Friday 25 May 2012

Author your own career success story

“The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.”
                                                                                    ----- Dale Carnegie
Everybody ponders over success stories of others with some element of jealousy. Everybody covets that propitious moment when dreams transform into actualities. Life, with all its ups and downs has an element of luck in it; that is precisely why everybody who runs after it cannot seize it. And those who do so are seen as successful. 
            If you have to be successful, you ought to make a resolution to be so and make sincere efforts for it. Men and women who genuinely want to taste success resort to individual preferences that are in consonance with their fervour, objectives and ability to work in hostile environments. They smash restrictive ideas and acknowledge that they have options.
You have to grant yourself approval and readiness to take necessary steps to attain your objectives. Subsequently, when you generate favourable circumstances for yourself, you will be able to make the most of them.
            Fortune favours the brave, so they say. But it also goes with those who gear up to embrace it. And that is best done by emulating successful people; you will thus write your own fate. All successful people have four common attributes that draws success towards them. At first sight, these qualities smack of passive acquiescence, but that is what it is.
You have to be confident, you have to be venturesome. You have to be intrepid, you have to be bold. And all these qualities entail taking risks. It is something like jumping off a cliff and building your wings on the way down. What happens if the wings do not flap? Therefore, the need is also to have at hand crisis management plans to address the consequences that follow.
Most people prefer to operate in a zero error environment and take cautious decisions. On the other hand, the venturesome lot takes risks and cogitates on the outcome of their decisions, which is favorable most of the times. What do you do?
·  Do not presuppose:  Postulations invariably result in poor decisions. No successful person will ever give in to risk unless there are truth-centred prompting factors. You should always steer clear of conjectures and suppositions.
·  Appreciate probabilities:  A forwarding-looking person endeavours to prognosticate the prospects of positive and negative results and ruminates over actions that boost the former and trim down the latter. You can take risks only when things are perceived as favourable.  
·  Identify impelling measures: A decision can be risky alright, but prompt actions to reduce the risk factor should be taken. You need a big information base, but how do you get it? How much can be done right away to get going? The answers to these questions will throw light on upbeat measures that boost results optimistically.   
·  Evaluate risk:  It is human tendency to let others lead or refrain from participation when there is any risk involved. Like all successful people, you should evaluate first and then take a decision. If some sense prompts you to refrain from going ahead, it should invariably be an instantaneous decision to the contrary. Your foremost consideration should be whether taking a dicey decision is at all an option.
Every successful individual advises on the need to have a positive disposition as it offers potency to excel. An outlook that is positive is brought about by positive settings, both within and outside. You must keep company with positive people, tell yourself again and again of your abilities and excel in your inner self-talk. A single negative contemplation can prove highly detrimental because it will tend to get entrenched in your subconscious mind and weaken your efforts. If you are positive, people will automatically get attracted to you. 
How do you generate a positive atmosphere? You may indulge in any noble pursuit that makes you feel good so that you are able to sway and inspire things around you. Compassion and helpfulness are powerful tools to craft positive surroundings. But, you cannot allow others to have the better of you; in fact your positive outlook will serve to overwhelm those who harbour envy against you.
Like politicians, people who complicate things do it for vested interests. Naturally, such people do not move up in their careers. The fact is that simplifying things is not really simple, but complicating them is. Making things less complicated facilitates your good luck. How can you make simplicity in your dealings count?
·  Be rational:  You should never inflict impracticable hopes on anybody. Deadlines, if assigned should be realizable. All tasks being given to others, even if they are trials of test should be viable and principled; they should be seen as manifesting your character. You should seek an answer from yourself if you can survive with the severest consequences of your demands.
·  Know others:  You should try to comprehend what the other person means; disregarding your own to-do list will help you gauge what he feels about you. A successful person invariably sees everything around him with not peripheral but an external dimension. You should   assess each action from the point of view of a third person; hanging your sense of self on the peg will be a big facilitator.
·  Act & not yearn:  Cheerfulness and buoyancy is brought about by optimism, but not by themselves alone. You have to do something and be active rather than simply hoping that something will take place. Your decisions cannot be based on pipedreams, but should be arrived at only on the basis of tangible proof, previous patterns or what you have in hand. 
In any activity or group, there are two constituents – the few vital and the many inconsequential. It is the former that makes things happen, however the contributions of the latter cannot be discounted. The most prolific facets of any issue ought to be your hub and the others could be delegated; entrustment will lead to you focusing on crucial issues. Your originality and ingenuity will of course matter!
The final word
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it’s safe or certain. And succeed, you will!

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