Saturday 14 September 2013

Guard against career-detrimental conduct

Tensions brought about by exterior sources, impediments, irritants and struggles apart, we are still to blame for inadvertently debilitating our own prospects of succeeding in our careers. This is largely on account of our mislaid and injudicious dispositions and conduct.
There could be several contributory factors that can wreck your career. The more common gaffes that need to be guarded against are:
·  Inability to manage one’s time:  You simply cannot afford to violate punctuality norms or pre-decided time schedules. If an assignment has to be completed by a certain date, you have to ensure that it is completed. In case you fail to abide by such stipulations, your credibility rating will take a beating. You must endeavour to respect your and other’s time.
·  Failure to keep one’s word: Any failure to live up to your word will project you in poor light. As a matter of practice, you should not make promises that you cannot fulfill. If you err on these aspects, you may be deprived of handling important projects and even superseded. A system of feedback should be followed as this will manifest your responsible attitude.
·  Lack of liability:  Liability and integrity are cousins; you have to display a sense of responsibility to acquit well. You should avoid indulging in any sort of blame game; on the contrary, if you make a mistake, you must take responsibility for it. That is what leadership and professional honesty is all about.
·  Deficient people skills:  Good people skills have a big role in your career success. Your dealings with people of your organisation and even outsiders matter a lot; your reputation is contingent on the relationships that you build. If you are not affable, people will be reluctant to speak to you and in the process your capability to make collective use of resources severely impaired.
·  Absence of camaraderie:  Today, team players are in and individual players are out. You should always work hard keeping team interests in mind and never keep yourself above them. For that, you have to considerate and respectful to others and their viewpoints; serving to inspire others will always boost your image.
·  Non-adherence to ethics:  You just cannot be a time thief or use organisational assets for personal use. Wiling away your time when you can put it to gainful use and gossiping are to be avoided at all costs. In other words, your presence at the workplace should be utilised to better productivity and nothing else.
·  Lack of enterprise:  If you are smug and slothful, you will be doomed. You must exhibit dynamism, be positive and take initiative. Your own progress is your responsibility and you have to work towards it. If you remain complacent and lackadaisical in your approach, others will overtake you in your career race.
·  Succumbing to stress:  There is no work that does not have inherent pressures. You have to acknowledge them else your output will nosedive. You have to mentally and physically robust to live with and tackle them. Stresses and strains could be a result of certain deficiencies in you and hence you must improve upon yourself in matters that make things difficult for you.
·  Tendency to remain aloof:  You have to make your presence felt and there is no better place than in a team. Ant tendency to live in isolation can be disastrous and should be curbed at all costs. Simply by working hard may not be enough; if you have to be successful, you must make your achievements and plus-points known. Remaining aloof will take you nowhere.
·  Suffering periods of inactivity:  You could be contented with yourself and whatever you may be doing. But if you do not challenge yourself to excel, you will be a failure. You will find that staying too much in the confines of your comfort zone will lead to instability sooner or later; and hence it is necessary that you do not devoid yourself of a career vision. Remember that n today’s competitive work environment, you have to make serious efforts to improve your skills on a continuous basis and not fall prey to any period of inactivity.

There will be many instances when you perhaps knowingly or unknowingly enfeeble yourself with your actions and activities. This type of conduct precludes your optimal output and affords others around you an opportunity to discount you as an individual entity. But if you become responsive to yourself, display determination and take initiative, you will emerge successful.

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