Thursday 23 February 2012

Midlife career search

The life of any person has fluctuating phases of advancement. A common template may not be truly applicable for two persons because of   disparate qualities, qualifications, exposure and dispositions, all of which contribute to progress. The mindsets and outlook of people get altered with the passage of time. It is constant interaction and the shifting relationships between actualities and astuteness that prompt people to believe and reflect, analyze and infer and weigh and opt. As these actions take place, the very thoughts of import and self-esteem register an increase. This middle-of-the-road quizzing of the connotation of life and objectives vis-à-vis one’s career is what is called midlife predicaments.
            When people are young, they subscribe to principles and standards that gradually get dovetailed into their central thought mechanisms and eventually become their dreams. It is this farsightedness, if it may be called so, that impels them to be industrious and cast themselves into what they ultimately seek to become. The foregoing is particularly applicable to those who are bestowed with extraordinary talents or expertise, like playing games or music; it is more than likely that after crossing a specific age, such individuals become experts in their respective spheres of activity.   
            The above mosaic may not be smooth in respect of people in their teens. If boys and girls yet to get out of school were to be asked the why of what they were pursuing, they would attribute it to their parents. Few would be able to assert that their current pursuit would stand them in good stead after they finish college, in that job prospects would be high. An imposed tendency to excel in academics while at school is thus visible. This predisposition is perhaps part of larger public concepts or societal requirements.
Establishments and organizations that have uncompromising standards invariably become lucrative businesses. They radiate their power of impact, as a result of which, young men and women are inclined to join them on a continual basis.
A lot of people join firms and companies straight from colleges or professional institutions. They slowly but surely convert to spirited and ready-for-action individuals, even indulging in gung ho activities where required, but concurrently sticking on to restricted tempo that their setups may be offering them. There are dilemmas too, in that men and women go about acquiring material assets for their future generations. And to be able to do that, they exert more to prove their mettle; promotions that come their way lead to increased pay packets. Thus the vicious circle goes round and round.
            Over-ambitious attitudes demolish genuine long-term objectives because their working parameters curb the sincerity of workers and in the process, compel them to work with the sole purpose of earning more and more money.  This idea is more appealing to those individuals who did not have any long-term objective when they set out on their career path.
If you are in a quandary similar to any of the ones portrayed, then it high time that the objectives of living your life be taken stock of. In case you are exerting more than usual, there has to be a reason behind it. The key issues that need to be understood are two – firstly, what you intend to attain by working so hard and secondly, for whom your efforts are being directed for. Once you are able to do this, your midlife search will have a new meaning.
            If you decide to go in for a career change, you should endeavour to have a successful transition. And what is a successful transition? The changeover has to be such that you flourish in the years to come. The key to the same lies in the amalgamation or combination of your life that includes all the vivacity associated with it, your work that should take account of time for leisure and domestic obligations and money goals that ought to ensure a regular flow of income.  
            You should remember that there is no place for impulse in this entire game. Making a mid-life career change is a lot more demanding and challenging. It can also be rather grueling because you are likely to lose much because you would have reached a fairly respectable position. Here are some pragmatic avant-garde tips to make certain that the decision is in your favour:
·   Understand that every working day at your workplace that you do not otherwise find good, but are forced to spend because of the money being received will drag you miles to the rear in so far as your search for financial independence is concerned.
·   People may advise you to take risks; they will say that close your eyes and take the plunge, money will come automatically. Never ever take their opinion overly gravely.
·   You are already half-way. Consideration of work issues are alright, but to a certain extent only. Money matters should also be your centre of attention.
·   You may be having a several reasons for your job discontent. Some would be circumstantial and some accidental, some inadvertent and some unintended. But you must understand and do it well that the actual one lies within you.
·   That you are not satisfied with your current job is a reality and any move to quick-fix problems can be disastrous. Remain on your guard and avoid any hasty pronouncement.
·   Never lose sight of the fact that your requirement is not simple career planning. It is also financial planning.
But at the end of the day, aspiring to do what you love is not a bad idea at all. Some planning and a judicious decision will put hitches to one side.       

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