Monday 4 August 2014

Select a career that gels with your personality

It is a fact established beyond doubt that people invariably acquit themselves well in jobs that gel with their personalities. In order to determine a career that is your cup of tea, you ought to know what matters to you. To put it differently, you should know your inspirations, ideals, urges and curiosities. In addition, you should be confident about what you can do and achieve.  

Today, there are several tests available to gauge your personality, but in most of the cases, it calls for nothing more intricate than pondering over your job and the feelings you derive out of it. To illustrate this, try out this simple test.

v 1st Step: Listed below are two sets of statements categorised as Group 1 and Group 2. Go through them to discern which group you fall into:

Ø Group 1:

·  I am extremely watchful about minutiae and can recollect them effortlessly.

·  When I explicate anything, I prefer to do so with thorough chronicles, narratives and sequence of events.

·  People regard me as a down-to-earth, pragmatic and matter-of-fact individual.

·  The focal point of my attention is invariably the current.

·  I remain attentive to any and all happenings taking place at the present moment in my vicinity.

·  Words that generally interest and fascinate me are consent, acknowledge, actuality, truth, avowal and declaration.

Ø Group 2:

·  I am adept at discerning and recognising designs configurations.

·  I can perceive connections and affiliations between realities and details.

·  When I clarify or describe things, I love to use allegories and parallels.

·  People regard me as an ingenious, creative and inventive person.

·  I am very much inclined to envisioning new potentials, likelihoods and prospects.

·  Words that usually draw and pull me are modification, transformation, notion, principle, thought and view.

v 2nd Step: Now peruse the following statements categorised as Group A and Group B to find out where you fit in:

Ø Group A:

·  If one is viewed as an unswervingly judicious and level-headed person, there is no better commendation than it.

·  I always value facts and genuineness.

·  I choose to be open, candid and straightforward while expressing my feelings and viewpoints.

·  Words that please and tempt me are examine, evaluate, firm, inflexible and what.

Ø Group B

·  For me, there can be no greater accolade than being referred to as a person of genuine sentiments.

·  I appreciate and treasure accord, consensus and unity.

·  When I speak, I make it a point to not upset and offend others.

·  Some words that mean a lot to me are empathise, commiserate, forgiving, gentle and who.

v 3rd Step: Now combine your groups to classify yourself as 1A, 2A, 1B or 2B type. Their details are explained below:

Ø 1A Type:

·  You generally derive pleasure from any work that entails systematising procedures, information and manpower. In addition, you have a penchant for careers and jobs that focus on useful creations, amenities or assignments and which have convincing purposes and tangible fallouts. Any work that does not involve excessive thinking with no practical results, prognostication or having undue bias towards theoretical aspects vis-à-vis realities is also your cup of tea.

·  Amongst various careers that you are bound to delight in are office administrator, mechanical engineering functions, information technology, police and allied services and manufacturing ventures.

Ø 2A Type:

·  You tend to find career satisfaction in jobs that offer practical guidance and coaching to people. Jobs that have immediate applications and cater to the requirements of people located around you also interest you. You will be at ease working in jobs that offer routine solutions to problems by acquiring facts and data that are evaluated in detail for the purpose.

·  Careers that A2 types are cut out for include social work projects, teaching, healthcare, client relationships, normal superintendence and learning & development.

Ø 1B Type:

·  You tend to find career satisfaction in works that are strategic, thought-provoking and demanding. Any work that tends to be investigative and has inherent requirements to evaluate intricate issues will always arouse you. You fit well in teams that comprise proficient and practiced members. However, jobs that involve concentrating on administrative issues and replication are not really meant for you.  

·  Amongst various careers that are your cup of tea are those associated with management, technology, research, consultancy, computer applications and enforcement of rules. 

Ø 2B Type:

·  Jobs that bring about a change in other people’s life interest you. You enjoy working in healthy teamwork environments that revolve around the development of large-scale resolution of problems. However, you are not comfortable in jobs that require you to direct efforts on administrative details and repetition.

·  Some careers which B2 types like are those that entail counselling, tutelage, organisational expansion efforts, news-casting and broadcasting.

Everything you do is a reflection of your personality. Choosing a career is possibly one of the most important decisions of a lifetime. Since everything you do is a reflection of your personality, it is vitally important that you seriously consider your personality and interests before making a career decision.

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