Thursday 3 November 2011

Your capabilities are your assets: remain self-assured

Is success yet to kiss your feet? Are you certain that it will come sooner or later? If the answer to any of these questions is not convincingly positive, things do not augur well for your career. Every minute should be utilized to accomplish success rather than squandering it away in the hope that you will speak the words “I made it happen” some day or the other.
What are the attributes of successful people? Well, they are all resolute and confident. These qualities stimulate positivity. They plan for the future there is perhaps nothing that can catch them unawares. Rather than taking out leaves from their books, a large majority of people draw incorrect inferences. “They are fortunate, unlike others” or “They would be having acquaintances to exert influence” are commonly uttered remarks. The success achieved by them goes unappreciated and along with it the efforts that went into it.
There is no element of luck attached to success, nor is there any restriction on who ought to experience it or not. But achieving it is also not an easy thing either. By simply following some basic procedures, it will be there for an asking. Any digression of course, will render its achievement difficult. So are you prepared? Get on your mark, set and go…….
Step 1- Always trust success:
·   Most of us tend to doubt our own capabilities and forget that having confidence in own self is extremely vital to achieve success. There should be an assertion from within that one can really do anything to attain success. The point is that if you don’t affirm, then nobody else will do it on your behalf. It is only confidence alone that facilitates tiding over complex and intricate situations and in the process infuses optimism for a bright future.
·   Can anything be done to acquire or increase confidence? It may take perhaps less than an hour to get to know the facts. All it involves is a sort of written introspection. Without bothering about expression form, write down in a frank and honest manner all what your career has been about. Along with it, make a note, candidly of course about your perception of an ideal life.
·   If you are able to pen down a truthful account, you would be able to find a fairly detailed and meticulous depiction of the life you desire to lead. Whenever you experience a feeling of dejection or sense that your confidence level is going down, this description should automatically be thought of.
Step 2 – Get into action mode:
·   Having reposed confidence in yourself and ascertained a model of success in your career, it is high time to search for and get a hold of specifics and essentials. One should now be considering how to stride forward to convert the model into an actuality.
·   The moment you have sketched out a timetable or schedule, you have won half the battle. For example, you may be seeking to switch over to a new career. What academic or notional awareness do you possess about it? There could be likelihood that you require further training and coaching. If so, what is the expenditure involved? Are you in a position to pay the fees? And the vital question is whether the training that you undergo will actually stand you in good stead? The answers to these questions should be reduced to writing and together with the steps required to be followed, get into an action mode.
Step 3 – Grant yourself success:
·   Successful individuals invariably do not articulate themselves by saying “I will try, but am not certain when” or “I will do it, may be sometime”; the words ‘try, but am not certain when’ and ‘do it, may be sometime’ are out of context for them. Their confidence manifests when they assert by saying only “I will”.
·   If you have made up your mind to do something and have forecast its methodology, give in to it and pursue it vigorously. It is quite natural to fall prey to lure, but if you have to follow your path, you will have to be unwavering in your approach. Inducements that are out to deflect you from your charted course should be rebuffed.
·   The above implies having the audacity to say ‘No’. For a person who lacks nerve, it is indeed difficult to decline, cry off or refuse; but with little effort, the quality can be developed.
Step 4 - Identify your main concerns:
·   You may have made a plan and are totally committed to implementing it. But there would be various contingencies and alternatives too. So, there is a need to categorize them in order of precedence.
·   If the plan made by you is pragmatic, a fairly long list of actions required to undertaken by you will become apparent. But it may not be feasible to undertake each and everything concurrently.
·   When to do what or what to do when, this is what needs to be decided.  You will have to ponder over the pros and cons of every one of them. Issues related to their criticality and time required to take them to their logical conclusion will have to be contemplated upon. Actions that are considered as not having immediate impact can well be put off for later implementation.
Step 5 – Be forward looking:
·   Sailing is not absolutely smooth for everybody. There are days and occasions when one is just not able to exert. Such inability could be caused by a horde of factors. It is also possible that uncertainties and misgivings crop up.
·   Should a situation develop that precludes doing work with the required zeal or prompts reclusion, one should start reflecting on the plan that has been made earlier. Efforts should be directed to get the best from the maiden step itself.
·   One should invariably focus on the higher picture and in the process look at the efforts already made and actions taken till now. This would serve as an impelling factor to not only move forward but also be optimistic about the shape of things to follow.
The crux of the matter is that one should be determined in life, like the tree that faces the storm, but shakes not with it. Your capabilities are your assets and you need to assured of them.

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