Monday 16 July 2012

New initiatives to boost your career

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
 ---- James Allen
Do you frequently ponder over new initiatives to better your career? Surprisingly, when most people do this, they suffer from some sort of bewilderment and are unable to comprehend that any move to give a boost to their career has a definite correlation with something that they have gone through in the past.
Though all career improvements are invariably brought into being by earlier familiarities and occurrences, this should not be taken as a rule. You need to reflect tangentially when looking for new alternatives that are enthusing and highlight your aims in life. What are the aspects that would generally cross your mind?
·   I want to make loads of cash:   You need to quantify for yourself what ‘loads’ means. Is money the all-important factor in your life? How will that money contribute to your happiness? Will you harbour this aim forever? And most importantly, do you have the expertise and handiness to make money? The manner in which you respond to these questions will manifest their relevance as applicable to you.
·   I want to stand out: What is your idea of showing up? Is it prominence or being acknowledged that you are looking for? What is the type of sway that you want to exert and who are the people who you want to persuade? Are you keen to simply help others in their work and get recognized in the process? Or do you want to bring about changes that will benefit majority of people – at your workplace and I society at large? Your purpose will thus be apparent.
·   I desire to do something original:  Now, this needs meticulous pondering. What does being original mean to you? Is it related to imaginativeness or resourcefulness? Or does it imply coming up with out-of-the-box remedies for routine and specific workplace issues? Your reactions would show up the significance of your aspiration.
·   I do not want a static job:  You may well be a dynamic person and likes to move around. Where all do you prefer to go? Is it only doing local liaison that you are interested in or do you want to travel out of station? What is the periodicity of such tours that you are willing to accept? Your responses would throw light on what you are intending to seek, even perhaps a re-location.
·   I want company at work:  Who are the people you feel comfortable working with? How will you contribute with such people around? Will you be simply guiding and mentoring them, or be in the forefront in accomplishing team objectives? Answers to such questions could unravel what the idea actually implies.
Are any of the above reflections applicable to you? Whether yes or no, it is time that you ponder them and others because they can be grand basis for other ideas that you could use for your career advancement. Remember that if you always do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. You should expect the best, plan for the worst and be ready to get surprised.

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