Friday 21 June 2013

What is an unbeaten career?

Honestly speaking, you cannot offer a precise description of it. Some people may think that a fat salary or a heavy bank balance is a measure of their success. But the fact is that success is something that cannot have a price tag attached to it. Quite a number of men and women associate successes with their capacity to make both ends meet and save something for a rainy day. And there few who do not equate success in monetary terms.
Besides money, a successful and unbeaten career gyrates around joy and contentment. In fact, it is one wherein you are in love with what you do. You find your work irresistible.  But how many such people are there? Very few! People may be fond of their career and even put up with it; but to say that they love it will amount to being presumptuous. An unbeaten career is one that arouses intense enthusiasm, zeal and delight in you. You feel joyful going to work and with each passing day, your joy increases. Since you derive enjoyment from it, you automatically find it motivating.
No two persons will define the term ‘unbeaten career’ alike. Sans any financial linkage, the motivation of people towards their respective professions varies on account of their personal fascinations, principles and standards. And if there was no such miscellany, the world and everything in it would become a monotonous and languid affair.
Quite a few people detest their jobs. And if they quit, they would find it difficult to make both ends meet. Apprehensive of this as also about doubtful prospects of another job, they continue. The reality that their jobs are income generating endeavours apart, such people will never ever assert that they are doing well in their career. Why? The reason is that a successful career also calls for having a thing about your job.
The working world has its own characteristics. People join and leave; in a number of instances they are made to leave. The panorama of joblessness is very terrifying and brings about ominous pecuniary conditions. Being without work generates vulnerability and dissatisfaction. Out of job, people tend to deem that any career is simply out, what to talk of one that is unbeaten. They do not realize that a state of joblessness is the ideal situation to rediscover one’s career that will bring glory and success in times to come.
The category of people who loathe their jobs continue there because they know the uncertainty that will come their way if they leave. A state of unemployment is visualized as a petrifying experience. They feel that having a job that they hate is better than not having any at all; and hence have no choice for anything. On the contrary, people who are without a job do have an option of selecting the direction in which they ought to set their compasses on.
Whatever be the reasons, joblessness offers you an opportunity to start unsullied once again. It also implies that you possess the skills and capacity to concentrate on a new career – something that you always dreamt of. You can start your own venture, take to freelancing or even go to college to acquire new qualifications. 
An unbeaten career entails a visualization and hard work. It also calls for the guts to prohibit others from meddling in your affairs and discouraging you. The route chart has to be made by you and you alone. If you have to be on the right course, you need to know the type of career that will give you a feeling of triumph. It all depends upon your passion and inclination; once you have a clear mind, you should move forward with resolve.
Having set yourself in motion, you need to set objectives. The objectives should be broken down into smaller goals and efforts directed to achieve them. If you do not set objectives, your movement will be haphazard and devoid of concentration. Your strength of mind and self-discipline will play a pivotal role; it is essential that you work with dedication and not throw your towel, come what may. There will be impediments and barriers, but you will have to negotiate them without getting disturbed.
Remember that working whole-heartedly and with a definite objective in mind are the major contributors for an unbeaten career. They come together and if you find one, the other will automatically be there.

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