Monday 9 December 2013

Career management & career success

In most instances, at some stage of a career, people tend to introspect; they query themselves to determine if the job that they are in is apt for them, keeping their abilities, capacities and personality in mind. And if they infer that things are not as good as they ought to be, they ponder over the efforts that they need to put in to make things turn out in their favour. The fact is that unless you are clear about the ramifications of responses to your inquiries, any move to propel your career forward can be a very challenging affair. It is therefore, no wonder that many people remain trapped in a ‘career jam’. It is not that they are not gifted or adept; all that goes against them is the fact that they do not know the direction of sunrise and sunset.

The above highlights the importance of career management for achieving career success. Are you too in the same quandary? If so, there are five prime career issues that when considered honestly and pragmatically, will facilitate arriving at a sensible career judgement and resolution. Some of these issues may be tough to consider and respond to, but you can always overcome your predicaments by seeking help from people with whom you have been associated with or whose wisdom appeals to you. These issues are:

· What can you offer to a prospective employer? You should be aware of your USPs so that you can make them known to your prospective employer. These USPs are your forte and assets; and amongst other things, include your knowledge, capability and experience. Other significant attributes that can impress are your contact base, status, spoken reputation and power of sway. You need to market your USPs meritoriously and efficiently. You should remember that it is rather challenging to be detached and unbiased in your efforts to achieve all this and hence you must obtain feedback and substantiation from others as validation.

· What is your working approach & technique? It is an inescapable requirement to comprehend your work disposition, behaviour and make-up. The foregoing entails the manner in which you consider various assignments and cooperate with your co-workers. It is your personality as a whole that governs the suitability of functions and responsibilities that could be assigned to you as also the atmosphere in which you can perform optimally. If by temperament you display single-mindedness and enthusiasm towards your work, any consultative assignment may not be your cup of tea; the reverse is also equally relevant and applicable. You may not realise this, but it is a fact that better than you, people surrounding you can estimate your working approach and technique; and hence it is always a good proposition to ask for their views off and on.

· What is it that you seek? You must catalogue various facets that you want to change in the times to come and also things that you wish for to formulate a plan for your career. It is essential that you are specific to the maximum possible extent in your approach and accord precedence to various items on your list. The list could well feature practical issues like remuneration and other worldly aspects like receiving recognition; eventually the list you make can be converted to your career objectives.

· How do you propose to attain success in your career? In any sphere of activity, you will have alternatives and preferences. Some of them could be deciding against relocation, accepting lateral transfers, taking on different or diverse responsibilities and switching your job and even career. You may even decide to alter or modify your work style or embark upon endeavours where you are your own boss. The alternatives that you have should be considered in detail and validated through discussions with people in similar pursuits. Even placement agencies can give you valuable feedback on your standing vis-à-vis other contenders. After a holistic consideration of all these factors, you can proceed to decide on what goes with you the best.

· What do you need to do to attain your career objectives? Your actions to ensure fructification of your career objectives is nothing but career management. You must reduce to writing each and every thing that you ought to be doing towards this. Consequently, you may be required to brush up your resume, revivify your contact base, attend a training capsule to acquire a new qualification or discuss the issue of your career advancement with your boss. It is essential that you do not miss out on any of your proposed actions; the best way is to set a cut-off date for each for accomplishment.

Remember that your regard for your career comes from you, though extraneous factors may also wield influence. However, it is you and you alone who has to manage it. The way you manage it should be based on your own cognition of yourself.

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