Saturday 1 March 2014

Focal points of career success

They say that the road to success runs uphill and the secret of success is to do common things uncommonly well. Success by itself will never lower its standards to us; in fact, we have to raise our standards to success.    

To be successful in your career, there are some tenets that you must be conversant with because if your mind is troubled by doubt, it cannot focus on the course to victory. You need to comprehend and focus on the following aspects:

· Realising what success is all about:  You have to know the connotation of success to realise it in your career. Success is a continual process and different people interpret it differently. If you are able to attain something, you simply cannot afford to pause. You should make efforts to find out how others achieved success. The road to success is not a comfortable drive and you are bound to face impediments on it, however, in order to knock off any fright, you must keep looking at your objectives. And most importantly, there are many rules for success, but none of them will work unless you do. 

· Living up to obligations:  The importance of commitment in your career journey is immense and makes it imperative to follow through all of them. You may make commitments to yourself and others; and it is mandatory to also commit your time, effort and resources to them. There are also obligations towards your objectives and which entail even swimming against current. While luck could be a factor, it should be understood that most of life is hard work and commitment. Nobody has ever achieved anything without commitment.

· Having oomph & verve:  These words actually imply an upbeat disposition and a determination to shun unconstructive considerations. You need to deliberate on optimistic feelings, concentrate on upbeat issues and express your opinions politely to ward off self-engendered pessimism. When you generate oomph and verve, you become a magnet that entices people close to you. With their help, you are able to develop your optimum capacity for performance. Therefore, you must try to absorb upbeat outlooks and which produce the requisite vigour to enjoy the delights of living. And when you start doing so, the road to success becomes a relatively easy ride.

· Being the take-off point:  If you seek to attain success, the take-off point has to be you. You need to see how you can perfect yourself, abandon debauched practices and imbibe worthy conventions. These actions will facilitate your prospects of success. The process is bound to be long, time-consuming and inconvenient; but should be taken in stride. You should remember self-improvement ought to be a continual process and the initiative for it has to be taken by you because no other influence is of any import.

· Valuing the value of time:  Time is a valuable entity and should not be wasted. Lost time is never found again reinforcing the point that time is money. You require time for self-improvement, for endeavours to achieve your objectives and for living up to your promises that steer you towards their attainments.  Therefore, if you waste your time, you waste your life.       

· Sharing & giving: It is in giving that you will always receive. You can share knowledge, help others or have a few words of admiration for them – all these efforts entail selflessness and magnanimity and which, boost your chances of career success. You also get to realise that hurting others is detrimental to your wellbeing and interests alike. Therefore, you should be disposed to taking delight and not feeling envious in the success of others. The point of the matter is that when you rally round others, you lay the foundation of your own success.

· Displaying pluck:  The road to career success is lengthy and your journey on it time-consuming. You require high spirits and fortitude to be positive, confident and sanguine. The career journey can be tireless but there is no need to lose hope. The pluck that you display is in fact an impelling factor to overcome fear with astuteness, forbearance and tenacity – all experiences by themselves. Consequently and consequentially, you invariably emerge a winner.

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. In order to be successful in your career, you must stay positive, keep yourself charged, work hard and maintain focus. If you want to unveil the secret of achievement, you must hold a picture of a successful outcome in your mind. And remember that any fact facing you is not as important as your attitude towards it; it is eventually your outlook and disposition that will determine your success or failure.

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