Friday 7 November 2014

Move ahead in your career & life

You cannot rate each day by the harvest you reap. You ought to evaluate it by the seeds you plant. And unless you undertake more than what you possibly can do, you will never be able to do all that you can. The foregoing notwithstanding, all life, including your career is an experiment. You cannot be too fearful and woozy about your actions. If you want to be successful in your career, you need to connect dots in your own way. Therefore, you must gear yourself accordingly to deal with complexities and uncertainties.
You may set objectives and be clear about them. But in case you fail to plan your move to the next position, then all this about setting objectives is hypothetical because you harboured no plan to achieve them. It is essential that you deliberate on major steps so that you visualise things in their correct perspective. You should pledge to go much beyond from where you are today.
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. If it becomes evident that you will not be able to attain your objectives, rather than adjusting the objectives, you must adjust your actions. None of the successful people were born into success they but did things differently. How can you emulate them?
·  Create and follow astute objectives: Your objectives have to be objective. And that implies that they should be explicit and quantifiable, in that you should be able to gauge their progress, not deviate from your course and enjoy the elation upon their accomplishment. They should also be time-bound so that you remain focussed on them and are prompted to grow and complement them.     
·  Take action resolutely and promptly: Most people do not survive to become the success story that the dream about because of their failure to act. Your development happens when you know what brings about a change in your life. You need to be perennially in a dynamic mode Remember that your success hinges on your resolution to get riveted to the process of chasing your dreams and objectives.  
·  Concentrate on productivity and not mere involvement: You may remain preoccupied all twenty four hours of the day, but yet deliver very little. You need to work not hard, but smart. Let not the number of hours that you work misguide you. You simply cannot keep running in circles and making mistakes, instead of progressing. You can do better by slowing down and doing one thing at a time.
·  Make reasonable & plausible decisions: You should avoid impulsive actions. Though gut feelings are effective in some short-lived circumstances, but more often than not, any decision prompted by excitements can make you go off-track. Let not your intelligence be outdone by your emotions. “Look before you leap” is the axiom that should be remembered.
·  Don’t fall into the trap of perfection: The lure of perfection is great, but it has the risk of getting bogged down. Inability to achieve perfection can make you resentful and dissatisfied. You must take bold decisions, learn from their outcomes and keep moving likewise.
·  Step out of your comfort zone: If you stick around in your comfort zone, your progress and success will be subdued. You need to be ready to grab opportunities to make advances in your life. And for that, you have to shed your easy approach to life and everything else.
·  Let things remain modest: You should avoid having far too many choices at your disposal. In case you do not, muddle will invariably plague you and as a result, you will be at a loss to act. You must keep all things uncomplicated and undemanding to the maximum extent possible.
·  Concentrate on step-by-step improvements: Don’t you eat your meal one bite at a time? The same idea is valid in achieving your objectives. You must endeavour to make small positive changes so that your enthusiasm does not fade away. And as your strong points become stronger, you can obviously take on bigger dares.
·  Take stock of your progress: You need to occasionally take a break and evaluate your progress. This will help you to discern potential opportunities and what you need to do to clutch them. You will be able to fine modify, polish up and perfect your actions.
·  Remain upbeat: You must focus on the optimistic side of everything, even mistakes that you commit so that you can institute remedial action. Never ever allow pessimism disrupt you.
·  Keep right company: You must partner with people on the same wavelength as you and who are reassuring. Remember that you are a sort of an aggregate of your company. You must avoid associations with negative people for evident reasons.
·  Maintain a work-life balance: You should never allow your work to devour you. It is essential that you balance various elements of your life well; focussing excessively on one and ignoring others can be devastating in the long run.

Do not limit your thinking about success in any way because you can go as far as your mind lets you. Your own determination to succeed is more important than any other issue. Your future is contingent on what you do today. Do not simply dream of success; you must wake up and work hard at it. Remember that every reward is preceded by labour. 

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