Thursday 23 February 2012

Organizations & ethical standards

“Commerce is as a heaven, whose sun is trustworthiness and whose moon is truthfulness”, so said Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892), the Persian nobleman and founder of the Baha’I religion. All of us have heard quotes and catchphrases like this. As far as our individual lives are concerned, we do try to implement them. They are seen as own principles and beliefs that constitute an important facet of personal lives. In short, they are what are known as ethics. But should they also be applicable at workplace?
Organizations and business houses perceive ethics and workplace ethics differently. Workplace ethics are understood as doing things in organizational interests and not necessarily doing them in the correct manner. On the other hand, ethics in general terms are considered pertinent to only personal lives. The fact however, is that there is no difference between the two. Ethics are all about deciding to act in a manner based on principles and may not necessarily trigger feelings of happiness. Paradigms of a set of regulations to be followed,   they are always the correct preferences to be exercised.
Administrators habitually seek clarifications on two issues. First, how do workplace ethics relate to organizational objectives and employee employment? Second, if at all such contentions are to be believed, are there any concrete reinforcing facts? Yet, all organizations invariably seek to ensure that procedures should be in place for implementing high business conduct rules. Research findings of study groups are beneficial for establishments that lay stress on constructive workplace ethics. For example, employees do harbour optimism with regard to ethics within their setups. As a matter of fact, practically all of them look ahead to honest management of affairs rather than focusing on actions directed to boost turnover.
            The above manifest that a large majority of employees do not disapprove ethical workplace practices.  This conclusion is heartening, because no project can take off without the functional backup of the work-force involved in it.  
            It has been proved that prescribed ethics codes and casual ethics routines have tremendous impact. The top hierarchy of organizations insisting on dynamic ethics codes is always under scrutiny. In addition, employees also tend to monitor the enforcement of ideals like truthfulness, integrity, reverence and faith, etc – principles insisted at work. Surveys conducted indicate that these lots of employees go through encouraging conditions like:
·   Increased readiness to notify misdemeanours.
·   Higher degree of approval of action taken against erring staff.
·   Relatively low misbehavior and wrongdoings at work.
·   Improved contentment levels vis-à-vis their managements.
·   Reduced compulsion to do a deal with ethics criteria.
·   Larger possibility of being appreciated by their superiors.
            Surveys have also indicated that in all organizations, a colossal distance between the higher-ups and lower-downs abounds. While the top hierarchy asserts that upbeat ethical atmosphere prevails in their setups, the subordinate staff contests it. This manifests an incorrect appreciation of matters of unease afflicting employees. In the process, employee concerns can go unaddressed. Incorporation of staff from all cross-sections of the workforce while formulating any ethics code or its revision is thus essential.
            Employee apprehensions on reporting matters also prevail. People fear being labeled as opportunists or tattlers by their colleagues and on the prospects of being branded as problem-creators, should they report violations. The requirement, therefore, is to tackle retribution methodically at the levels of both higher management and contemporaries.    
            The two prime issues on which managers and administrators seek clarifications listed above need a little delving into. There are a plethora of useful and feasible grounds for managers to pay attention on workplace ethics and dependable statistics that buttress these endeavours. All establishments that follow ethics agenda invariably perform better and have superior employee contentment levels.
            Laying stress on ethics alone cannot perfect workplace atmosphere and resolve organizational dilemmas in two shakes. Pertinent messages are communicated to the environment by making intense attempts to resolve prime ethical matters. The rank and file of an establishment gets to know that everything is on rails, an issue that is encouraging for them as individual entities.  
            There is nothing technical in enforcing an ethics agenda. Like any other scheme, it too calls for employee involvement. Since different organizations have different functional methodologies, the very success of the approach adopted would be contingent on them. However, everybody may not be at ease discussing matters related to ethics.
The higher management should understand employees’ perception on whether the organization is executing its work ethically or not. They can discern this by analyzing replies obtained by initially seeking, then deliberating and eventually acting in response to the following aspects:
·   Identification of organizational principles, forms in which they exist (written or conventional) and levels to which disseminated.
·   Factors that may prompt conscientious employees to indulge in unethical practices and degree to which the hierarchy backs the initiative for an ethical infrastructure.
·   General connotation and interpretation of accomplishment.
·   Individual or body to which the organization is answerable.
Today, news headlines smack of corruption plaguing organizations. In an ideal environment, big corporate houses ought to be better equipped to avert such news about their organizations. Smaller conglomerates also ought to be more venturesome and successful in drawing and servicing an increased customer base. The important part of the matter, however, is that ethics at workplace bear a close connection with our individual and shared comprehension of the subject.
It is no wonder that professional training colleges are increasingly including morals and ethics in their programmes. Men and women passing out of these institutions are better poised to implement high ethical standards at their workplaces. Rather than being managers, executives per force will have to be good narrators to arrest minds.

Midlife career search

The life of any person has fluctuating phases of advancement. A common template may not be truly applicable for two persons because of   disparate qualities, qualifications, exposure and dispositions, all of which contribute to progress. The mindsets and outlook of people get altered with the passage of time. It is constant interaction and the shifting relationships between actualities and astuteness that prompt people to believe and reflect, analyze and infer and weigh and opt. As these actions take place, the very thoughts of import and self-esteem register an increase. This middle-of-the-road quizzing of the connotation of life and objectives vis-à-vis one’s career is what is called midlife predicaments.
            When people are young, they subscribe to principles and standards that gradually get dovetailed into their central thought mechanisms and eventually become their dreams. It is this farsightedness, if it may be called so, that impels them to be industrious and cast themselves into what they ultimately seek to become. The foregoing is particularly applicable to those who are bestowed with extraordinary talents or expertise, like playing games or music; it is more than likely that after crossing a specific age, such individuals become experts in their respective spheres of activity.   
            The above mosaic may not be smooth in respect of people in their teens. If boys and girls yet to get out of school were to be asked the why of what they were pursuing, they would attribute it to their parents. Few would be able to assert that their current pursuit would stand them in good stead after they finish college, in that job prospects would be high. An imposed tendency to excel in academics while at school is thus visible. This predisposition is perhaps part of larger public concepts or societal requirements.
Establishments and organizations that have uncompromising standards invariably become lucrative businesses. They radiate their power of impact, as a result of which, young men and women are inclined to join them on a continual basis.
A lot of people join firms and companies straight from colleges or professional institutions. They slowly but surely convert to spirited and ready-for-action individuals, even indulging in gung ho activities where required, but concurrently sticking on to restricted tempo that their setups may be offering them. There are dilemmas too, in that men and women go about acquiring material assets for their future generations. And to be able to do that, they exert more to prove their mettle; promotions that come their way lead to increased pay packets. Thus the vicious circle goes round and round.
            Over-ambitious attitudes demolish genuine long-term objectives because their working parameters curb the sincerity of workers and in the process, compel them to work with the sole purpose of earning more and more money.  This idea is more appealing to those individuals who did not have any long-term objective when they set out on their career path.
If you are in a quandary similar to any of the ones portrayed, then it high time that the objectives of living your life be taken stock of. In case you are exerting more than usual, there has to be a reason behind it. The key issues that need to be understood are two – firstly, what you intend to attain by working so hard and secondly, for whom your efforts are being directed for. Once you are able to do this, your midlife search will have a new meaning.
            If you decide to go in for a career change, you should endeavour to have a successful transition. And what is a successful transition? The changeover has to be such that you flourish in the years to come. The key to the same lies in the amalgamation or combination of your life that includes all the vivacity associated with it, your work that should take account of time for leisure and domestic obligations and money goals that ought to ensure a regular flow of income.  
            You should remember that there is no place for impulse in this entire game. Making a mid-life career change is a lot more demanding and challenging. It can also be rather grueling because you are likely to lose much because you would have reached a fairly respectable position. Here are some pragmatic avant-garde tips to make certain that the decision is in your favour:
·   Understand that every working day at your workplace that you do not otherwise find good, but are forced to spend because of the money being received will drag you miles to the rear in so far as your search for financial independence is concerned.
·   People may advise you to take risks; they will say that close your eyes and take the plunge, money will come automatically. Never ever take their opinion overly gravely.
·   You are already half-way. Consideration of work issues are alright, but to a certain extent only. Money matters should also be your centre of attention.
·   You may be having a several reasons for your job discontent. Some would be circumstantial and some accidental, some inadvertent and some unintended. But you must understand and do it well that the actual one lies within you.
·   That you are not satisfied with your current job is a reality and any move to quick-fix problems can be disastrous. Remain on your guard and avoid any hasty pronouncement.
·   Never lose sight of the fact that your requirement is not simple career planning. It is also financial planning.
But at the end of the day, aspiring to do what you love is not a bad idea at all. Some planning and a judicious decision will put hitches to one side.       

Friday 10 February 2012

Workplace medley

Workplace medley implies the array of people there and the diversity that exists between them. It may appear uncomplicated, but the miscellany includes sex, ethnicity, nationality, years been in service, appointment held, seniority, qualifications, upbringing, persona and various other aspects.
Medley by itself has two significant fallouts – how men and women see themselves and make out others. Their discernment has a direct bearing on their dealings with seniors and juniors alike. In order to exist as an integrated setup, their managements ought to address matters pertaining to exchange of ideas, transformation and flexibility. Workplace medley has been registering an upward swing in recent years, hence, all organizations are adapting themselves to it by earmarking funds and time for effectively managing it.
There is no denying the fact that the profitability and ability to contend of any setup is contingent on its capability to welcome medley, be at ease with it and bring to fruition its benefits. When organizations dynamically review their management workplace medley, they realize that several advantages have accrued, notable ones being:
·   Plethora of perspectives:   All organizations that have on its rolls employees who are at ease conveying and sharing different standpoints customarily have a bank of plans and schemes. Organizations thus can always look for responses to their requirements of business and clients without having to look for them elsewhere.     
·   Wide scope of service:        An assortment of knowledge and expertise, to include ethnic comprehension and verbal skills places any organization at an immense advantage. Such diversity facilitates capacity to offer to its clients a service extendable to any corner of the world.
·   Better flexibility:     Establishments that have employees from varied segments are known to deliver superior resolution of customer care, resource allotment and responsibility allocation glitches. Highly workable solutions in consonance with ever changing business trends and client aspirations come to the fore when employees from diverse backgrounds take initiative. .
·    Successful implementations: Organizations that support and give confidence to workplace medley stimulate their staff to put in their best. And once such a ball is set into motion, they are geared well to implement their policies and reap the benefits of superior output, larger turnover, better yields on investments and increased earnings.
Workplace medley is not smooth sailing; there are contests and confrontations too. Unless such challenges are overcome, organizations cannot reap the advantages enumerated above. Some of these challenges are:
·   Hostility to change:   While some employees always adapt themselves to changed environments, there are others who refuse to go along with transformations. Those who say no to change have fixations and suffer from an ‘it has always been like this, so why change?’ syndrome. A disposition that is hostile to change always attempts to muffle innovative ideas and stall advancement.  
·   Execution of variety in strategy:  This could well turn out to be the paramount issue. All those who are in for diversity will be bewildered beyond imagination. Such category of people should make use of all information and facts to put together specially formulated plans for the optimization of workplace medley.
·   Exchange of ideas:   Language barriers, ethnic sensitivities and acuity differences have to be prevailed over for any multiplicity scheme to go well and thrive. If prime goals are not shared and put out well, there will be utter misunderstandings and intense muddle. Motivation levels would plummet and camaraderie knocked down.
·   Getting along with medley:   Mere familiarization of medley issues will not suffice in any implementation strategy. What needs to be formulated is a line of action to bring about an ethos of diversity that trickles down to every spot, vein and cloud that runs through the organization.
Making the best of medley
Various organizations adopt different measures to make the best use of workplace medley. Some of them that have stood the test of time are:
·   Estimation of workplace medley: Medley tracks are regarded by most organizations as an essential component of their management procedures. Appropriately modified scrutiny efforts to ascertain staff contentment are opportune implements to help discern various disputable aspects and identify courses of action that need to be launched. Repeated efforts will then decide whether workplace medley is advantageous or not.
·   Taking forward medley:   Medley strategies need to be dovetailed into every possible scheme of a setup. It is an established fact that all outlooks on medley attitude stem from the top leadership and trickle down; hence firm leadership is inescapable at all levels. To that extent, cordial intra-department ties are essential to boost workplace medley advantages..
Resolution of contentious issues
Suggested medley in workplace solutions involve:
·  Top hierarchy should practice diversity too:       This would help offer an open environment and the outcome will be a quicker attainment of set goals and optimum realization of gains.
·   Promote transparency:      Identical importance and appreciation to every individual should be assigned. Simultaneously, people should be persuaded to speak their hearts and minds out.
·  Capitalize on medley training:      All training efforts should be viewed as tools to give shape and profile to the medley policy embarked upon by the management.
·   Address hostility to change by change:    The change should be brought about by members of the staff, irrespective of age, seniority and appointment.
·   Review efforts:   A specially designed staff contentment evaluation system should be initiated and its outcome ought to be utilized to formulate and enforce flourishing medley in workplace planning and procedures.
We all know that the world has become a global village. With it, markets and financial systems too have acquired an overall worldwide attribute. In the light of this, organizations can prosper only if they are able to address workplace medley efficiently.