Friday 25 November 2011

Asking for promotion

It is very convenient to assert in the presence of equals, “I always carry a resignation letter in my pocket. If they don’t give me a raise, out I go!”

Why don’t people ask for promotions? Doing so is certainly one of the most horrendous items on their to-do list, simply because they are scared of what-if-it-is-not-granted syndrome.

Entering your boss’ office with such a proposal will undoubtedly create uneasiness and apprehension. You will be at your wit’s end and perhaps also at a loss of words to put across your decision to leave and more importantly the reason for the same.

If you are convinced about the merits of your case and feel that you deserve a promotion, the only way to expedite getting it is asking for it. But you need to do your homework well and get to know what is taking place and what is coming up where. The following tips can be helpful:  

Finding middle ground

It is essential to discern the why and so-what of every activity in your organization. For example, your company is on an expansion spree and a modification to the current organizational arrangement has been announced. The inference is obvious – additional recruitment for various categories of employees, including managers should be on the cards.

If you consider yourself capable and are willing to take on new responsibilities, the onus is on you to make your intent known to the management. Hence it is not only important to know the procedure for asking a raise at work but also the formula for promotion too.

Grounding & Research      

You can send the right signals only if you enjoy the trust of your organization in the context of your value and capability. In the light of the foregoing, you need to get ready for what all the new appointment entails.

If you consider yourself proficient at handling a multitude of tasks, you will have to demonstrate the same. Your work per se should speak out for you. Remember that unless you prove yourself, no attempt should be made to ask for a salary hike; and whenever you do so, you should be well-informed of the proposed salary band of the appointment you are applying for. You need to know your true value.

Priming of the employer

Having discerned your value, you also need to know your employer’s capacity. Stiff competition and rising maintenance costs could well be quoted to justify putting on hold all promotions. The likelihood of employers expressing their inability to promote you thus cannot be discounted.

But since you have been focusing your attention on all possible developments in your company, you are better poised to cite them for their application in your favour. You should courteously clarify the financial growth that has been achieved and the senselessness of losing out an experienced employee.

When & how to ask?

            There is no factor that is more important than the time at which you ask for a promotion. You have realized your true value and know that the company is financially robust. You are aware of the company’s expansion plan too. With your good work also being acknowledged, there can be no better time to seek an appointment with your boss to put across your proposition.

You will have to be very tactful speaking out your intent. It is a peculiar case of marketing; you would be selling yourself, convincing the person at the other end of your abilities. It should not be such that you thrust yourself on the employer.

            Any rigidity of views may be very detrimental to your interests, particularly those related to aspects of remunerations. Remember that nobody is indispensable and that it is not a difficult task getting a person as good or as bad as you as a replacement for the same package as yours. .

Refreshing your negotiation skills prior to meeting the boss is always recommended. Also make it a point to not convey messages like other organizations are waiting to accept you in their fold. The best message that can be sent is that both you and the employer ought to know what you seek to do.

Anticipate outcome

            It is now the time of result declaration. You should be ready to face the worst – it is likely that your point may not have been acceded to. If so, what next? Are you going to stay on or leave? Well, the decision is yours and nobody should ever exert influence on it.

            Job contentment is understandably an important consideration, but is it sufficient by itself? Things may not turn out in your favour; you need not make known your displeasure and threaten to resign. Threats are never welcomed and can be used as an excuse to deny   promotion to you in the future too. The best way to assert is by conveying your awareness of your own abilities and potential; and that a raise is indeed warranted.

            It is also possible that you get whatever you asked for. That should serve to reassure you and your worth. 

The final word

            The best way to ask for a promotion is to be unguarded and amenable, but at the same time very polite. You should convey your standpoint well; a run-through of your conversation is not a bad proposition at all. You also have an option of submitting a written application, but that should always be the last option, and only after some initial discussion with your boss on the issue has transpired.

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