Friday 27 June 2014

Job-related canards of the young

Films, television serials and general talks portray young boys and girls in their twenties as purposeless and directionless ramblers who see this important phase of life as a continuation of their teenage years. The truth is just the opposite; if you are young, you should not be under the impression that all moments are meant to be enjoyed and that you can take your own sweet time to figure out what you aspire to be. Your twenties are actually crucial life phases because your future depends on how niftily you make use of the period.

There are a number of canards in the minds of people about what to do or what not to do in their early twenties. These myths are:

· Your 20s are of no consequence: There is no denying that recession hit the youth intensely, but that does not mean that they can be dormant forever. The 20s are not holidays, but are times to get into a dynamic mode. You cannot postpone to a later date any plans to take off in your life; you should make the most of the period to establish yourself for good times ten years hence. You can build assets that help in your identification – small experiences that can be amalgamated into something very concrete. You need not wait endlessly for your dream job; on the contrary, you could take up any job and experience of which, will help getting into a better one.

· Doing anything in life is possible:  You need to harbour a realistic outlook about your qualifications and skill-sets; and the extent to which they will stand you in good stead. This implies being aware of not only your shortcomings, but also your strongpoints which you generally forget. Such a discernment will help you from getting grounded. Therefore, you need to formulate a couple of definite plans that you could put into action. You need to make constant efforts to improve your skills and performance; and that means beyond any doubt, hard slog today and nothing else.

· Getting a job in later years is also easy: It is when milk is split that you start crying. That is precisely what happen when people in their thirties regret not having made any efforts to explore various professional alternatives. The fact is that when you are young, any employer can undertake risks to take you on his rolls; but as your age advances, you tend to become rigid and employers thus are not inclined in your favour. Therefore, you need to be serious from the very beginning. You should not harbour wrong notions that you can leave a job at will; before taking any such decision, you need to introspect about what exactly is making you upset with your current job, whether you are still deriving any benefits, various positive aspects of it and what motivated you to join the organisation. There are also pecuniary issues like your savings; if they are not adequate, you must work hard to make yourself comfortable,

· Bad bosses should not be endured: In case your boss is painful, what do you do? Here again, the situation calls for reasoning because despite all behavioural shortcomings, he would still be willing to help you grow. It is essential that when you quit a job, if at all you do so, you must leave on a cordial note for one day the boss that you have found unendurable today can become your boss again. 

· Job hopping should be indulged in: This is recommended under exceptional circumstances and not a rule. The bottom line is that you have to be focussed and well-organized. And of course, far too many job hops will speak negatively in your resume. An odd one could always be explained in terms of your endeavours, both previous and subsequent.   

· All actions of 20-somethings are condonable: Your inexperience or ignorance is no excuse for any erring. You need to adjust yourself to the work culture and ensure that you do not falter. Your conduct will spotlight your character and aptitude; and hence there ought to be no alternatives to hard work, sincerity and discipline.

Remember that it your focused and hard work alone that will pay you dividends; in fact it is the real key to success. You need to set objectives, keep your eyes on them and just keep taking the next step towards attaining them. And if you are not certain which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better. That is what hard work is all about; you will learn the value of it only in subsequent years. And that calls for working hard today and shedding all canards that you may be subscribing to.

The ABC of creating a career development plan

Do you think, occasionally or frequently, how to go about to be at your aspired career position? If yes, there are few easy methods by which you can create a career development plan to suit you. The word easy, though apparently meaning uncomplicated, can be baffling too. Occasionally, the easiest of methods and ideas can prove to be knotty for the simple reason that they call for some contemplation and exertion. But you need not be baffled at all. After all, the time that you spend pondering and the work that you put in are an investment for better times to come.

Here is what you should do:

· Envision your endpoint: You ought to be crystal clear about the course you are going to take. That is the maiden step in planning your career journey, as is the case when you travel anywhere. Envisioning your career terminus need not be a complex affair. You need to visualise the stage at which you would like your career to be in the immediate, intermediate and distant future. Looking into two years hence is rather close to your present existence and thus is easy to envisage. The two year timeframe is more or less a general move forward, but will facilitate characterising an objective still ahead. So, if you think of five years from now, you may not be able to have a clear picture and hence may require you to modify your plans. Nevertheless, thinking ahead is always good. When you set objectives, they are for specific purpose. They should inspire you and put you in a dynamic mode. When you are clear about your course, it implies that you comprehend the impelling factors that prompt you to move along it too.

· Appreciate additional qualifications that you need: Today, your existing qualifications may suffice, but a couple of years from now when you are pitched in a competitive environment, will they be sufficient to take you forward. What are the additional qualifications that you will need to have then? You can get a fairly accurate understanding if you study the qualitative requirements of various positions as they exist today within your current organisation and others. You can thus infer where you stand vis-à-vis your aspired position; it is essential that you record all such requirements for ready reference. If you categorise the requirements, you will realise that there will be specific subject matters and premises to your gaps. You should guard against being unnecessarily driven if you get to know that a position is not your cup of tea but nevertheless, you are qualified for it. In case you do possess the requisite qualifications, you will be better contender and hence may not need more than routine and ordinary focus to improve yourself. In other words, you are now well-equipped with a catalogue of all growth inevitabilities.

· Create your own growth strategy:  Having a clear picture of your objectives and with all the information related to areas that you need to focus on, you are all set to move towards achieving your intents. A discussion with a career guide or even your manager will add potency to your plan because they can advise you on how to go about acquiring additional qualifications. You may have to prioritise the process so that you add profundity to your skills. Additionally, you may also be required to hunt for ways and means to acquire additional skills without impacting your current functioning; and once you devise appropriate methods, you will hit new thoughts and concepts on how to inch forward towards them. Creation of a development strategy calls for sticking to deadlines. You have to adhere to the time schedules that you set for yourself and the only way to ensure it is by nominating a flag-off date. While you cannot prognosticate on the duration and quantum of your efforts for acquiring a particular skill, but definitely, you will have a good domination over yourself in getting initiated. All the foregoing notwithstanding, you will have to indulge in active monitoring; perhaps a bi-annual self-appraisal is what will be necessary to ensure that you do not lose out on your focus and prompt you of what you need to do next. 

Career development is an activity that you tend to relegate to the background but get to realise its significance one fine day when an awakening dawns on you that you are where you were and that life is fast coming to a full-stop. Remember that your career is your bay and that you have to be at the wheels. And if you plan well, you indeed can attain great heights.

Friday 20 June 2014

Introducing yourself in an interview

If introductions and first impressions matter under normal circumstances, they are essential for job interviews too. How you introduce yourself in a job interview is about more than just a smile and handshake.

A job interview is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making the vital first impression. And it is also a chance afforded to you to win your employer’s approval and support. This can even offer give you a distinctive advantage over some candidates who are better qualified than you. One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to anticipate questions the interviewer may ask. This will allow you to give thoughtful and organized answers during your interview.

In an interview, nobody will seek to know minutiae about your personal life. However, the interviewer will definitely want to know if you are fit for the job for which you are being interviewed. Obviously, the assessment that they form will be based largely on the basis of your qualifications, experience and demonstrated performance on your previous jobs. In short, they will like to know if your natural knacks and professional skills match with the job requirements.  

 A job interview comprises several parts and each one of them is instrumental in allowing the interviewer to know more about you. One question that is invariably asked in some form or the other is, “Could you please tell us something about yourself?” You should not overlook preparing to answer this question; your answer will place you at an advantage ab initio. You will get a chance to market yourself excellently in few words, besides letting you establish the manner in which the interview will progress. In other words, you must know how to introduce yourself and do so well.

In an interview, the interviewer really matters most. You should remember that the preview that you render about yourself should incorporate attention-grabbing gen that can help the interviewer get on to an appropriate footing to proceed further on its very basis. It is therefore, important that your response is apt and to the point. What should your response be?

Preparation is very important for any task that you undertake and that is what is required to answer this particular question too. You ought to deal with it seriously and your answer should come up with a thorough study about you. If you do not prepare for it, you will rush to recollect points and the result will be a disjointed conveyance of facts. Such a situation at very beginning of your interview will send the wrong message to the employer and make you tense throughout the interview.

The question will generally be put during the initial stages of the interview and hence, you will be in a position to provide only some fundamental facts about yourself. However, whatever you speak, should draw the interviewer’s attention; and be beneficial and positive to keep the interview going on. Few points that you should not miss out and prepare well to articulate them in about two minutes are:

· Details about your present job.

· Reasons for your keenness to join the job applied for.

· Justification in terms of your qualifications and professional attributes.

· Some of your accomplishments in brief so that the interviewer’s interest is aroused in you

It is essential that you guard against verbosity or blowing your horn. You need to be specific and clear-cut in your response. If you become wordy or pompous, you are bound to unnecessarily disconcert the interviewer in the initial stages itself. This is where your preparation will matter; the best method to introduce yourself is in the form of a short vocalization – something that you can recall and articulate perfectly, self-assuredly, cleverly and yet create an impact. Remember that your aim should be to provide an opportunity to the interviewer to start talking at the earliest and steer the dialogue process. If you keep talking, you are more likely to go off-track right at the very commencement of the interview.

Another aspect that you should guard against is a tendency to reiterate watchwords and assertions already contained in your curriculum vitae. The interviewer will already have a copy of your resume and would have definitely perused it. Therefore, you need not repeat them while introducing yourself. However, as the interview progresses, you will be able to dwell upon it in an appropriate manner. If you have made a good impression by this point, the rest is simply about displaying your knowledge.

An interview is a tough competition with only one winner. But you can emerge as that winner - even if you are not the most qualified candidate. And the manner in which you introduce yourself will mark the beginning of an important association.

All about career development, planning & management

Career development is a continuing process that necessitates attention and single-mindedness as you embark upon one and make headway in it. In simple terms, it assists you to think over who you are and the position you want to achieve in your career.

To accomplish progress, persist with learning and achieve a drive in your career, it is necessary that you evaluate changing circumstances and the viability of your objectives from time to time. Any failure to do so will make you lead a mechanical life with no contentment whatsoever. Some relatable issues that you ought to query yourself about are:

· The position that you seek to be in: This should be from a year’s time from now as also the endpoint of your career journey. Remember that you cannot achieve any career development unless you set for yourself objectives.

· The degree of contentment being enjoyed: Career development does not imply progressing through the job or line of work that you currently are in. It could well imply switching jobs or careers and even altering situations. For all you know, you want to work in a metro or abroad; you can perhaps start mulling over how to go about finding jobs there. After all, the career that you elect to be in is your choice and the life that you want to lead is your life. Therefore, you need to ponder over this issue today and tomorrow; and even subsequently because your needs and longings may get altered.

· Aspects that you would like to be adept at: If you harbour strong interests in a specific field, it goes without saying that you possess the requisite fortes too. Your aspirations to gain more knowledge about a particular pursuit or skills that go with it will serve as an impelling force in your career. It is up to you to discover your true calling and strengths.

Having found out your responses to the above issues as also other significant aspects of your career, you need to find out ways and means to give them shape. That is what career planning is all about. You will need to figure out a route to reach where you want to be. Making a plan for the purpose would invariably entail the following:

· Finalising actions required to be initiated by you and implemented with due earnestness and resoluteness to make you a contender for the position that you have set your sights on.

· Identifying different qualifications that you need to acquire over a period of time and a schedule for the same.

· Studying the circumstances, experiences and credentials of people who have attained similar positions.

· Spotting different companies and organisations that can offer you opportunities to achieve your objectives.

· Contemplating over your existing contact base and the way it can be further expanded to achieve a sustainable professional network.

· Pinpointing specific steps that you should be taking to move on the preferred course to facilitate attaining the objectives that you have set for yourself.

The objectives that you set for yourself and the methodology for their attainment should be explicit. Since things will never unfold in your life as planned, there will be requirements to re-evaluate them and come out with mid-term corrections. But cataloguing them in your career plan will make them relatively easy to attain on account of the definite shape accorded to them by you. They will also serve to remind you of the steps required to be undertaken to realise your aspirations. 

Career development and career planning go to make what is known as career management. Since you are wholly-solely responsible for your career and its management, you cannot afford to go wrong. No employer will try to ensure that you remain abreast with latest developments and familiar with requisite skills set as also various prerequisites to ensure that you remain constantly employable. A company will generally do so till such time it serves its interests. If it happens that your individual career objectives are not in harmony with the prospects provided by your company, you will have to take complete responsibility to evaluate, widen and shape your actions so that you remain in a forward-moving mode.

There will be several factors – both at your place of work and outside it – that will impact your career. You need to be cognisant of the same. And you can always do so if you manage your career by frequently viewing your development plans, assessing your objectives and finding fresh answers to various issues highlighted above. There will unanticipated impediments that will necessitate finding new ways out. But if you adhere to a career plan, you will nevertheless be moving ahead and skyward if you follow a career plan.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Selecting a career path while at college

If you are ignorant of the direction in which you are heading, you are bound to be lost when you reach your destination. This is equally true for your career. When you select a career, it amounts to getting down to an expense-value assessment; the process is also an examination of one’s mettle. Overall, it is a game where actuality is pitched against ardour; and you can get going at it at the college itself.

The above notwithstanding, you also need to understand that every career is arched and you happen to be located at the commencement of the camber. Therefore, you should not be astounded if your career course gets altered considerably several times during your career journey as also after reaching the zenith. So, the question is, “How do you go about selecting a career path while still at college?” Some aspects warranting consideration are:

· Never ever allow anybody to shatter your dreams. In case your dreams are difficult and uncertain, you must have robust support and alternative plans at your disposal.

· When you are small, you may harbour ambitions to become something. That ambition is poles apart from your dream job. If you dreamt of becoming a doctor when you were at school, you should understand what a doctor’s day is all about. Likewise, if you dreamt of becoming an army officer, you should know what life in uniform is all about and the risks that plague it. Occupational surveys conducted have revealed that in any profession, nearly half the people are not fully contented.

· You must make certain that your dream job does not happen to be a hobby pursuit. You must understand that hobby pursuits are simply recreational efforts and offer very little compensations.

· You may have taken jobs in your vacations or may still be working part-time. They are all experiences in learning and hence you must ponder over how you can make optimum use of them to make your resume attractive and augment your work skills.

· Getting to decide on your career path calls for taking time out of your free time and taking up either apprenticeship training or honorary jobs that offer you an insight of a particular profession. It is only practical exposure that will provide you a better comprehension of a job; theoretical knowledge gained through other means, though helpful is not effectual.

· If you have passion for a particular job, by all means go for it. However, you must make certain that your choice should not lay on the line anybody – and that anybody also includes you.

· You need to find out if you want to work independently or if you are disposed to work in return for a regular remuneration. This calls for an honest evaluation of your personality attributes and the perils that are associated with both likelihoods; the perils being referred to pertain to the dangers of investing your finances in a venture where you are you are your own boss vis-à-vis the possibility of being given a pink slip in a company with which you may be employed.

· Your parental influences cannot be totally disregarded. You will continue to seek advice from members of your family and other close relatives. But you must do so differently. Instead of discussing career matters in an off-the-cuff manner, which usually happens in a family, you must do so in a formal manner. A time should be set aside for the purpose and you should talk of specific issues in a deliberate manner. Preparation on your part for the purpose will be inescapable and will thus prompt your parents and others to reflect more seriously, particularly the responses that would be forthcoming from them. In all probabilities, such considerations will also throw light on their individual career encounters, trials and successes.

· There is no place for or role of good fortune and providence in any career. Therefore you should not waste time in pondering over such influences because professional success calls for placing yourself on a pedestal to generate your own prospects.   

· As you move forward in your career, you will bump into a couple of prominent career prospects. This will be the time when you would require trusted personal mentors and advice-givers to help you to act promptly and factually evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of future prospects.  

· Anything about you that is obtainable in public domain should draw your serious attention. This means cleaning up your social media listings. The truth is that any information available publicly may not augur well for your impending work.

Remember that proper preparation on your part will prevent poor performance. You may plan your objectives well, but they will remain fanciful hopes unless you chase them with passion.

Your next job

If you want to have a great career ahead, you need to take some time off to envisage how different jobs that you undertake gel together in a telling manner and thereafter get back to each job to execute your responsibilities intelligently. 

You may have hundreds of items on you ‘To do” list for your next job. To begin with your job hunt, you must ensure that any job that you accept should be in harmony with your rationale, inclinations, proclivities and principles.

Towards the above, you need to introspect to discern the guiding rationale of your career; specific work activities that delight and inspire you; your fortes; and dogmas that define your conduct. Once you identify the above aspects, selection of your next job will be rendered easy. However, remember that taking up a job purely on pecuniary considerations without any regard to your purpose, zeal, suitability and disposition is a formula for failure.

Once you discover the point around which the entire weight of your career is concentrated, you should examine different career steps forward for their suitability and benefit. There are four moves that you must consider in detail and envision their effects on you:

· More responsibilities in the same company: You could be wrong if you assume that your prospects in another company are better. And you cannot afford to keep changing companies for obvious reasons. You should explore if you can get more responsibilities to handle in your present company; this will give a tremendous boost to your leadership qualities and skills-set. Progressive growth in a company has its own advantages. This type of a career move will stand you in good stead because you will not be required to work in a new environment and establish yourself once again. You can always exercise the option of switching your job subsequently.

· Different charter in the same company: If you have been performing well in your current role and have all the qualities to excel in other roles as well, then moving on to a different vertical is a good career move. Your company may have a plethora of functions – operations, human resource management, marketing and research, to name some common ones. Moving on to a different role will render you vividly more important and appreciated; however, you will have to master different aspects of your organisational functions. By keeping your eyes and ears open, you can easily identify suitable roles within your organisation that can be suitable for you. However, the inescapable need will invariably be to expand your skills-set.

· Similar responsibilities in another company: Now and then it may be essential to refresh your outlook, prospects and associations. A changeover to another company sans any change in functions could well serve to rekindle and refuel your career. It is possible that people will see you differently when you are elsewhere. Old impressions are of no consequence and what will matter will be your performance and adeptness. You may get to handle newer responsibilities, which perhaps may not have been assigned to you had you continued with your previous company. Before taking any such decision, you need to holistically examine the situation on ground. You could be viewed by your boss and co-workers differently and which could possibly be affecting your chances to encounter and grab meaningful prospects. The causative factor could well be you too. Whatever be the actualities, your decision will be a difficult one to arrive at. When you leverage your industry knowhow into new responsibilities, the road ahead could well be bump-free.

· Different responsibilities in another company: When you get to shoulder different responsibilities in a new company, it can turn out to be the catapulting of your career to newer heights. But it also has an inherent danger of fizzling and collapsing. Leaving a company or industry throws up fresh contests. You leave behind your associations and name; and will have to establish yourself all over again. And if you had been acquitting superbly, the contest could well be a tough trial. But if you carry your knowledge, experience and wisdom with you in one hand; and your rationale, fortes and principles in the other, the chances are that you will create a stronger impact. Obviously, this move is also a viable option to generate new career prospects for yourself.  

If you are getting to believe that your career has reached a dead end, you have to get to the side for once and think about the above possible moves; and envision the shape of your next job.  You can always start from now and make a brand new ending. Rest in reason and move in passion – that should be your mantra.

Friday 6 June 2014

Vital manoeuvres for career success

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

 -  Nido Qubein

If you were to think over the total time an average person spends at work during his lifetime, you will be astonished to know that it amounts to nearly ten complete years. But do you get to obtain whatever you seek from work? Do you outdo others in your job and career?

You can always become more engaged and successful at your work. Here are some vital manoeuvres that you should execute:

· Seek to know the way from yourself: The connotation of career success varies from person to person. However, it is a certainty if the course that you set out on is in harmony with your individual persona and concerns. You should find out the shape of success as it pertains to you, generate your exclusivity and then move towards attainment of your objectives, both in your career and life. If you become adept at this, your exertions will be focussed on the correct track and contentment on professional and individual planes will automatically follow.

· Heighten your approach: There is a tendency amongst people to hastily assess you on the basis of your appearance, speech or actions. If you pay attention to yourself, handle strains, display self-assuredness and radiate an upbeat outlook, people will be drawn closer to you. They will take delight in working together with you. A heightened positive attitude will stand you a better chance to attain your objectives.  

· Be at the wheels: Pointing fingers is an easy way out of discomforting circumstances. But if you are in command of your career, you will be answerable for all your blunders and triumphs alike. You will thus be able to correlate all your endeavours with success and take mistakes as learning experiences. People with whom you interact will view you as epitomes of resolution, trustworthiness and devotion.

· Get taught by everybody: There is none who does not offer you something to learn. You will invariably be successful if you listen attentively to others and act on advice given by them. You get to gain manifold perceptions and also chances to develop good links and connections. These are all learning opportunities. Remember that wisdom is not a product of schooling but of a lifelong attempt to acquire it. 

· Connect with everybody:  Your ability to communicate unmistakably and suavely is one of the important tools for career success. Good communication skills obviate all chances of misconstruing and misinterpreting. Because of their collaborative nature, they facilitate conflict resolution and crisis management; and improve relationships. Attainment of objectives is thus rendered easy.    

· Foster your inquisitiveness: The environment surrounding us is saturated with ideas and knowledge waiting to be trapped. If you nurture curiosity, you automatically become adept at information management and that by itself constitutes learning. If you can apply your knowledge practically on ground, people get to become confident in your skills; and if fresh opportunities crop up, it is your name that will come first to their lips.

· Unravel your views & beliefs: Different situations are required to be handled differently, but you need to sharpen your skills and direct them to issues at hand. Unravelling your views and beliefs entails reflecting on the best ways out of problems and then putting them into action. Resultantly, your decisions are logical and cogent; they make others see in you ingenuity and strategic thought. 

· Surpass all hopes & probabilities: If others were to place trust in your capabilities, it would be possible only if you surpass their expectations. Surpassing hopes and expectations of others call for according precedence to various tasks at hand, formulating plans and making efforts for self-improvement. You have to strive to be a result-oriented person.

· Boom & bloom in doubts: Successful people accept the inevitability of change, discern emerging patterns from it and expect fluctuations to which they can adapt themselves fast. That is what booming and blooming in doubts is all about. People become confident in you and you are thus afforded more opportunities for growth.

·  Endorse your headway: If you have to generate your own success, it is essential that you make your hopes and objectives known to others; this will help in taking assistance from them in case you get stuck. The need to market your exclusivity in your field of work is also equally important. Self-promotion is indeed a subtle art, but an inescapable requirement. You have to endorse and promote your own interests and accomplishments to be noticeable.

In order to be successful, you must toil, remain focussed, stay positive and be inspired. Success is not achieved as a coincidence. But if you can dream it, you can always make it happen.

A ‘can-do outlook’ matters in your job search

Your certificates, diplomas and degrees do not in any way indicate your capabilities to excel at work. They are all paper qualifications and you have to rise beyond them to succeed. What are the attributes that employers invariably look for while recruiting people? Do you possess them?

If you have an important job with important roles to play, it is not necessary that you have to be a great highflier to be successful in it. All successful persons possess certain potentials, abilities and traits that make them select and elite. Such distinctive and matchless attributes are by themselves major contributory factors to fare well in a job interview and get a good job – a job that you will adore and do well in. These exceptional qualities are:

· Willpower & resolve: If you are indomitable and resolute at your work, you will be more likely to remain involved and connected. You will obliged to be an eternal learner, in that you will be steadfast in the acquisition and development of your knowledge base. A successful job candidate is never contented with whatever he has learnt earlier and is convinced that he has to hone and acquire new skills in future jobs. During a job interview, he or she responds in a manner that manifests his strength of mind and character as also grit. 

· Aspirations and purpose: If you do not have any hopes and goals, you simply cannot take off in your job hunt. It is necessary for you to be aware of your goals and targets so that when you reach a destination, you remain informed about it. You can get to know your strongpoints and penchants alike only if you exert yourself towards self-awareness and pay careful attention to whatever advice is given to you. Simultaneously, it is essential to be cognizant of pats on your back. It is only on the basis of these remarks that you formulate a plan for your career success.

· Poise & sureness: Your confidence stems from being aware of what you are capable of doing and which is acknowledged by your colleagues, management and clients. Your self-assurance, buoyancy and convictions are founded on your knowledge, practical acquaintance, preparation and comprehension of various factors considered inescapable to succeed in the job you are in and seek to be successful at. In fact, it is your confidence alone that can transform you into an astute individual who is always ready for action. Remember that when you speak from a position of strength based on your knowledge, you radiate and project your confidence. Knowledge and skills are things that cannot be quantified by your paper qualifications. You have to display genuine talent to stand out and get picked up.    

· Nerve & pluck: Beginning a new job calls for tremendous mettle and audacity. You have to be brave enough to categorically state that failure is not a preference for you. Therefore, you should dispel all ideas of going back to your previous job or settling for anything subordinate to it. However, nerve and pluck are not synonymous with rage and crass boldness. If you feeling that you can do or achieve anything that somebody else can, that will amount to being presumptuous. When you face an interview, you will be posed hypothetical settings to gauge your courage to handle difficult situations that frequently plague a demanding working environment.

It is your output at work alone that is an indicator of your success or failure. The prime movers of your output are efficiency and proficiency in your work; the quantum of hard work that you put in; and how you conduct yourself around. You have to build for yourself a reputation of not only doing things right, but also doing right things. And that calls for real hard work. Remember that sans it, nothing works and grows; hard work will spotlight your character.

You will typically never receive a second chance from a hirer. Your interviewers will invariably be good at spotting your qualities. They will be able gauge your resolve, self-assurance and mettle to do justice to not only your job but also to take your company pursuits to higher levels of play. To be able to acquit well, you have to be determined and positive. It is your attitude that will decide the outcome of your job search. It may take time, but remember that your resolution to succeed is what is important. If you resolve to be successful, you will be able to form an invincible host against all odds. A “can do it” outlook will matter.