Friday 21 November 2014

Lateral career growth paths

There are generally two methods by which the growth of any individual can be judged. The first one is when a person enlarges his or her domain familiarity in broad terms. There is no detailed increase of knowledge, but the image of being a person who knows a little about a lot is bettered. However, such a person is not a specialist and his or her views and estimations are not worth much. In sharp contrast to the foregoing, there are those who acquire knowledge about a particular field. Characteristically, such persons are specialists. A person can make progress by simply broadening one’s horizon or by becoming a specialist in any field of activity. You could choose any of these paths either of your own accord or otherwise. While it would all depend on the circumstances prevailing then, there are several inside and outside features that influence them.
Lateral career moves are unconventional and unusual career routes that most people are not at ease with. Even human resources personnel always bewail it. They manifest a change of work line but sans any increase in responsibilities, status, salary and perks. The reason why people do this could be varied. While some people remain wherever they are, others attain greater success in their new fields. Employees have to acquire new skills to acquit themselves well in their new functions. Distinct from a lateral move is a lateral promotion. This takes place during an economic slowdowns when organisations offer increased responsibilities and senior designations but sans a corresponding salary structure. Such arrangements are evidently very demanding since acquisition of new skills to take on increased responsibilities cannot be dispensed with. Lateral moves and lateral promotion are both win-win situations for employers and employees alike.
 Lateral career moves and promotions have a couple of hidden benefits. Because you shoulder new responsibilities, your scope of employability increases and when you perform well, you get appreciated. There are many people who have magnificent capabilities that do not get accentuated in normal course. A profile change does the trick. Many people get afflicted with infirmities that render them incapable in their roles. A lateral movement to a different profile helps them to continue with employment. However, lateral moves can prove to be thorny affairs for some, particularly when they are thrust upon them. Apprehensions plague them, more so when they are aware of the problems they are likely to face or additional efforts they would be required to make in their new roles.
But there are other distinct advantages that follow a lateral move. You tend to gain on two counts. Firstly, you widen your horizon. No vertical in an organisation can function in a watertight compartment. A lateral move facilitates a comprehensive impression of all issues and also growth of a compassionate outlook towards various tasks. Know-how gathered prompts sensible pronouncements and increases the capability to resolve intricate problems. You get to pick up new skills, new experiences and new business knowledge; and you get to work with new people. Lateral moves will generally lead to a continually rewarding career experience including acquiring comprehensive perspectives that are essential for leadership roles. The second advantage is that you are better poised to engage drawbacks. We tend to accentuate our strengths only. In the conventional mode, an individual rises using his or her proficiency with weak spots invariably remaining veiled. When you have to prove yourself in new roles post lateral moves, your actions uphold your weaknesses.
How should you then decide whether a lateral move is good for you or not? You first need to evaluate if the advancement course is in harmony with your eventual career objectives. If the conclusion is positive, then the growth prospects is a lateral move are apt. But that would necessitate formulating a fresh line of action that perhaps may incorporate a re-look at what you want to attain and how can you pitch best to do that.
For a large majority of people in the corporate world, it is deep-seated in their thinking that climbing up the ladder is the direction of choice as well as a sign of success. However, in today's work environment, that simply is no longer the case. While most people, for reasons of stability and secure growth do not accept lateral moves, the venturesome lot takes recourse to them and is willing to face uncertainties and the perils associated with them.

Success has no made-to-measure or made-to-fit track. A lateral move may make sense for you and your career, but before you make that final decision, be sure to do your research and make an informed decision. Whatever path you adopt, you will have to reckon and use your capabilities to the hilt. 

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