Tuesday 1 January 2013

Great employee attributes

It is common talk that good employee attributes are plummeting. If you do not want to be clubbed with such people, you need to make efforts to gear up in the fast emerging competitive world to earn the appreciation of your boss.
Integrity and devotion apart, you need to manage yourself and also your surroundings well. You should ensure that you do your work in the designated manner so that the aspirations of everybody from you – seniors and juniors alike – are fulfilled. Some impressive qualities that will earn you recognition are:
·   Administrative acumen:  This is not applicable to people holding only senior appointments Meeting deadlines, initiating follow-up actions and maintaining records are some aspects that you should be adept at.
·   Happy & willing attitude:  It is a well-known fact that people who acquit themselves well love their work, no matter how trivial it may be. You should be aware of various details and aspects that contribute to the attainment of your organizational goals. Seniors, because of their experience can perceive if their subordinates enjoy doing assigned tasks.  
·   Time management:  You should accord precedence to your tasks at hand and be able to manage your time efficiently. Postponing something that can be done today should never be taken recourse to, particularly when it comes to intra-organizational matters. Remember that any delay on your part will affect the work of others adversely and hence the importance of the subject needs no emphasis.
·   Result orientation:  You should always work keeping your targets in mind. Your endeavour should be to consider the role assigned to every member of your team so that camaraderie does not suffer. You must make efforts to achieve stipulated results and expect a high standard of performance from yourself. Do not be a ‘my horse also ran’ type. 
·   Resoluteness & determination:  You should never under-estimate yourself; on the contrary you always be bubbling with self-confidence to even storm the gates of hell. Never shy away and never   give excuses. You should have the courage and patience to take on challenges and drive impediments away.  
·   Ability to make useful contributions:  A good employee has the conviction to take ownership for each and everything that he or she does. You should make constructive contributions even if it involves working behind the scenes. What is important is working hard towards the attainment of organizational objectives.
·   Resilience to out-shine:  You should possess adequate energy and endurance to perform exceptionally well. That is how others will emulate you. You have to look for ways to outshine yourself and be your superlative best. There are chances that excellence may dodge you; so it is you who has to venture out to catch it. You should not have a presumptuous approach but make certain that you eye details so that things move forward correctly. 
·   Ability to deal with yourself:  This implies being fully aware of what you are and what you are expected to do. You should walk that extra mile to achieve more than what your role demands. You should be viewed as an asset by your boss and for that, you should be cognizant of your strengths and weaknesses. The former should be boosted and the latter trimmed down through learning and development programmes.
·   Knack to handle seniors:  If you happen to be adroit at this, half your battle will be deemed to have been won. This in no way implies covering your weaknesses and failures; what it entails is being aware of your boss’ preferences and working style. Based on such cognizance, you should deal with him and help him to concentrate on larger and key issues. 
·   Amiableness & affability:  It is important that you enjoy good working relationships with everybody at your workplace. This will help you to solicit help of others for yourself as well as your boss. It will also take off some load from his shoulders too.
How many of the above attributes do you possess? You will definitely have most of them but need to exert to bring them to the fore. You should try to identify those that you can espouse to start with. Your progress in your organization will consequently be rendered easy.

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