Monday 3 December 2012

Find your future

“Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be.”
--- Robert Brault
The only source of knowledge is experience. If all experience is an arch to build upon, then the progress that you make in your career and life is all about drawing lessons from past experiences. Of course, you have to prevail over various impediments; this implies doing your utmost by using your past to create your future.
Being able to draw lessons from experience is a skill by itself. And so is the art of overcoming obstacles. If all men and women adopt an individual learning course, they would be able to do so. This learning course is in the form of a four phased cyclic programme, which, facilitates self-discovery and its progression:
·   1st Phase - Envisaging visualization:  You need to identify and describe the future that you would like to be unfolded for you. It should be conceivable and definite; in addition, the future that you envision should be telling and evocative so that it serves to inspires you. Even if you are not certain of your objectives, a supposition and conjecture in conjunction with your motivation will allow you to commence its search. Such visualization, if polished and perfected over a period of time, will lead to its accomplishment. Remember that if you do not venture, your dream will rewmain a pipe dream.    
·   2nd Phase - Implementation process:  Whatever scheme you make, implementing it will take you close to transforming your dreams into actuality. It is similar to the ttheatre where a versatile performer can render an ordinary dialogue into a mighty oration. The implementation process comprises initiation of all actions to inch forward on the road to your visualization. All high-quality plans are pragmatic as opposed to idealistic; they are in all cases, forward-looking. Since you visualize things for their long-term relevance, your dreams may appear to be whopping and even difficult, if not impossible to achieve. The implementation process makes it possible for you to undertake a long tedious voyage by breaking it into smaller segments.      
·   3rd Phase - Live through the outcome:  If you analyze outcomes, you will be able to know on the opinion of others; their viewpoints will help you discern how far away still your vision is. The opinion of others will serve to impel you to do better, something like the feelings theatre artists get when the audience gives them a standing ovation or critics write berating reviews. Assessment of outcomes is similar to going through this vast expanse of perceptive efforts to discern inferences to indicate that you are on the correct path. You need to be unbiased, unprejudiced to the maximum extent because even failure is an experience from which you can draw lessons. Your aim should be to turn your wounds into wisdom. Remember that failure is a condiment that gives success its flavour.
·   4th Phase - Cogitate over lessons learnt:  This is the final phase of your self-discovery process and the most trying one too. It is also the most significant one. Brooding over whatever happened – be it good or bad – can transform into grand understanding of yourself and your surroundings. The unquestionable fact of the matter is that you can craft and build your future only if you are eager to discover, realize and understand issues and developments. Your ability to attain whatever you have set out for is contingent on the clarity of your thoughts and ideas vis-à-vis your own self and the environment prevailing around you. The less cloudless you are, the earlier you will reach your destination.  Factually speaking, the lessons that you learn assist you in filtering, refining and energizing your vision.  
Your discovery process should be preferably and idyllically upright and in equilibrium. It is only then that you will be able to learn from your experience. It will be only then that you will be able to find your future. Remember that you can understand your life backward but it has to be lived in a forward mode. But most importantly, never mind searching for who you are; search for the person you aspire to be.

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