Tuesday 8 November 2011

Handling workplace relationships

          At any workplace, relationships, professional or private, are bound to be built. But the trap in such relationships is the issue of sustenance because the prospects of career success and failure on account of them are equal. Therefore, it is important to deliberate on some aspects of workplace relationships so that they do not ricochet.
            It is a fact that it is the workplace where we exhibit our expertise and knacks. It is also true that work is just not an arithmetical activity or all about finding middle ground – something that we consciously or unconsciously are aware of. Work, working and workplace also involve relationships with seniors, peers and subordinates on one side and clients and customers on the other alike.
            Workplace relationships are generally confined to professional matters. However, in recent times, people have been establishing emotional ties too – this should not be viewed as a flabbergasting development because of the human element involved in it. An aspect that cannot be downplayed is the reality that the workplace is a happening place for us and emotional proximities cannot be ruled out for obvious reasons. While camaraderie is most wanted by every establishment, romances and flirtatious relationships are always frowned upon and regarded as contrary to decent behavior.
Relationships have to be active and forceful
If you attain organizational objectives, your performance is rated good. But it is not your abilities alone that contribute to good performance. It is how others look at and opine about your persona that matters also. Five time-tested methods to portray a good impression are:
·   Be easy to talk with:  Expertise and proficiency notwithstanding, you need to be accessible to others. According first priority to work and making it known to the environment is good, however a disengagement from it can be a blunder. Should others require your assistance, go out of the way to help them. You should desist from probing into matters that are delicately personal.
·   Lay down limits:  If you are approachable, you will be thronged by people. Professional dilemmas, irrespective of their gravity are acceptable however personal ones need to be addressed with caution. You must send an unambiguous message about your willingness to help others professionally. The secret to emerging a winner at workplace is clobbering a compromise between personal and professional issues.
·   Do not gossip:  Communications at workplace are indeed necessary, but not loose talks. Tittle-tattles are scandalous and can cause immense damage, besides frittering away valuable time, Any conversation drifting towards gossip should be nipped in the bud and converted it into constructive talk. But if things fail, it is recommended that a tactful withdrawal from the scene be affected.
·   Trust trustworthy:  Adherence to only a professional relationship is easier said than done. It is just not possible to completely refrain from communications that are outside the realm of professional ethics. Because we are humans, we are expressive and thus may have colleagues with whom intimate friendship is nurtured, but their sincerity needs to be ascertained. Proverbial snakes in the sleeves should be avoided.
·   Shoulder additional tasks willingly: If you feel that you can shoulder additional responsibilities or be a party to resolve workplace problems, go ahead and do so, even if it amounts to extra effort from your side. But it should also be kept in mind that your aims and objectives remain unaffected. By doing so, people further up the ladder will acknowledge your efforts and recognize you as a positive contributor towards organizational progress.
Amorous affairs
            Unconfirmed statistics indicate that over a quarter of employees at any workplace get into a relationship. Though inevitable, as already stated, the question is, are they out of harm’s way? There are two major negative aspects associated with workplace affairs, should they crumble. Firstly, a split can cause immense psychological harm to both partners. Secondly and more importantly is the detrimental effect it can have on their careers. Both of them cannot be ignored.
There have been occasions when people had to resign from highly rewarding jobs because of the discomfiture associated with love affair splits. It is thus no surprise that wise men recommend that a line be drawn to preclude personal issues from permeating into professional matters.
            A relationship can be true and sincere; the partners can be committed to each other. But can you prevent some people from scandalizing you? Besides jeopardizing individual reputation, there is also the risk of being viewed as a violator of organizational ethics. Where people have an affair with their seniors, their success, even if it is a result of hard work, has a tendency to be doubted.
One needs to be extremely cautious and alert about such relationships, more so in the light of the likelihood of their being applied as accusations of gender offences. If a relationship is found fit to be advanced, both partners need to go along with the idea that they will restrict themselves to only professional work at the workplace. It would also be prudent to even deliberate on the possibility of the relationship breaking and consequently the diminished prospects of working together.  
The last word
What is important is that despite the type of relationships that people may enjoy, a correct reflection of oneself should never be dispensed with. It is only then that success will plant a kiss on your career.

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