Friday 19 September 2014

Come to grips with career ups & downs

“Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.”

-        Rick Warren

When people set out on their career journey, they feel that they know what they want to be and that they will be able to acquire all necessary qualifications and experience to be able to lead a happy life. But as time rolls by, they realise that they were wrong. Careers are more complex and convoluted than that.

What needs to be put across in no uncertain terms is the fact that career paths are never linear. In your career journey, you should anticipate a series of changes to take place based on the advancement made by you, metamorphoses in responsibilities and also sways exerted by the actual world. You thus need to be alert and cognizant to latest developments. You need to conduct extensive research before joining a college; and understand that loving anything is something and does not necessarily imply that it is a feasible alternative in today’s market. The truth is that transformation is a process and as life unfolds itself, there are series of ups and downs. Your career journey is a journey of discovery wherein you may have moments at the zenith and moments in deep arroyos of anguish.

If you get stuck anywhere in your career journey and are unable to chart out your next course of action, it does not imply that you have failed. You ought not to be amazed by the fact most people face such enigmas in their career journey. If the career that you choose has some unforeseen or unanticipated difficulties, you should cheer yourself up by ruminating that no career is without them. There will always be several instants of stimulation followed by periods of contemplation and the cycle thus carries on. The true embodiment surfaces through stratums of reflection and flairs, with some of the greatest achievements taking time in excess of even a decade to show up. Even after good performance manifests itself, most people still do not feel gratified.

People who carve out a successful career for themselves are invariably those who find time and spare efforts to characterise their inputs and involvement; and organise themselves by creating a line of action for its attainment. The journey has its ups and downs, but what matters is not losing focus on your objectives and not be found wanting in your enthusiasm and efforts. You have to always put up a brave front and stay connected. It is inescapable for you to understand that success is actually all about walking from failure to failure with no diminution of zeal.

Coping with ‘downs’ in your career is a very personal and internally guided affair. And you need to place confidence in yourself. Some tips are:  

· Remain calm: You need to guard against frustration setting in and setting aside all tendencies to indulge in self-critical thoughts. Nothing gives a person so much benefit as to remain calm and unruffled under all circumstances. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom, particularly in adverse circumstances.

· Take a break: You need to get some perspective. You need to simply think and deal with your feelings. Perhaps a short break can do wonders; you will be adequately rejuvenated to deal with the unfavourable developments that have come your way.  

· Ponder over the reasons for the slump: You must mull over the contributory factors that has brought your career to a standstill. Looking at the current state of things in the correct perspective and figuring out the alignment of your values with your actions and re-envisioning your dreams will help. 

· Get re-motivated: It is essential that you re-sense your purpose and direction. By actively pledging to go with your inner drive, you will be able to overcome difficult conditions. You should take a relook at your objectives and refine them, if necessary.

The ups and downs in your career are like tides; just as they return, your motivation will also do likewise. You must regard the current state not as a nadir but a minor ebb that will get you back to the shore. It is necessary that you do not miss out on your focus; the need to keep your objectives at the forefront of your mind needs no emphasis. Remember that every stumbling block bears with it the seeds of a comeback. There will be ups and downs in your career; they will be challenges. You must understand that being challenged in life is inevitable, but getting defeated is optional. After all, the world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool.

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