Sunday 21 April 2013

Infusing efficiency at workplace

Competent employees endeavour hard to finish all their assigned tasks; consequently, their organization is able to register more productivity. If the inspiration level of employees is not up to the mark, that is, they are unable to finish assigned tasks, workplace efficiency plummets. Time frames enunciated for various projects thus get extended.

The issue of infusing workplace efficiency does not imply only more work in minimum time. It actually entails doing high-class work with minimum sweat. How can you infuse workplace efficiency? You need to consider various factors, notable being the working atmosphere that prevails, contentment levels being derived and inter-personal relations. It goes without saying that good management practices and a display of concern for employee welfare also boost workplace efficiency.
While there can be no single sacrosanct method to bring about efficiency at workplace, the following methods will help:
·   Evaluate job requirements of various appointments:  There will be many people who would be involved in several tasks at a given time. As a result, they cannot concentrate on any of them. To overcome this problem, you have to be extremely careful in assigning responsibilities so that there is no dilution of focus. 
·   Identify reasons for employee inadequacies:  You need to know the exact cause for low efficiency of employees. The reasons could be more than one; employees may be prompted to go slow because of tedium or are deliberately showing disinterest. The employees have to be spoken to so that the causes are identified and necessary actions initiated to infuse efficiency at all levels.  
·   Reduce distractions:  Every workplace has inherent tensions and employees find it hard to devote themselves fully to their work.  You have to ensure that that there are no or minimum distractions, particularly when dates of completion of projects are drawing close. Distractions have an anticipatory effect. If there is any diversion of focus, employees tend to wait for another disruption.
·   Have a congenial atmosphere:  A workplace needs to be hospitable because the output of happy employees is always more. Contented workers remain in high spirits and are able to devote maximum time on their projects resulting in greater efficiency. 
·   Have no rigid work schedules:  Work timings cannot be regulated as if there is a military dictatorship in place. There are people who perform best in the morning; likewise, there are others who do in the evenings. Keeping this in view, wherever and whenever possible, flexible timings should be put into effect.
·   Schedule periodic breaks:  Work is always demanding and tends to cause fatigue. A short break of about ten minutes every two hours can rejuvenate the mind. Intervallic breaks should be scheduled so that employees can go the library, have a cup of tea or coffee and freshen up their minds.
·   Discard superfluous practices:  You should know what and how things take effect in your organization. It is essential that outmoded procedures are discarded and yardsticks for various tasks are created.
·   Acknowledge good work:  Employees who consistently work hard and sincerely should be publicly commended. Such recognition serves to induce other employees to also work hard and become models for office touchstones.
·   Foster camaraderie:  If employees are inspired enough, they will understand the importance of working collective towards company objectives. Team spirit can be fostered by periodic experiential training sessions and motivation lectures.
·   Detail motivators:  Pep talks help; you must organize motivational talks so that monotony being experience by employees is eliminated. They will realize the significance of their work and work hard to acquit them well.
·   Introduce latest tools:  Efficiency also calls for introduction of newer methods and practices. If there is any new technology that can facilitate efficiency, it should be adopted. Automation of records, increased use of emails to reduce paper work, video conferencing and electronic surveillance devices, etc are some tools that should invariably be introduced.
Efficiency is doing better what is already being done. It is never an accident; on the contrary, it is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

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