Sunday 30 June 2013

Gearing up for a fresh career

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
-- George Eliot
Age is no bar for a new career. If that be so, no particular age limit can be stipulated to attend training courses to prepare you for it. All you need to have in you is willpower, staying power and grit to train and pursue a career of your dreams, even at an advanced age.
            While many people are reluctant to switch over to new careers, those who take a plunge do so after taking into account many factors. The more common reasons for a career change are pecuniary considerations, differences with employers and colleagues, alterations brought about in aspirations or requirement to move to another location. You could possibly be prompted by one or more of them. Nevertheless, it is still imperative for you to be familiar with various concerns that should be compulsorily addressed if you have to fare well in training yourself for the new career selected by you. These are:
·   Establish your objectives:  Prior to subscribing to a re-training schedule, you should find out the rationale and prime reason that prompted you to change your career. You should also clear about the model career that you intend to chase. Therefore, you need to query yourself about some pertinent issues so that you are mentally and physically geared up for the change that is impending in your life. You ought to know what appeals to you in a job and if it will be possible to keep serving till such time you superannuate. In addition, you should be clear whether the job that you are getting into has some something special attached to it or if the training you are going to go through should equip you for other jobs as well. An important point to consider is whether you will take the re-training while still in your current job or do so post-resignation. The availability of adequate finances to see you through the period till you get your first salary in your new career should also be considered with due seriousness.
·   Maintain lead over others:  Your decision to change careers and go in for a retraining programme is independent of the competitive prevailing in the job market. But you cannot totally ignore the contests and struggle that form the very fibre of the society that we live in. As things exist, a single job has several candidates contending for it; hence it is necessary that you prove yourself to better than others. And this lead has to be maintained from your retraining stage itself. You have to work hard and come out with flying colours so that on completion of the training schedule, you grab a good position.  
·   Have money up your sleeves for a rainy day:  Retraining, like any other training is not with costs. It could be expensive both in terms of time and money. Regular programmes are indeed high-priced and beyond the reach of an average person. What is the alternative then? You could use the internet to subscribe to a course; such lessons may not be costly. The advantage in joining up with courses through the internet is that you can pursue them from the comfort of your home. 
If you enroll for a retraining programme, it does not imply that you are going to engage yourself in a different domain or discipline altogether. Most employers favour training their existing staff for acquisition of new or upgrading of skills; and generally avoid new recruitment. They view doing so as a chance to reinforce bonds, build shared trust and mutual respect. It is possible that your current employer has scheduled learning and development programmes; you could well volunteer to attend any one. An assurance on your part that you will be better geared to serve the organization after retraining will find favour for sure.
Remember that a fresh career will require you to bid adios to your comfort zone. It also calls for some courage to clinch unfamiliar matters and determination to carry on with the new job regardless. If you follow your passion, success will follow you.

Arresting symptoms of work-disconnect

There are a horde of reasons that lead to employees resigning from and leaving their current jobs. However, it is an extremely complex affair to identify the most common contributory factor. It is only in the later stages of their tenure or during exit interviews that something could become known. Among the explanations generally cited, problems in coping with domestic issues in view of work pressures, inability to click with immediate seniors, non-availability of adequate time for leisure activities and monetary considerations are just a few.

The important point is that there can be no across the board remedy for this quandary.  It is only because of this that administrative departments and human resource managers remain preoccupied in anticipating and forestalling the fundamental reasons for employees, particularly middle-level ones quitting and moving on to other organizations. It is therefore, no wonder that today, companies subscribe to employee – friendly procedures and plans with the intended objective of preventing people from leaving. Some pertinent aspects related to the issue are:

·   Why do good employees often fail? This phenomenon calls for a detailed examination. Below average performance could well stem from company-related and business-linked factors like inability to fulfill work obligations and meeting set targets. However, the likelihood of some other reason contributing to work-disconnect and low inspiration level cannot be totally discounted.

·   Prolonged employment on the same project:  It is a known fact that monotony in work schedule brings about a loss of interest and gusto. It is thus imperative for human resource managers to conduct intervallic evaluation to gauge inspiration levels among employees. Perhaps a small and casual interaction undertaken occasionally could throw light on indications of work-disconnect. Apprising department heads of the findings and recommending lateral transfers could turn out to be immensely helpful in motivating such employees to stay on.

·   Tendency to work overtime:  Meeting deadlines and completion of projects is basically the responsibility of the immediate boss or departmental head. But it will be in the fitness of things, interests of efficiency and also consideration of employee welfare to carry out periodic scrutiny on the reasons behind people working overtime. The findings should be brought to the notice of seniors so that problems if brewing could be nipped in the bud.

·   Challenging & testing assignments:  Work is work and may occasionally call for extra efforts and additional devotion of time. Now, if you enforce rigid work timings, it may not work. What could possibly be done is acknowledging sustained hard work put in by employees and even permitting them options like working from home or flexible hours of working. Giving such employees a break at company expense will generate a feeling of esteemed belonging among them.

·   Inability of managers to handle subordinates amiably:  When organisational introspection is in progress, the people skills of managers should also be evaluated. This may not be an uncomplicated or simple job at all. It should be remembered that well-qualified managers are not necessarily good administrators or employee-handlers. And this is precisely the reason why industrious and efficient employees leave their jobs. It is therefore an inescapable requirement to subject all managers to acquire man-management skills so that they can address the beliefs and aspirations of those under them.

 People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. They are like a small bird in your hand; you have to hold it neither too tight nor too loose because either it will die or fly away. That in essence is what good management is all about. You simply cannot inspire awe among employees; on the contrary, you have to generate confidence. Rather than playing blame-games, the focus should be on correcting mistakes. It is only then that work becomes interesting. And most importantly, there is no place for suspicion and arrogance at work if the best among the employees has to be brought about.
It should not be forgotten that employees are people and not creatures of logic; they are in fact creatures of emotions fired by self-esteem and self-pride. Hence, efforts have to be made to maintain high motivation among them. Towards this, managers have to be assistants to those working under him or her. Only then can work-disconnect be prevented and attritions precluded.  

Friday 21 June 2013

Where will you be a couple of years hence?

This question may appear rather irritating, but it is asked many a times. At a job interview, it is quite common, but during social interactions too, it is posed in some form or the other. You may be the most striving and an all ears person, but do you know what your career objectives are? And more importantly, can you speak about them? It is important that you know the type of job you will be into or would prefer to be into a couple of years hence.
The competition that exists today in the working world, your career can have ups and downs rendering your future foggy. What to talk of a decade hence, you cannot prognosticate your state five years from now. Therefore, answering the question is not easy, but anyway you have to be prepared with your response, because anybody whom you meet today has the makings of support. You have to know yourself and what you want to do before you can even think of responding.
You need to be reflective because even fathoming an answer could be a thorny affair. You have to contemplate on aspects of your life that you otherwise may not be pondering about. Ab initio, you should consider your strengths and weaknesses. Most people engage themselves in pursuits that are not their cup of tea; hence, you ought to query yourself on your ideals, objectives and willingness to exert to reinforce and attain them. This will assist you in having a fairly authoritative image for the years to come.
You may mull over day in and day out and yet not be able to harvest an explicit chart for you. The dynamics of career choices entail a horde of factors, notable being your domestic obligations and monetary aspects. You may not discern how things will unfold. You should not make wild guesses; on the contrary, you should be honest and practical in your response. Your aim should be to land up in a correct job as distinct from any job. Simply taking one up because it happens to come your way is fraught with risks of failure.
Whosoever asks you the question of where you want to be is not being clear-cut. It is intended to ascertain several bits of information in one go. The other person may be wanting to find out if you will stick with an organization for long or if you are actually suited for a post in question and whether you will be happy in it or not. You should be smart enough to discern the motive behind the question, something that will vary from person to person.. It is always better to not be specific about an appointment that you wish to be in; your answer should be in terms of the experience and qualifications that you want to acquire. In case you answer otherwise, an impression will be created that you are reluctant to improve yourself further.
It is not the response that will matter but the refinement with which it is done. You should be clear about minimum three aspects that you want the other person to know about you. No opportunity should be missed out in transmitting them; perhaps you could dwell on your immediate aims. You should also make it a point to make it known what arouses passion in you. Remember that if you convey your inclinations well, half your battle is won.
So, where do you see yourself in another five years time? To be able to give a convincing reply, there are certain “Dos” and “Don’ts” that you will have to adhere to. You should be able to arrive at an individual response by indulging in introspection. The motive of the other person and the specific information being sought should be discerned with exactitude. You should be able to restrain him or her from prolonging the interrogation process so that you do more talking and come out with more precise and logical responses. It is in your interest if you do not concoct an answer that you do not subscribe to or highlight a particular appointment. You will stand to gain if you go on talking about what you expect to become more skilled at. If you are smart, you will be able to go beyond the scope of the question so that you can convey what you want the other person to know about you.
Remember that you have to be clever    and not give out your intention. Smartness implies your preparation, eloquence and skill to turn a conversation in your favour.

What is an unbeaten career?

Honestly speaking, you cannot offer a precise description of it. Some people may think that a fat salary or a heavy bank balance is a measure of their success. But the fact is that success is something that cannot have a price tag attached to it. Quite a number of men and women associate successes with their capacity to make both ends meet and save something for a rainy day. And there few who do not equate success in monetary terms.
Besides money, a successful and unbeaten career gyrates around joy and contentment. In fact, it is one wherein you are in love with what you do. You find your work irresistible.  But how many such people are there? Very few! People may be fond of their career and even put up with it; but to say that they love it will amount to being presumptuous. An unbeaten career is one that arouses intense enthusiasm, zeal and delight in you. You feel joyful going to work and with each passing day, your joy increases. Since you derive enjoyment from it, you automatically find it motivating.
No two persons will define the term ‘unbeaten career’ alike. Sans any financial linkage, the motivation of people towards their respective professions varies on account of their personal fascinations, principles and standards. And if there was no such miscellany, the world and everything in it would become a monotonous and languid affair.
Quite a few people detest their jobs. And if they quit, they would find it difficult to make both ends meet. Apprehensive of this as also about doubtful prospects of another job, they continue. The reality that their jobs are income generating endeavours apart, such people will never ever assert that they are doing well in their career. Why? The reason is that a successful career also calls for having a thing about your job.
The working world has its own characteristics. People join and leave; in a number of instances they are made to leave. The panorama of joblessness is very terrifying and brings about ominous pecuniary conditions. Being without work generates vulnerability and dissatisfaction. Out of job, people tend to deem that any career is simply out, what to talk of one that is unbeaten. They do not realize that a state of joblessness is the ideal situation to rediscover one’s career that will bring glory and success in times to come.
The category of people who loathe their jobs continue there because they know the uncertainty that will come their way if they leave. A state of unemployment is visualized as a petrifying experience. They feel that having a job that they hate is better than not having any at all; and hence have no choice for anything. On the contrary, people who are without a job do have an option of selecting the direction in which they ought to set their compasses on.
Whatever be the reasons, joblessness offers you an opportunity to start unsullied once again. It also implies that you possess the skills and capacity to concentrate on a new career – something that you always dreamt of. You can start your own venture, take to freelancing or even go to college to acquire new qualifications. 
An unbeaten career entails a visualization and hard work. It also calls for the guts to prohibit others from meddling in your affairs and discouraging you. The route chart has to be made by you and you alone. If you have to be on the right course, you need to know the type of career that will give you a feeling of triumph. It all depends upon your passion and inclination; once you have a clear mind, you should move forward with resolve.
Having set yourself in motion, you need to set objectives. The objectives should be broken down into smaller goals and efforts directed to achieve them. If you do not set objectives, your movement will be haphazard and devoid of concentration. Your strength of mind and self-discipline will play a pivotal role; it is essential that you work with dedication and not throw your towel, come what may. There will be impediments and barriers, but you will have to negotiate them without getting disturbed.
Remember that working whole-heartedly and with a definite objective in mind are the major contributors for an unbeaten career. They come together and if you find one, the other will automatically be there.

Friday 14 June 2013

Be an eternal learner

A truly uneducated person is not one who cannot read or write but one who is unable to be taught, who cannot unlearn and who does not possess the ability to learn again. To do well in your career and life, you have to learn something new and re-learn something old every day. You have to be an incessant learner.

Here are some ways keep the fire of learning kindled in you:
·   Set clever goals and celebrate on achieving them:  You must have clever objectives – those that are easily attainable and which, can be celebrated on achievement. This will make your career journey more fulfilling. These goals ought to be based on the new skills that you acquire. Needless to state, you will have to continuously evaluate and re-evaluate them and fine-tune your operational methodology so that the path that leads into your future is free of potholes. The process of learning can be real fun if you have power over its very backdrop, speed, themes and modalities. Each and every bit of knowledge acquired is wisdom gained. You should take pleasure in your career journey and that will be possible if you benefit from it.
·   Add on to your qualifications & interests:  Being spoken to by experts is an enriching experience as it widens your horizon and broadens your perspectives. You must therefore, enroll for courses of instructions, work hard on them and participate in healthy discussions therein. You can also take up membership of professional clubs and attend conferences. You will find that participation in such activities will serve to recharge you and your fascinations; and make you better geared to face competition and brave challenges. The point to remember is that you should not be an inert learner; on the contrary, you should be a proactive and upbeat one. While at learning anything, do not leave an issue midway without comprehending its basics. The oomph surrounding you should be used to improve yourself.
·   Be an avid reader and observer:  Reading is crucial for career advancement; your reading preferences have to be balanced between business masterpieces, specialist books, professional magazines and light reading material. As a habit, reading will make you more adept at your work and hence you will be able to obtain additional meaning for your life and career. It will also help you to become reasonably conversant with aspects that do not fall within the gamut of your career. Since most skills are transferable, you will find them possible for absorption in your job sometime or the other. Another fall-out is that you will feel more contented. But your knowledge should not be confined to you; it must be shared with others. You could post articles on a blog or contribute to journals. Alternatively, you could also jot down your observations for future reference.   
·   Share your experiences & apply your knowledge on ground:  Interaction with others on a subject is the best method to learn about it. You may think that you know quite a lot, but the doubts that cross your mind while learning could well baffle you. It is not necessary that you open a learning centre where you take classes; you could well share your experience and knowledge during routine interactions or meetings of professional associations of whom you are a member. You may have awareness and understanding; and you could well be sharing them with others. But your knowledge is of no use if you do not apply it on ground. If you are not apprehensive of executing new ideas with your freshly-acquired skills, you will find that your life and career will stand transformed. Your ingenuity will stand you in good stead.
·   Look for a guru:  Attempting to go alone may pose some problems. But if you have someone whom you can bank upon for advice and encouragement, your task of learning becomes easy. You must identify a guru for yourself – somebody who shares your opinions and concerns; somebody who has time to spare for you; and somebody whom you hold in high esteem and whose principles you revere.
They say that the entire world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind and education consists mainly of what you unlearn. The very purpose of learning is advancement; and our minds can continue growing as we continue to live. Remember that learning is a treasure that will follow you everywhere.