Friday 6 June 2014

A ‘can-do outlook’ matters in your job search

Your certificates, diplomas and degrees do not in any way indicate your capabilities to excel at work. They are all paper qualifications and you have to rise beyond them to succeed. What are the attributes that employers invariably look for while recruiting people? Do you possess them?

If you have an important job with important roles to play, it is not necessary that you have to be a great highflier to be successful in it. All successful persons possess certain potentials, abilities and traits that make them select and elite. Such distinctive and matchless attributes are by themselves major contributory factors to fare well in a job interview and get a good job – a job that you will adore and do well in. These exceptional qualities are:

· Willpower & resolve: If you are indomitable and resolute at your work, you will be more likely to remain involved and connected. You will obliged to be an eternal learner, in that you will be steadfast in the acquisition and development of your knowledge base. A successful job candidate is never contented with whatever he has learnt earlier and is convinced that he has to hone and acquire new skills in future jobs. During a job interview, he or she responds in a manner that manifests his strength of mind and character as also grit. 

· Aspirations and purpose: If you do not have any hopes and goals, you simply cannot take off in your job hunt. It is necessary for you to be aware of your goals and targets so that when you reach a destination, you remain informed about it. You can get to know your strongpoints and penchants alike only if you exert yourself towards self-awareness and pay careful attention to whatever advice is given to you. Simultaneously, it is essential to be cognizant of pats on your back. It is only on the basis of these remarks that you formulate a plan for your career success.

· Poise & sureness: Your confidence stems from being aware of what you are capable of doing and which is acknowledged by your colleagues, management and clients. Your self-assurance, buoyancy and convictions are founded on your knowledge, practical acquaintance, preparation and comprehension of various factors considered inescapable to succeed in the job you are in and seek to be successful at. In fact, it is your confidence alone that can transform you into an astute individual who is always ready for action. Remember that when you speak from a position of strength based on your knowledge, you radiate and project your confidence. Knowledge and skills are things that cannot be quantified by your paper qualifications. You have to display genuine talent to stand out and get picked up.    

· Nerve & pluck: Beginning a new job calls for tremendous mettle and audacity. You have to be brave enough to categorically state that failure is not a preference for you. Therefore, you should dispel all ideas of going back to your previous job or settling for anything subordinate to it. However, nerve and pluck are not synonymous with rage and crass boldness. If you feeling that you can do or achieve anything that somebody else can, that will amount to being presumptuous. When you face an interview, you will be posed hypothetical settings to gauge your courage to handle difficult situations that frequently plague a demanding working environment.

It is your output at work alone that is an indicator of your success or failure. The prime movers of your output are efficiency and proficiency in your work; the quantum of hard work that you put in; and how you conduct yourself around. You have to build for yourself a reputation of not only doing things right, but also doing right things. And that calls for real hard work. Remember that sans it, nothing works and grows; hard work will spotlight your character.

You will typically never receive a second chance from a hirer. Your interviewers will invariably be good at spotting your qualities. They will be able gauge your resolve, self-assurance and mettle to do justice to not only your job but also to take your company pursuits to higher levels of play. To be able to acquit well, you have to be determined and positive. It is your attitude that will decide the outcome of your job search. It may take time, but remember that your resolution to succeed is what is important. If you resolve to be successful, you will be able to form an invincible host against all odds. A “can do it” outlook will matter.

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