Friday 31 January 2014

Our job market vogues

Whatever existed in the job market about a decade ago has not changed much. The same old phenomenon that prevailed then is relevant even today – Number of candidates are much more than the number of jobs available. It is therefore, no wonder that companies and hirers have a vast choice to exercise and even negotiate the pay packets of employees on their own terms and conditions.

The state of affairs being what it is, employees who struggle to gain a position of relative permanency in a company have no option but to accept whatever compensation package the company decides to offer. While this may not be truly pertinent to the senior lot, the management of companies understand that the organisational backbone is the lower and middle cadres. However, the actual progress is contingent on the indisputably talented lot of individuals who comprise the top rung and whose requests and contentions for higher compensation packages or terms of engagement are accepted without a hum.

Some main job market trends in vogue are:

· Organisational focus is on output:  Practically all companies have altered their operational methodologies; this has been a result of technological advancements including communication facilities, changes in the pattern of education and a shift in the value system. However, with all the societal and infrastructure changes that are taking place, organisational focus on productivity and output is not compromised.

· Good performance is expected & not bargained:  Companies want their employees to adhere to new work codes and which call for a flexible approach so that organisational objectives are attained. There is no place for non-performers; in fact the barometer for loyalty is optimal efforts to achieve maximum productivity. The conventional notion of loyalty is no more valid with continued employment being contingent on productivity.

· You get paid for what you actually do:  There has been a marked shift in the compensation modality with no time-bound increments. You get rewarded for what you do and that is why the compensation packages are a confidential matter. People who are new entrants can draw more salary than those who have been working for more years. If somebody draws a higher salary, it is because of his superior managerial or technical skills.

· Everybody is expected to display initiative & leadership qualities:  Every single employee is made to believe that he is a functional part of the organisational hierarchy and hence is accountable for supporting the representation and foresight of the company. The hitherto fore responsibilities related to superintendence alone are things of the past. Everybody is expected to play the role of a leader and in the process, alter their disposition as also acquire newer expertise to fulfil organisational obligations. 

· Weightage on people skills vis-à-vis academic qualifications:  If your college grades are unable to find you a good job, it is largely because weightage is given on other attributes as well. Dual or even triple trades are in and versatility of appointments is much sought. Aspects like understanding and moderating responses, good communication skills, relationship building and capability for productive interactions are given equal weightage. A person has to be self-assured, have an upbeat disposition and prone to work under pressure. Such qualities manifest dynamism and have to be part of demonstrated performance.

The above notwithstanding, the Indian industry is abounding with opportunities. There is scope for everyone to gain employment. In recent times, there has been a spurt in the growth of automobile, aviation, telecommunication, biotechnology, infrastructure development and information technology sectors; with the trend likely to continue, opportunities abound, particularly for technical graduates. For people who are not technologically qualified, sectors like banking, hospitality, media, retail, marketing and even BPO or KPO have good openings. In fact, the sky is the limit as every business pursuit requires people who are willing to learn and contribute. You simply have to possess some basic skills and with appropriate initiative and training, you can easily get a job based on your proclivity.

It goes without saying that metros and larger cities afford greater job prospects. Surveys conducted have revealed that Mumbai and Gurgaon top the list with around forty five per cent share. Delhi surprising has approximately twelve per cent to its credit with Bengaluru close behind with ten percent. Cities like Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Kolkata are fast emerging as job hubs too with their share ranging between six and nine percent.    

  There is no security in life, only opportunity. Remember that anybody who comes in this world and genuinely aspire to excel have to be up and going; and look for circumstances they want. In case they are unable to find them, they must create them. So, move on and actuate a meaningful life and career for yourself.

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