Friday 4 July 2014

Effecting an appropriate career choice

A large majority of us are well-poised to make a career choice when we are rather young, but a decision arrived at could be bereft of consideration with regard to its long-term suitability. Selecting a job and selecting are career are two different things, with the latter entailing much detailed research and serious deliberations. Choosing a career is actually choosing something that will provide us a desired way of life. The forgoing notwithstanding, quite a few young boys and girls get influenced and swayed into exercising an option without being clear about their inclinations and what they intend to do and achieve.

A school or college does not teach you much about life skills, but then life is nothing but a continual learning experience. That is why quite a few successful people take a break to discern at ease various facets that makes them twinkle and bring in feelings of contentment and accomplishment. Like them, here is what you should do:

·  Look for an extended range in career choices: Rather than attempting to narrow down your choices, you will stand to gain if you have maximum of them as related to your selected occupation, work or arena of proficiency. In doing so, you will achieve flexibility of mind and approach as also ground to move about in in subsequent years when possibly you or your job are in a state of flux.  To illustrate the point, suppose if you want to become a botanist, you could also undergo a course in camerawork so that you can record your observation or findings on film. If you keep your list of options open, it may thrust additional learning endeavours on you but in the process, you will acquire suppleness and springiness; and the long-term advantages that will accrue will stand you in good stead.  

· Come forward in a cherished career on an honorary basis: You cannot know for sure whether a career is your cup of tea or not unless you experience it first-hand. You cannot judge things that you have been in. You need to simply chuck yourself in to the reality that is work and go and live through it. This will be a greater possibility if you work for some time on honorary basis; and a still greater one if the employer comprehends and appreciates your drives and resolution. In order to emerge victorious, you will have to deal with the work assigned to you adequately and acceptably, always ever-willing to shoulder additional responsibilities. More importantly, the contact base that you will be able to establish for yourself will be invaluable and in comparable.       

·  Discuss with people already in your preferred career: All conversations are an exchange of knowledge, particularly when the other person happens to have experience. You need to talk to people who are already working in your chosen career. Perhaps seeking to know if they are satisfied continuing with it after so many years or specific facets of work that give them pleasure will provide you good discernment if it is your cup of tea or not, In addition, you must also seek to find out various associated hitches and shortcomings; and whether the routine allows for a good balance of work and life so that you can consider all issues holistically and pragmatically.

·  Pay heed to others but decide independently:  People will give you advice and be your well-wishers. But remember that what they feel or opine may not be truly apt as they are not you; it is you who has to determine the suitability. You also need not get perturbed by people who make recommendations or suggestions based not on practical experience but on scuttlebutt. If you do your own research well and concurrently make allowances for what others have to say, you can arrive at more sound decisions. It is essential that you do honest contemplation and most importantly adhere to your principles.

To find a career to which you are adapted by nature, and then to work hard at it, is about as near to a formula for success and happiness as the world provides. One of the fortunate aspects of this formula is that, granted the right career has been found, the hard work takes care of itself. Then hard work is not hard work at all. But to reach that stage, you have to plan. Remember that good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make obscure dreams come true.

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