Saturday 19 April 2014

Be a megastar employee

Who does not want to excel at work and be a megastar employee? In this context, everybody will offer the same old advice, “Be dynamic and enterprising; maintain ascendancy; lend a helping hand to others; and get engaged.” This advice needs to be refreshed further with concrete approaches that can boost your standing.

Your will to win, desire to succeed and urge to reach your full potential are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. You have to be a yardstick of quality so that you stand out. Here are some methods that can transform your repute from an uninspiring employee to a superb one:

· Be prolific without being harried:  You should strive to be productive without remaining unnecessarily preoccupied. A comprehension of the difference between these two efforts is critical to your doing well at work. Working excessively is not essentially a barometer of efforts; what is of significance is the outcome.  

· Address concerns head to head:  If you delay notifying any failure or slipup, you will be doing more harm than good to yourself. You should look problems straight into their eyes; this will facilitate your forward movement.

· Be skilful to decline, if required:  Taking on several tasks at a time is counter-productive; you do no justice to them and neither you nor your company benefits. It is necessary that you possess the ability to decline; doing so will initiate candid and more fruitful dialogues and manifest your prowess to accord precedence to issues and set frontiers of operations.

· Use techniques instead of setting objectives: While any objective is a singular item that you would desire to attain, the technique is how you propose to do so. Objective per se could be restraining, but techniques bring about outcomes and hence make you feel enduringly triumphant.   

· Be an effective narrator:  Communication skills are a prerequisite to success; hence it is essential that you speak and write impressively. You may talk on any subject; your knowledge and delivery apart, the timings of your delivery are very important. Strong communications skills are what will give you popularity and get you promoted.

· Be dependably middling:  People who are smart and skilful are not necessarily assured of success. You need to possess a good mishmash of concrete and corresponding skills. Being passable at an assortment of attention-grabbing things can, in point of fact make you exceptional. 

· Have cushion-time up your sleeves:  Effective time management calls for having vacant time slots at your disposal. If you have one to two hours cushion time on a daily basis, you can utilise it as respite or attend to pending assignments. And more importantly, you should allow yourself less time to finish a work; you will still be able to do it.

· Let your knockers remain behind you:  If you have to market any proposition to your co-workers, seniors and clients, you need to do your homework well so that you can clarify all qualms. In the light of the foregoing, you must always anticipate faultfinders and ensure that they do not have the better of you.

· Be concerned & compassionate:  Your workplace success is contingent on your workplace relationships. The latter can be developed best through display of fellow feelings. You should have regard for sensitivities of others.

· Routinely acclaim others:  The best way to promote yourself is by indicating and appreciating the endeavours of others. You will make them happy and draw them close to you.

· Believe that your job is at risk of failing:  Your current job is not there forever. If you realise this, you will remain alert and ready for any eventuality because you can never predict when an aspiring person steps in to take over from you. 

· Take a break from everyday work routine:  Beyond a certain level, stress and strain adversely affect your productivity. It is therefore, extremely important that you earmark adequate time for rest and recoup; periodic breaks from daily grind will do you great good. You should also habituate yourself to exercise to remain physically and mentally fit.  

The secret of joy and success in work is contained in one word - excellence. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. You have to work hard because sans it, nothing grows but wildflowers. Keep your best wishes and objectives of deep interest and concern to yourself by dedicating time to them regularly. If you truly care about what you do and you work conscientiously at it, you will be a megastar at work.

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