Friday 8 August 2014

Career planning & queries you must raise with yourself

“A dream written down with a date, becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dream come true.”

-        Simi Ngr

You may have graduated or could still be at college. In any case, it is essential that you have a career planning scheme in place. It is crucial to be aware about yourself – who you are and what you seek to do – before you actually set out to embark on a career path. The challenge that exists today is that most college students are short of the desired level of consciousness and appreciation about themselves. They are thus not really geared up to design a career plan that will be appropriate for them. Why students, even people who have been into a job for a couple of years are flummoxed with regard to the type of personality they are and what work they should be doing. In fact, they are constantly attempting to be what they are made-up for and indulging in activities based on what others perceive as suitable for them.

The unfortunate fact is that if we plan a career for ourselves keeping in view who we ought or aspire to be, we will invariably be restrained and inhibited. Come what may, we cannot be such a person. Hence, a career that may be apt for a make-believe or made-up person may not be apt for who we actually are. When we engage ourselves seriously in career planning, it is inescapable to devote adequate time to comprehend who we essentially are and what we really want to accomplish in our life. It is only if a well-defined and positive representation is discernible, that we can move ahead with the gambit of career planning that fits us and our personality well.

Unravelling the truth about ourselves is possible and calls for intense introspection and querying. You need to subject yourself to a detailed question and answer session to know precisely who you are and determine what you seek to do. Some pertinent questions to which you need to give honest answers are:

· What is that fuels my fervours, ardours and zeal?

· What are the issues in particular that enthuse and motivate me?

· Who are the category of people who characteristically take up a career that I intend to purse?

· Can such people be friends with me, even if I do not take up a career that they are into?

· What are the basic academic qualifications to start the career that I want to embark upon?

· In case I am not fulfilling the qualitative requirements, am I prepared to study further? If yes, then up to what level can I study?

· Does the career in question offer adequate prospects for growth on personal and professional planes?

· If everything is in my favour, what is the eventual position that I would like to attain?

· In the pursuit and interest of my career, is having a family advisable?

· Given the known working conditions, will I be able to attain a good work-life balance?

· Does my career and job necessitate being based elsewhere and whether I am willing to move there?

· Will I be able to acquit myself well in the job?

· Will members of my family, friends and acquaintances approve of my move?

· Hypothetically speaking, in case I am advised to not take up the job in question, will I acquiesce to it?

· Are there any aspects related to the career in question that are particularly not appreciated by me? If so, what are they?

· Is the remuneration package being offered or that will come to me in subsequent years adequate to let me carry on with a lifestyle that I want to lead?

The responses that you make to the above queries will prompt you to reflect on the effect your choice will have on various facets of your life. If you deliberate over who you are in the context of your career and life, it is unlikely that you will err in making a choice. You will also not falter in your performance even if you happen to be in a line that is not your cup of tea. It is always good to delve into such matters now rather than repent a decade later when it may not be possible to switch careers.

If you are able to find a career for which you are tailor-made and then go about it with sincerity and hard work, there is no way by which you can fail. But finding the right career is essential and once found, it will be smooth-sailing with your industriousness taking good care of everything.

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