Monday 5 November 2012

Create an impact & get noticed

Who does not want to progress in one’s career? Everyone does and so would you. You make be proficient and conscientious, but that may not be enough. You have to be noticed. You have to make an impact – not only on your team, but also on your boss. Making an impact means creating an impression.
Remember that your boss plays a very important function in your career advancement. He or she is perhaps one individual who can make or mar things when it comes to a rise or promotion. The boss is indeed the most vital personality in the loop if you seek to move up in the organization that you are serving in. So, how do you impress your boss? You can do so without much effort if you adhere to some basic procedures outlined below:
·   Be punctual:  Any person would get impressed if, the first thing in the morning after entering office, one finds all subordinates are present and working. Punctuality impresses everybody and your boss is no exception. You must make it a point to be present at the correct place at the correct time. Punctuality is the soul of all business and corporate activity; after all, ninety percent of wisdom is being wise in time.
·   Be a confident talker:  A person who possesses good communication skills and is confident and pushy in his conversation is also truthful and straightforward. If you are disposed to information sharing and frank in putting across new suggestions, you will be always appreciated. Even if there is anything off-putting that has to be brought to the notice of your boss, you should be candid in your expression, but with due diplomacy. Employees who possess such attributes are regarded as amiable and welcome; in fact, they are accepted well in teams. Therefore, assertive communication skills are worth acquiring and developing.
·   Be enterprising and dynamic:  All managers abhor employees who as a habit, keep asking for guidance. Unduly cautious workers who have a tendency to avoid taking risks and are wavering in their approach are seen as irritants and regarded as organizational encumbrances. On the other hand, if you seek genuine clarifications and thereafter proceed on your own keeping organizational interests in mind, you will earn a high credibility and reliability rating. Whatever be the results achieved, your initiative will always stand you in good stead.
·   Be a go-getter:  Being a go-getter implies being result-oriented. The results that you achieve at work are the barometer of your performance. Your achievements manifest your capabilities and abilities; they are also pointers towards your sincerity and commitment towards work. In addition, your good performance shows up your drive, initiative and enthusiasm. It sends signal to everyone in the organization that you can actually execute tasks well. If you have to be a top member of staff, you have to make it obvious that you are truly one. Therefore, you need to make result-oriented hard work precedence for yourself.
·   Make your attainments known:  Achievements are significant alright, but by themselves they are not adequate. Your boss should be in the know of them on a continual basis. A boss would be preoccupied in the management and monitoring of several people like you; and it is quite likely that he or she does not get to be fully aware of the tremendous effort being put in by you or your accomplishments. The onus of doing so rests on you too, though you should not blow your own trumpet at the drop of a hat. It is appropriate to periodically have a session with the boss and apprise him about the progress made on various tasks assigned to you. During the course of such interactions, you should make it a point to discreetly pop in your achievements.

Remember that if you create a good impression on your boss, windows of prospects will open up for you. You will undoubtedly be assigned additional responsibilities and which will lead to promotions and raises. But it is imperative that you carve out a niche for yourself. And if you miss doing so, you make get a second chance but thereafter take it that you will miss the bus.

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