Saturday 5 November 2011

Be a career champ

Champ stands for champion – somebody who is a winner. He or she is an achiever, a sort of a first past the post. If you were to ask, ‘Who is a career champ?’ the answer is simple – anybody who has achieved career success. There exists a common standard with such men and women in the rank and echelon applicable to them.

There are several qualities that a workplace champ has – some basic, some special. Anybody who is walking on the road to success has to be resolute and dynamic. The degree of intellectual and professional honesty also has to be of a high order for anybody to succeed.

Issues like the extent of providing willing support to the organization, peers, superiors and subordinates are also important contributory factors. It also goes without saying that a workplace champ should be able to plan beyond immediate requirements and have the ability to take decisions in the absence of clear cut mandate and in an environment of uncertainty.

Put concisely, the above qualities are fortunately contained in the word ‘CHAMP’ itself – constancy, high-power, authenticity, meticulousness and pleasure. These characteristics not only add to your prospects of success, but also give a boost to your inspiration level. If you carry ‘CHAMP’ with you when embarking upon work, sooner or later you will be a champ. The denotation of champ is explicated as under:

·   CONSTANCY:   The connotation of constancy is its literal meaning – loyalty, dependability and reliability. The ramification is that whenever a work is assigned to you, the prime responsibility and accountability is yours and yours alone. If your work does not go the way it is supposed to go or things go astray midway, you cannot point a finger at anybody else. You are required to be enterprising and resourceful enough to make certain that the job is done not only to the best of your capacity, but also to the satisfaction of others. The very fact that a work has been assigned to you, an intense sense of pride should overtake you. If you are dependable, your company stands to gain; in fact you serve to become a spirited, ready-for-action benefit for it. You will be perceived as an individual who can be assigned greater responsibilities; and once that happens, your chances of success multiply manifold.

·   HIGH-POWER:   Every accomplishment begins with a humble decision to try. It is only little by little that you are able to walk far. This is where your determination comes into play. It is only in your determination alone that the difference between the impossible and the possible lies. The implication is that you ought to possess the requisite endurance, resilience and fortitude to ensure that things move forward and are over and done with, the problems and difficulties associated with them notwithstanding. This determination is nothing but the power within you to work and continue with it; it is high-power. If you want to taste career success, possession of high-power is one single most-important factor. High-power ensures that the work at hand is brought to an end, no matter how demanding and daunting it may be. Any individual who has high-power will invariably display zeal and devotion to duty; and because of which, he will stand out. And standing out is a step closer to being outstanding.

·   AUTHENTICITY:   A person who is dutiful is invariably keen and fervent about his work. And if you are so, you keep work imperatives above everything else. Ongoing tasks habitually remain your focus of attention. In addition, you company objectives and interests consistently weigh up in your mind. The outcome is that you are unlikely to succumb to negative influences, internal and external. All these manifest your dedication and commitment. The price of success is always hard work and dedication to the job that you are required to perform; whether you win or not, is a different matter, provided you have applied the best of yourself to it.  If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. You have to be legitimate in your disposition, indisputable in your approach and faithful in your conduct. It is only then will you be seen as a genuine person. It is only then will authenticity come to be associated with you. And once it does, you are already on the road to success, well ahead of others in the race.

·   METICULOUSNESS:  People who pay meticulous attention to everything always believe that anything good enough is not good enough for them. It is only the best that they seek. If a job has been entrusted to you, can you ever imagine washing hands off from facets that are difficult or messy. You will always make certain that chaotic or slapdash matters are resolved without any delay. You will perhaps take that additional safeguard and display that additional initiative to make certain that everything is as seamless and flawless as possible. Perfection is what you should be aspiring for. If you are meticulous, multitasking is your domain and you will be trusted with assignments involving it. Your seniors will come to look upon you, increasing opportunities for you to succeed in your career.

·   PLEASURE:   You should be regarded as an enjoyment to work with at your workplace. There is hardly anybody who enjoys the company of moaners and grumblers. If you have to radiate enjoyment and delight to others, what does it involve? Maintaining an amiable attitude, never giving up despite odds, being optimistic and wearing a smile are some of the ways you can adopt to be pleasurable at work. Pleasure is all about being positive and giving out positive vibrations. Otherwise you are likely to be branded as a constipated person. If you get pleasure in your work and help out others in their work with pleasure, people will be drawn to you with pleasure too. They will wish pleasure for you. Your personal rating will go up and with it your chances of success.

It should be remembered that there will always be a race on in life and at your workplace. Whether somebody else gives you a tough fight or not, you are in great competition with yourself. You have to be intelligent, you have to be mighty and you have to be resolute to be a champ. And with CHAMP you can be one with relative ease.             


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