Monday 26 August 2013

Integrating all your passions into your career

Are your passions manifold and multidimensional? Are you one who is avidly inquisitive with a penchant to experiment with diverse specialties? If yes, then you possess many aptitudes and abilities. In other words, you are a multi-ardent personality. However, too many passions make it difficult to find a single career that could keep them alive for long.
But it is always possible to get into a career that combines several or all your curiosities and passions. And if you do so successfully, your company will also appreciate and compensate you for your multi-ardent disposition. Given below are some guidelines that will help you in this regard:
·  Determine the magnitude of diversity needed:  Do you happen to be a person who is required to utilize specific expertise on different days? For example, on a particular day you may need to prepare written reports and on another take to a leadership role. Or is it that you like better to continue working on a specific assignment till such time it is finished? If you can determine the quantitative requirement of assortment and change in your work on a periodic basis so that you remain constructively involved and contented in the process, you will be able to identify possible careers that will offer you such opportunities.   
·  Identify & seek multi-faceted careers:  Are your inclinations tangential or do they tend to meet somewhere? There are many arenas that entail a combination of more than one discipline. For example, journalism necessitates a penchant for photography and communication skills or structural designing that calls for knowledge of art and science are some examples. Likewise, it is ecology that places emphasis on knowledge of both zoology and botany; hospitality that requires a penchant for food-craft and people skills; and cartography that calls for a sound knowledge of geography and drawing skills.   
·  Survey careers that are resilient & are self-led:  Several careers demand multi-ardent make-ups and companies seek such people. There are organisations that are guided by the philosophy that when all employees think alike, then no one actually thinks. They prefer open-mode employees who are more receptive instead of closed-mode ones who are tunnel-visioned. Creative vision is what progressive companies seek and to achieve that, they need multi-faceted personalities. You should identify establishments that encourage innovativeness and value individuality as a trait.
·  Diversify gradually from a single pursuit:  The best way to shape and get into a career of your dreams is by underscoring a single expertise possessed by you and subsequently grasping any opportunity pertaining to a different field whenever it crops up. It is always advisable to remain active, start ventures and simultaneously offer recommendations to facilitate organizational growth. The basic requirement however, is identifying a liberal and progressive set-up where your seniors are amenable to your desires and perhaps as multi-ardent like you. Needless to state, you will have to acquit yourself well in whatever tasks are assigned to you.     
·  Hunt for aim-focused careers: Simply by glancing at an advertisement, you can discern if an organization is seeking to employ a person who is going to concentrate efforts on achieving client satisfaction or effective crisis management; or on the other hand, wanting to fill up a vacancy that calls for performing mundane tasks. The latter category of jobs may not suit you, given your multi-ardent personality. If a job entails directing efforts towards advantages and not mere attributes, it will definitely go well with you and your passions.   
·  Display a high degree of innovation:  It is essential that you comprehend various techniques of operations to include sales; market trends; behavioural patterns; complexities related to your work; alliances and inter- and intra-department dependencies; and client expectations, to name just a few.  When at work, there are infinite methods to perform well. You could incorporate all your passions or qualities in bringing about a better output. Being venturesome is a superb way to blend all your passions and eventually succeed in your pursuits. After all, it is the end result that matters.

If your career is dynamic, you will always succeed in applying your skills and passions; and discover newer ways to address issues as they come up. In other ways, you need to make your career a multi-faceted one. But to begin, you should understand what makes the mare go and then look out for a paired, gratifying career.  

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