Saturday 8 December 2012

Know your working style

You cannot accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence about yourself. You have to know yourself – what you are capable of doing, what you prefer to do and how you go about doing it. It is necessary that you know how your individuality impinges on you. Such appreciation will help you understand people and in the process make you good at your job. It is very important to know the way you go about doing things and the need to possess a good knowledge of words and expressions for reflecting and discussing various working modes.
How can you identify yourself and the basis of your oomph? There are several mental processes and though you can use of each one of them, there are few that are always your favourite options. And you expect others to be in line too; if somebody is not in line, you may categorize him or her as unusual. However, the issue is how can you go along with them?
The type of personality that you are has an effect on all your dealings with others. Or the type of personality a person is has a bearing on his ability to comply with your directions and be in sync with your thought process.
Though we tend to prescribe qualitative requirements for various jobs and posts, the fact is that any person can prove to be good at any of them. It is a different matter that they may not be at ease at some of them. This is largely on account of the mental process preferred and made use of by the person concerned. Expertise apart, if inclinations and dispositions go with prerequisites and necessities, you can always fare well.
Whatever mental process you may use at a given moment, you can always switch over to another one and continue with your work which, could be conversing with others, formulating a plan or executing a project on ground. But if the change involves another person who has regulated his mental process accordingly, there could be problems. He or she could well be put to ill-ease. It is all about power heaving; if you are gaining it, you are comfortable and if you happen to be losing it, you will be on edge.
The above phenomenon has applicability in all situations – talking to people, creating camaraderie, conducting training, disseminating instructions and receiving directions. You know the words and language that are expected to be used and hence can gear yourself appropriately to decide on your most preferred method to address the issue at hand. In case you feel that you need to be more effectual, you can always switch over to another one. Of course, it will all be contingent on the type of the target audience.
You cannot be rigid in your approach. Remember that workplace productivity is a result of teamwork and hence the need to be mentally and physically organized to address various sentimental issues, including hostility that comes in close proximity to your very being. Even tactical scheduling of matters comes in the gamut of this. There will be occasions when it will be indispensable to extract more from other processes. This makes it obligatory to realize that some processes can find their way in with relative simplicity and that whatever follows can be shared with others easily.
As an entity by yourself, you need to bring into play the familiarity of your preferred processes and options. In doing so, you will be able to adopt an all-inclusive approach. Needless to state, your decision-making ability will function better too.       
If you are able to identify your personality, you will be able to decide on various facets related to your career – selection and change – in a more pragmatic manner. A large majority of us are or have been square pegs in round holes. Such situations are avoidable if you are trained and endowed with acumen to evaluate circumstances. The perils associated with a fixation to own personality type should be understood.
You must acknowledge that you are also subject to transformation, expansion and growth. After all, life is all about acquiring knowledge on a continuous basis and applying the same in routine as well as exceptional circumstances to be able to inch forward towards set goals and objectives.

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