Saturday 31 May 2014

Attaining success in work, career & life

     Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in attaining their objectives and others are not? Or for that matter, why you have been successful at your endeavours and others are not? If you do not know why, you are not the only person suffering from puzzlement.

The most successful people may at times be confused when it comes to knowing why they do well or fail to do well. The instinctive response invariably is that everybody has inherent talents and deficiencies. But this answer is just a grain of sand on the seashore of enigma. It is a proven fact that success is not contingent on who you are but on what you do. Doing something entails:

· Being explicit: When you enunciate an objective to be attained, it has to be definite. A clear-cut objective offers you a well-defined picture of the shape of success that you seek. It also serves to keep you inspired till you achieve it. You are thus able to decide on particular steps that you ought to take towards attaining your objective. You should be absolutely unambiguous about various actions required to be initiated by you and whether you are actually initiating them or not.

· Not missing out on opportunities: With preoccupations galore and the multitude of tasks that we are required to perform at a given time, we miss out on opportunities. Is it that you are so busy that you even fail to make out or discern opportunities? You have to clutch at opportunities to attain your objectives. To be able to do that, you have to decide the time and place where you will act in advance; and you have to be specific about them. Such planning will condition you to detect and seize all opportunities; and boost your prospects of success several hundred times more.

· Visualising what is remaining to be done: Attainment of any objective calls for periodic evaluation of whatever you have done so far. If you are not sure of your performance, you will never be able to fine-tune your behaviour or tactics. The periodicity of monitoring may vary from objective to objective, but the need to do so is inescapable.

· Being a pragmatic hoper: When you decide on an objective, you can let your imagination loose and indulge in extensive upbeat contemplations. You need to be convinced of your capabilities to achieve success to keep your inspiration levels high. Concurrently, you must also appreciate that the road ahead is not bumps-free. All meaningful objectives call for detailed planning, sparing time and making relentless efforts. If you keep thinking endlessly, doubts will crop up in your mind and enhance the prospects of a fiasco.

· Concentrating on excellence: While trusting that you possess the capacity to attain your objectives is significant, believing that that you can acquire such a capacity is also equally important. It is a fallacy that we regard our brainpower, persona and propensities as hard-and-fast; and that no matter what we do, we are unlikely to better. Consequently, we tend to focus on objectives that entail demonstrating our worth instead of growing and securing fresh expertise. Studies conducted have proved that all capacities and skills are intensely supple. If you subscribe to a willingness to change, you will exercise better options and connect with your maximum capacity.  Individuals who aspire for excellence brush aside impediments with ease and appreciate the career flight as much as they would the endpoint.

· Being resolute & unrelenting: Perseverance is nothing but readiness to bind yourself to long-term objectives and see through all hitches en route. People who are determined acquire more qualifications and skills. And people who are not reconcile to their deficiencies. You can always fuel your tenacity if you make efforts to understand that your preparation, strategy, endeavour and doggedness should always be of a high degree. You can take one step at a time and plan for possible impediments; it may be difficult ab initio, but gradually things will fall in place. With a progressive increase in your willpower, you will be able to take on stiffer challenges. However, you must guard against over-exertion and situate yourself in circumstances where enticements are abundant. People who are successful understand that making an objective tougher will render its attainment all the more difficult.

To conclude, it is emphasising what has been stated earlier. Success is not contingent on who you are but on what you do. Do not be part of the club that want things to happen or   hope for them to happen. You should make them happen. And you can always figure how you can do so. Remember that once you make a decision, the entire world will collaborate and machinate to make it happen.

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