Thursday 8 December 2011

Clutching career success

Is your career success deluding you? Have you been holding your horses for long hoping that you will no more be a dark horse in your career? Are you hopeful of your career vision proving true?
As far as career success is concerned, you invariably stand to gain if you continue endeavouring hard trying to attain it. Sitting idle and passing time hoping that will success will strike you some day or the other will serve no purpose.
How do people attain success? What are those qualities that facilitate success? Nearly all successful men and women possess extraordinary ambition and motivation. They are unusually assertive and in no doubt about themselves. And of course, they invariably have the ability to make lots and lots of money.
Rather than trying to be like successful people, we have a tendency to presuppose that they have influence exerted by people who matter. We sometimes also imagine that Lady Luck simply smiles on them by chance. The important point missed out by us is that they grappled with odds to reach wherever they reached. It is only their success that is noticed by us and we aspire to be where they are and that too immediately.
Career success kisses the feet of all those who seek it sincerely and put themselves out to achieve it. The procedure is simple and not plagued with any obscurity. What you need to do is to go along some simple actions; if you digress from them, rest assured that your wait will be longer. You can clutch career success by sticking to the following tenets:
·   Be assured that you will taste success:
Self-assurance is an extremely vital factor, though it is disregarded frequently. You need to deem that the likelihood of success coming your way is indeed very high. It is a known fact that a high degree of steadfastness with regard to objectives is the prime causative factor for career success. So the critical question is how can you boost these dispositions? The best way to do so is by an honestly reducing to writing your conception and impression of a perfect, rather ultimate career and life. You should be able to generate a portrait that can be glared at without any difficulty.
What is the image that you have created? Does it stir you up? Does it motivate you? Remember that trust and credence are attributes that are not externally impelled but are intrinsic to all individuals; and hence you will be required to excavate and bring them to light quite frequently.  
·   Get to the bottom of the truth:
The moment you gain self-assuredness, you need to support it with actuality and reality. You will need to discern definite actions that you are required to undertake to make certain that the portrait you created is infused with authenticity.
An illustration will make the matter easy to understand. Suppose you like to shift your focus to another realm altogether. Under such circumstances, what are your information requirements? Do you need to undergo an orientation programme? Will such an orientation schedule be cost-effective and more importantly, does your budget allow such an expenditure? If you mobilize your resources and invest them in your new efforts, what are the chances that your money will multiply? Or, is it that you do not bother about material assets but desire to lead a better life by all standards? Answers to all such questions will need to be pragmatically found and it will be only then that you will be fully geared up to do something.
·   Devote yourself to success:
Successful people always believe in their ambitions and aspirations. They are steadfast as far as their objectives are concerned. Assertions made by them are bold and unambiguous. Their devotion manifests their resoluteness. You need to be equally tenacious.
It is a fact that no man likes to pledge or enter into something that is binding. Therefore, it is essential that you shun all apprehensions and be responsive to all opportunities that come your way; there is no way that something superior will drift away from you. The only thing that will drift away from you will be bewilderment and uncertainty. And that will serve to impel you to work with greater enthusiasm.
·   Plan a line of action:
Your devotion now established, you need to figure out the modus operandi for attaining success. Since you have already got to the bottom of the truth and gathered lot of information in the process, guidance should come automatically to you. Whatever line of action you formulate, it should be split into smaller plans intended to be put into action in phases.
Besides the above, you also need to accord precedence to various issues and acquiesce to only those aspects that are likely to place you nearer to the success that you seek. It is futile wasting time on frivolous matters. There will be situations when your focus will get blurred, but since you have your line of action in black and white, you can make use of it to get back on rails.  
·   No looking back:
The likelihood of occasional lethargy creeping in or you losing out on the prospects of success cannot be discounted. There is nothing unusual in such feelings surfacing. The road to success cannot be expected to be absolutely smooth; there will be potholes making your ride a bumpy one. But if you stop, success will delude you all the more. You have to be up and going.
You will have reservations and qualms, but what is important is to keep acting all along. Let your actions be small and eventually they will add up to larger ones. After all, it is the small drops of water that make the mighty ocean and the small grains of sand that make the pleasant land.  

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