Saturday 6 December 2014

Scheme your career plan correctly

Success is always the result of resolution and foresight. While resolution implies swimming for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning. This is applicable to your career as well.
Selecting a career can be tough decision of your life. It is not only about what and how you would be doing to survive. While a career entails only hard work with practically no place for luck, there are some people who are fortunate to enjoy satisfying careers without much effort. But they are exceptions to the rule. Quite a few people do not deliberate properly when choosing their careers and do so prompted by incorrect judgements and logics. Some see security in careers because of high remunerations offered however, sooner or later, they invariably repent their decisions. If you do not wish to be a victim of similar circumstances, you need to arrive at a viable decision after considering all the pros and cons of it.
You need to understand that the very process of career planning comprises four distinct actions; they are self-estimation, career search, exercising options and formulating a line of action (in the same sequential manner). It is entirely your discretion to go through them on your own steam or take assistance of a career coach. The point to note is that irrespective of whichever method you adopt, the important issues are the quantum of contemplation that you do and the magnitude of effort that you exert on it. The four actions required to be undertaken by you are discussed as under:     
· Self- estimation: Being the maiden step, you will be required to gather a plethora of information about yourself. During the course of this step, you will get to know yourself in detail, particularly about your concerns and appeals. Unless you are clear about your inclinations and proclivities, you can never visualise which career you are suited for. It is also essential to be aware about your various principles and standards as pertinent to your work; this is inescapable to adjust to your work environment, including people management. Since no two persons are alike, you will have leanings, preferences, viewpoints and mind-set that are unique and inimitable. Your career has to be in harmony with them. When you reflect over various aspects, perhaps you will be able discern professions that are indeed your cup of tea.
· Career search: Having assessed yourself, you should now set out to explore different professions that gel with you and your personality as also those that fascinate you. You may also like to research various industries that you consider appropriate to be employed in. All these should be reduced to writing. Thereafter, you can begin scoring out those that do not hold any pull. The ones that do should be researched a little more so that you gather adequate data about them. To do that, you could take up apprenticeships and honorary jobs or get in contact with people who are already in a similar line. 
· Exercising options: This step entails a decision on the best career option for you; evidently it has to be based on whatever you have assessed yourself to be and various professions explored by you. It is necessary that you identify the option that you are drawn to the maximum; you should also identify at least two others to cater to any contingency. You need to seriously reflect on how you are going to embark on your selected career, the financial issues involved and how you intend to overcome any impediments that could crop up impromptu. The impediments could be in the form of finances and domestic obligations, etc. In case you find that you are unable to enter your desired career, then you should start with the career search phase all over again.
·  Formulating a line of action: Having decided on the best career option, you need to formulate an action plan to attain your objectives. The action plan should be a written document that will steer you in your forward move. You should set for yourself objectives extending into the immediate and distant future. If required, you can undergo an odd course as part of your basic preparations. It is also necessary to draft your resume and formulate a job hunting scheme. The latter would be incomplete if you do not try to know more and more about various companies that you are keen to join. Your line of action will be incomplete if you do not prepare for your interviews.

 A career planning process is invariably cyclic. Circumstances may change and you may characterise yourself or your objectives again. This will necessitate going back to the previous stage or even starting all over again. It is possible that you may not be able to decide on your career option even after going through the process all over again. The only solution for this to keep repeating the planning process so that you can bring your future into the present and do something about it straight away. 

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