Tuesday 30 December 2014

Coping with high-pressure jobs

“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.”
― Leonard Bernstein
A demanding job is like a pressure cooker. The pressure and steam can well tear you down. Yet others always tend to tell you that had they been in your place, they would have coped with it better. However, others cannot do much and that it is you who has to deal with it.
Coping with a high-pressure job is no trivial endeavour because it impacts your health, robustness and feelings. You get so involved in it in terms of both time and effort to the extent that your work-life balance gets disturbed. But if you know how to handle the pressures associated with it, you can live through it creditably.
There are several methods to tackle a high-pressure job. The crux of the matter is the degree of efficiency[H1]  and effectiveness with which you can enforce them to ascertain whether you are moving in the correct direction of incapacitating the hassles and tensions generated by such a job. The foregoing notwithstanding, three beneficial tips are:
· Discuss your torment with others: If you are overworked and feel the excessive strains, it will be apt if you do not let them locked inside you. The pressures could be anything – load of several concurrent projects, deadlines, peer pressures and management expectations – you simply allow them to slay you. Remember that excessive stress can be very harmful to your physical wellbeing and that in the process will greatly diminish your productivity. Under such circumstances, what should you do? You need to open up your heart to someone. A friend or a colleague could possibly give you a patient hearing. Speaking to even a member of your family can be done. Talking to others about your workplace stress is indeed a good method to reduce it. The biggest benefit of talking to others is that when you do so, people will offer recommendations to overcome your present predicaments – solutions that may have never dawned on you.
· Make a note of your contemplations and objectives: There are some jobs that call for intense investigative and diagnostic reflections. If you happen to be in any of them, this procedure can be of great use. You will be able mull over issues in advance and will be able to institute great ideas for the purpose of proceeding with high-pressure assignments, agreeing specific situations or agreeing to a particular deal. Reducing your objectives to writing is both essential and important. When you do so, they will be readily observable to you and thus serve to inspire you in each and every effort that you launch. Additionally, you will always be reminded of them whenever you embark on any task. Resultantly, you will automatically get to know if you are moving in the correct direction or not. Any deviation from a pre-set route will also come to your knowledge. When you encounter any job-related stress, the written objectives that you may encounter will be your fountainhead of inspiration to keep marching ahead.
· Systematise & accord precedence to tasks at hand:  When you reach your workplace in the morning, the first thing that you should do is to catalogue all assigned tasks that require completion by day end in the order of priority as discerned by you. The precedence could be based on factors like time available or required, availability of resources and relative importance. Accordingly, you have to get into motion to finish them as planned by you. During the course of the day, you could be assigned other tasks – some required to be completed on the same day and some for which a deadline could be specified. Depending upon the precedence that you accord, you must ensure that tasks having today as the deadline are completed without fail. It should be noted that it is not necessary that you cannot proceed with tasks that are not required to be completed on the same day. The systemisation and precedence allocation that you do may appear a simple effort, but in fact, they call for real expertise. You need to comprehend well what all tasks entail and how can they be executed in a correct manner.
A high-pressure job can occasionally stifle your prospects for advancement. This is because of the fact that given your involvement is a particular task, you are unable to take on another task that is more difficult, demanding and testing. Your work is your worship and hence should never be allowed to generate any stress for you. There will be pressures and you have to learn to address them appropriately.  
People generally become involved with their work-pressures more than the work-pressures are involved with them. The truth is that while actual pressures can be easily overcome, the ones that are imaginary ones invariably are unconquerable and generate more pressures. The only way to overcome such predicaments is by correct application of mind and prudence.


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