Friday 20 July 2012

Which career should I choose?


The market is galore with job opportunities. If you are not sure of what you want to do, every step that you take will be a tricky one.  But remember that maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty. Analyzing what you have not got as well as what you have is a necessary ingredient of a career.

You should choose a job you love because in doing so, you will never have to slog in your life. Here is what you ought to be doing if you are not still sure of what you should do in life:

·   Self-evaluation:   Your principles, inclinations, expertise and persona will render some career options particularly apt for you and some explicitly inapt. Therefore, you need to be aware about yourself before exercising any option so that a list of professions that match your personality can be drawn. Self-evaluation will help direct you to prepare your next performance from the past and today's experiences.

·   Know more:  You should ponder over various careers that you have identified for yourself. Thereafter, preliminary research should be done on each to discern their pluses and minuses. The ones that do not appeal to you should be discarded so that you have a narrowed down list of six to seven choices.
·   Practical acquaintance:  Querying and spending some time with a person engaged in a specific pursuit will help you remove the haziness that you may have on a particular career option. You should go well prepared to meet him so that you can ask relevant questions. You will thus have a detailed insight about the career option and be able to figure out how to go about getting an employment, should you decide to take it up.
·   Pruning of options:  With your research practically over, you now need to prune your list further. You would have realized which career is your cup of tea and which is not. You will now have in front of you one or two choices that are realistically attainable. Remember that you cannot do everything, but you can definitely do something. You must not fail to do the something that you can do. You have to now decide which career option you ought to select.
·   Identifying objectives: Now that you know what you should be doing, it is high time that you formulate a scheme of action to land up in a job that suits you. But prior to that, you need to set objectives, both short and long term for yourself. They should be plausible, attainable, credible, describable and modifiable.
·   Developing an action plan:  You now need to put together a plan that timetables your journey from selecting a particular field of pursuit to getting a job in that field and eventually achieving your long-term objectives. You will face many hurdles in this journey and you ought to identify and categorize them in advance..
·   Preparatory training:  Acquisition of new qualifications, undergoing basic on-the-job sessions or attending programmes to acquire new proficiencies will help train you for your new calling. The world of today is saturated with contests and you have to brace up for it; remember that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
There is no denying the fact that destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice. You cannot possibly do everything, but can definitely do something. Have the will to do that and not limit yourself in any way. You should never be intimidated into quiet. You should never permit your discrimination. You should not agree to anybody’s characterization of your life. On the contrary, you need to describe and lead it yourself.
Remember that pleasure in your job will put perfection in your work. Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally!  

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