Saturday 3 May 2014

The secret to choosing a right career

Career selection and career change are bewildering and anguishing encounters. When people advise to give wings to your passions, they are not totally unjustified, but there is some element of discrepancy in it too. To be practical, you cannot always do that.

Who does not want to select a career that will bring in delight? But is there any way to discern that in advance? Scientific studies have inferred that homo sapiens are bizarrely poor at predicting their reactions and feelings in situations that unfold in the future. Therefore, it is not unusual to see people who embark upon a career with a belief as if it is the beginning of a love affair. But a couple of years down the line, the fervour dies and they start detesting the very career that they passionately selected. The point to note is that you cannot fathom being happy if you have not actually done any of the things involved at all. There will be very few people for whom the future unrolls precisely as they envisage.

In the light of the above, what can you regard as your guide, particularly if passion and anticipated happiness are not? The answer lies in selecting a career that fits well with your abilities and tenets. And since you have a fair amount of idea about your own dexterities, it is in all fairness that you take off from this point. However, you would invariably select a career that offers an excellent inspirational match for you.

You generally have two methods at your disposal to remain driven to attain your objectives. A large majority of people are inclined to believe that their work and life objectives are opportunities for growth, accomplishments and recompenses. They invariably envision benefits and gains that result in achieving objectives. If you happen to be one of them, you suffer or enjoy what is could be termed as an Elevation Single-mindedness syndrome. On the other hand, there are others who view their objectives as pertinent to a sense of security and possession; they simply are not willing to toss anything that they may have achieved as a result of hard slog. These people suffer from something that can be characterised as Avoidance Focus. You tend to avoid everything, including taking risks but discharge all your duties conscientiously and become a person who is seen as a consistently reliable figure. People who have such an outlook always seek smooth sailings.

There is nobody who does not get inspired by either elevation or avoidance; however, there are various other overriding stirring emphasis in specific spheres of life. Such spheres are work, affection, education and even nurturing. It is because of this that people who are both elevation single-minded or avoidance focussed possess distinguishing fortes and limitations brought about varying impelling factors.

People who have elevation single-mindedness are known to be good at originality and invention; they can work with speed and are also capable of engendering substitutions. They are capable to clutch of opportunities and if required, take risks for early fruition of their work. They also suffer from intangible contemplations and make mistakes more often; however they are desperately sanguine in their approach. On the other hand, people who have avoidance focus have an eye for detail and subscribe to methodical and logical thought processes. They can do excellent planning, forecast glitches and believe in doing things immaculately; and because of which, their dependability ratings are high. But they refrain from any risk-taking and believe that slow and steady wins the race. Which category do you belong to?

If you can identify your leading focal points, you can evaluate your motivational suitability for different careers or appointments. People who can do this invariably deliver results and also find their work really satisfying. The elevation single-minded group ought to hunt for jobs that provide immense growth prospects and which call for boldness, quick action and unconventional thinking. On the other hand, the avoidance focus lot needs job security and should look for jobs that offer it in abundance. Jobs that require thoroughness and meticulousness but not involving playing with risks are what they are cut out for.

All careers have their own share of surprising glitches and hence,  you should gear up to face them. If you genuinely seek anything, rest assured that the world and everybody in it will collude to make your dreams come true. You have to be forward looking; life is not at all about waiting for the storm to pass but it is about knowing how to get out in the open and learning to enjoy a downpour. You need to know what you are cut out for.

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