Tuesday 12 March 2013

Perseverance - the mantra for job hunt

“If you will pump long enough, hard enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward.”
-- Zig Ziglar
Whatever be the job market today, there are no confirmed statistics available to indicate the number of people who lose their jobs to add up to the already monumental figures of unemployed men and women. Therefore, the very idea of getting a job may appear unpromising But it is not really so. Organizations continue to recruit people; this is indicative of the fact that there are opportunities existing and you can get a job. But you have to be relentless in your job hunt.
You could be busy in your job hunt however, you will still have time. How do you keep yourself engaged in the interim period? You have to keep yourself busy till such time you get a call otherwise you stand good chances to plummet into a condition of despondency. And that will not augur well for you.
If you feel that you are becoming downhearted because of your prolonged job hunt, here are three tips to enable you to remain dynamic:
·   Let the hunt carry on:  You should not slacken your job hunt just because you have applied for a couple of job and are waiting to get a call. This will mean for working over ten to twelve hours daily – perhaps similar to a normal job routine. You may have forwarded your resume to a dozens of setups, but till such time you hear from them, you will have piles and piles of toil to do. Today, a hunt for a job has become relatively easy with advancements in information and communication technologies. Remember that the more you exert, the more number of openings will be there for you to consider.         
·   You must sell yourself:  Most job hunters refrain from embarking on any plan to sell themselves. Self-promotion is an essential ingredient of any job hunt strategy and the fact is that it pays dividends. You may circulate your resume on the net or otherwise, but unless you are well conversant with the use of certain prime phrases or key words that should be tactically dovetailed in the body of it, prospective recruiters will never be able to locate you or discern your skills. In the light of the foregoing, it is imperative that your resume be crafted properly. Joining social media sites will add on to your gains, the most important one being the prospects of linking with prospective employers. Even if you are already employed and not leading a hand-to-mouth life, your efforts to sell yourself will help you find a job of your dreams.
·   Uphold a positive outlook:  You may be persistent in your efforts and could be making endeavours to sell yourself, but still not getting any calls. It is natural that you may get dispirited. You have to guard against any such development and make certain that your enthusiasm does not diminish. Job hunting is a painstaking activity and if you are overcome with a feeling of unemployment, you can safely assume that you will be led nowhere. Nothing in this world is everlasting and therefore, upholding a positive outlook needs no emphasis. You should continue with your efforts and any hearsay about adverse impacts should be discounted with all the affirmation at your command. Simply remember that disappointing talks and news pertaining to the job market may be applicable to others but not pertinent to you. 
Keeping yourself engaged during the period of your job hunt is a necessity; in fact, it could prove to be a job contained by a job. However, if you sell yourself well, remain optimistic and do not give up midway, a good job will come your way for certain. And every new day will be another chance to change your life. 
Remember that the results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply and that nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. After all, anything that is worthwhile will not come with ease – it is your work, hard work and continuous hard work that will bear fruit.

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