and mental stability is maintained all through and through. If you decide to make use of them, you will realize that you will be at the wheel throughout the job-searching course. In due course and eventually, you will also come to recognize that you are in the driver’s seat even as far as your career and life is concerned.
Following are five tips that have stood the test of time:
·   Systematize yourself:
This is the best time to address your fundamentals. You should spare some time and ruminate over the good things that have come across you in the past. Ponder over your successes and feel good about them; surely they will hold you in good stead in the times to come.
Since a good resume is undeniably the basic requirement in a job hunt, you should update it; incorporation of your accomplishments in it should be judiciously done. While forwarding a resume, you will need a cover letter and hence it is essential you draft a standard one that be modified appropriately, depending upon the post for which you may be applying.
You also need to make a job-search plan and this should also cater to the time that you would spend knocking doors of employment agencies. Today, things being online, you will also need to browse the net; earmark time for it. A job-search is not the end of the world; things have to and will go on. Therefore you must have time up your sleeves to meet and interact with your friends and relatives.
Remember that if you have a plan, you are better poised for action and thus accomplishment. You will thus be exercising jurisdiction and domination over your own fate.     
·   Follow a timetable:
Adhering to a well-thought of line of action, following a schedule and seeking to implement a do-list is as crucial today as when you would be working. If you set deadlines for realizing objectives and accomplishing tasks; and strive to meet them, you center of attention will not change or blur.
If you maintain a diary and log in time spent on anything associated with your job-search, at a glance you would be able to discern the time being spent on it.
Following a timetable will ensure that you do things in a methodical manner, lay down priorities and do not forget commitments.  You will also need time to refresh yourself and sticking to a schedule will remind you of the time required for your leisure.
·   Ease your life:
Your future will be busy, let there be no doubt about it. Therefore, the present is the best time to get rid of all the mess and muddle that exists; and become tension free. Discard all unnecessary items and dispense with unwarranted activities. If you do this, you will realize that you have time available up your sleeves to clean your cupboard and shelves; and spruce up your room. You will realize that you are better geared up to prepare for all possible employee selection tests.
You will get to understand that by simply removing the clutter in your room, you now have more oomph and a better perception of things around you.
This is perhaps also an ideal time to address your financial affairs. You should direct concentrated efforts to control you personal affairs; once such issues get resolved, you will be better poised to decide on what you actually need and what you do not. 
·   Take time off:
Looking for a job is an activity of great magnitude alright, but of equal consequence is the requirement to devote time to your own well-being. Looking after yourself is important and failure to do so can have serious ramifications.
Remember that a grouchy, fatigued and ill-turned out candidate will never interest any employer. Therefore, you should not try to bring about extraordinary changes in your schedule – if you go for a morning jog, do so or if you watch TV for half-an-hour in the evening, do so. .
You should endeavour to follow a healthy routine – and that includes shunning junk food. Repeatedly tell yourself that life is not only hunting a job, there are many more things that need to be done concurrently.
Try and catch up with time gone by. Connect with your friends and relatives; this will make sure that you are able to uphold a viewpoint and offer you an alternative issue to concentrate on. 
·   Speak & discuss:
There will be times when you will have a tendency to feel beleaguered and disappointed. You need to guard against such a development that has been brought about by job-hunting stress. Remember that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
You would need to intermingle with others and hence make allowance in your schedule for the purpose. It will be your kith and kin who will cheer you up and provide you with a rejuvenated outlook as also means to vent your disenchantment.
Job-searching is indeed a tough grind; people term it as donkey work. It can cause you immense psychological and emotive disturbance. It is therefore extremely vital that you keep up and not deviate from your center of attention; and contemplate and mirror your earlier achievements.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Etch your profile well

Have you ever seen an artist at work? He first makes an outline that characterizes major shapes but no minutiae are exposed. The magnum opus follows later. Like a work of art, career planning too involves sketching but with all details included. It is a meticulous and reasonably prearranged procedure. The commonality between the two however, is the need to have an unambiguous image of the final product.

Career planning is a never-ending procedure. It entails adjustments, alterations, and occasionally a complete change of the original scheme of things. Importantly, career planning should commence as early as viable, even if it amounts to doing it ahead of schedule. Some pertinent aspects related to career planning are enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs.

·   Unearth and improve: Every organization prefers to recruit people with prior experience. This qualitative requirement is of advantage to both the employee and employer; and obviously facilitates early settling down. The newcomer understands and visualizes things; and thus is able to make better contributions. Therefore, self-improvement ought to be your prime priority. Professional development and advancement of individual perceptions should be looked upon as a crucial prerequisite for your career planning. If you are able to devote twenty to thirty minutes daily for your own learning and growth, things will be better from you.

·   Look for alternatives: If you happen to be working in a company, it cannot be taken for granted that the openings and prospects available within the department are the only alternatives available to you. To grow and advance, you can move laterally and then vertically. At all times, you have the option to move to another appointment in another division in the same setup; or walk out and take up a similar assignment elsewhere. It is possible that you shoulder twin responsibilities; and should you do this, you will be able to lay the foundation for an enduring and stable career growth.    

·   Assess & pronounce:  This implies taking decisions related to organizational pursuits or even your personal future. There is no management that does not seek to promote eagerness and dynamism amongst its employees. Therefore, a display of passion, inventiveness and enterprise will always be viewed in the correct perspective, provided your ideas are not extraordinarily bizarre. Considering the foregoing, you should not shy away from making concrete resolutions and assessments on issues that concern your career and which, expand the scope of your professional progress. It is not much of significance to feel something; what is important is to make your opinion known.      

·   Be forward-looking: You should have a futuristic point of view. In fact, your outlook should be positive and nature optimistic. If you are able to maintain such a disposition, you will always plan your advancement well; your career will move on at good pace. If there happen to be any impediments, your flow per se will help skirt them, precluding any possibility of getting stranded. Remember that life is all about being in motion; the past and the present should serve to guide you in scheduling the growth of your career.  

The fundamental as well as crucial importance of career planning lies in the enunciation of prerequisites and provisos of self-development. You may dream of gaining admission in a reputed college and if it materializes, perhaps will alter the shape of things to follow. But a dream is a dream; your performance in the entrance examinations will hold the key to its realization.

Young men and women tend to play safe and opt for colleges that have least stringent conditions to fulfill. There may be no entrance examinations or admissions are based on donations, these are facilitators for the not-so-bright. The real complexity pertains to the selection of subjects. However, in order to exercise a suitable choice, you have to adhere to some codes and tenets. Aspects that you need to understand are:

·   The size of the institution in no way characterizes the difficulty planes of the entrance examinations. It is fallacious thinking when you are informed that bigger or reputed colleges have very severe entrance tests. The fact that most laissez-faire educational institutions have on their rolls anything up to five thousand students speaks for itself.

·   A college’s name does not necessarily imply its recognition or reputation; this serves to divert the attention of students. It is however, linked with the two inevitability factors – colleges have to preserve their repute, big or small and accept boys and girls who are willing to join them. This will make it inescapable for you to display your keenness and zest together with a brief of any investigative studies that you may have done.

·   People may narrate to you various accounts, but it is up to you to believe or discount them. Exaggerations will always be there and you have to guard against them. First sight discard is not recommended; you should give a patient hearing and then draw inferences. Hearsays and word of mouth publicity should be seen with caution because they have intrinsic qualities to unfold unfounded stories.

      To conclude, it is your strength of mind that matters. It far exceeds the clout of all conventions, systems and regulations combined. You should never lose sight of your real objective – ascertain all appropriate information, gather relevant evidence and then submit your application. There should be nothing that should inhibit realization of your dreams – you and you alone can chase them and make them a reality.