Thursday 15 August 2013

Assure yourself of workplace success

“When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.”
  ~Betty Bender
You could be having the best job in town or perhaps you are pursuing a career that you had always aspired for. If you are not doing justice to your work, everything is futile; you are bound to suffer great discontent and despondency.
So, how do you succeed in your job? You do not require a colossal outlay for it; all that is necessary is a correct frame of mind, positive disposition and upbeat approach to everything. Here are ten tips that will guarantee you success at workplace:
·   Believe, think & act rationally:  It has been noticed that crashes at workplace are a result of a lack of proper application of employee rationale. People take wrong decisions and arrive at incorrect conclusions. You can believe, think and act rationally by watching people who do so and querying them intelligently. Having an open mind to improve yourself vis-à-vis your breakdowns will also help. Any supposition that you know everything can prove fatal.   
·   When at work, think and do only that:  All jobs are a sort of an indenture; you work to get paid of it and your employer pays you for your work. You have to produce results. Therefore, you should not think of anything outside its scope. Engaging in any other pursuit will be sheer violation of the agreement between you and your employer. To inspire you, you must frequently don the hat of your employer and then mull over your expectations from your workers. A high degree of devotion is essential to achieve all targets set for you. 
·   Believe that you still have to learn more:  Nobody, especially your employer will appreciate you if you portray that you know everything. This is more so during your initial days at work. Learning is an ongoing process and every day at work offers a new experience. If you fail to understand this, you will end up frittering away your time and efforts. Also, if you do not boost your performance level, you will lose out on your worth.
·   Don’t be afraid to clarify your doubts:  You should not hesitate to seek clarifications, even if others are reluctant to do it. You are empowered to know your charter of duties and if you are discharging them properly. This also necessitates knowing if you are on the correct path and who should you look upon for assistance, if required. If you are clear on these aspects, your move forward to achieve workplace success is more or less assured.
·   Build & adhere to principles & standards: As human beings, we have a natural propensity to assist others. You must look inwards to discern how best you can utilize your skills to perform better. By building and adhering to such principles and standards, you will derive happiness and will come to be acknowledged by your employer. The worth that you offer of yourself in this way will enhance your chances of success.
·   Find your feet in altering environments:  Today, workplaces are changing fast; you simply cannot afford refusal to accept change just because you apprehend inconvenience. You must candidly and overtly clinch changes as prospects to improve your knowledge. And when you widen your knowledge base, you automatically generate additional worth for the person and organization you work for.
·   Know yourself and others:  Most people are thrown out of their jobs because of personality issues and moral depravity. Personality issues occur when you remain apprehensive and petrified. On the other hand moral depravity pertains to dishonesty, something not acceptable at any place of work. The only things that stand you in good stead are being familiar with yourself and maintaining self-respect. You should also comprehend what others opine about you, display consideration towards others and ward off all downbeat thoughts.   
·   Remain optimistic, even in downbeat situations:  Positive feelings steer you to success. Today, sensible companies lay great stress on creating an environment of congeniality so that employees can beat workplace stress. Positive thoughts always beget positive results; therefore, negativit on any front serves no purpose.
Remember that your work is a presentation of your capabilities. If you work with sincerity, you will be a witness to your success and contentment.

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