Friday 30 January 2015

What is your career outlook?

Everyone's outlook on life is different. Different outlooks lead to different journeys, goals and dreams for life. Your life tends to respond to your outlook and shapes itself to meet your expectations. And so does your career outlook.
Career outlooks can be classified in two distinct categories – underling and magnate types.  Both of them differ a lot, but the prime difference is in the methodology to dealing with perils, gambles, probabilities and stakes. An analogous issue is that pertaining to dealing with slip-ups, gaffes and errors; and as a consequence thereof, botches and fiascos too.
· Underling-type outlook: An underling is a plain member of staff and his role is generally to not err in any form. He or she is always expected to adhere to rules and regulations; obey instructions and directions; and apply his or her expertise in the most appropriate manner. An underling is supposed to be remain on the right side of everything – management and working rubrics alike. They simply cannot go about ‘playing with fire’ or go to extremes; in fact, no such endeavours will ever receive support. And should any employee attempt to do so, it will be viewed as a repelling and rebelling action that can even lead to dismissal.
· Magnate-type outlook: A magnate is a great impresario and is inclined to “play with fire”. A person with this disposition will be more ready to take risks, question the existing state of affairs and trudge on new paths that occasionally can also be rather weird. Now such an outlook can lead to slipups and fiascos, but a person with this outlook will be prepared for them and will remain accountable for the same. It is not that people who harbour a magnate-type outlook are wild and irresponsible; as a matter of fact, they take premeditated risks that have the potential of offering huge profits and advantages over a period of time. There will be occasions when things may backfire. The magnate-type outlook ensures persistence in the face of difficulties and if things do fail, lessons are learnt and interruptions are overcome. The forward journey on the road to progress thus continues.
How does the above connect with your career? A comparison between the two outlooks can be 
applied to your overall approach towards your life and career both. It is in no way intended to make 
you decide to adopt outlooks of either an underling or a magnate. But you need to reflect on them for 
the influence that can be exerted on your general approach towards your life in general and work in 
particular. But do you identify yourself with any of the said outlooks? If so, which one?
When you begin to contemplate on your career and the possible new course that its compass could 
be set on, do you find yourself sneaking into either the magnate-type or underling-type outlook? 
Introspect and find honest responses to the following two sets of questions:
· Set A
ü Do ideas, mediations or deliberations of any change being brought about in your work routine and every other thing contingent on it prompt you to ponder over the exciting prospects that could be existing on the other side of the fence?
ü If yes, then are you willing to shed conventional beliefs and take recourse to uncompromising partings from your present work?
ü Are you disposed to taking the first step in this context straightaway and are geared up to tackle issues as they unfold?
ü Do you have any reservations in chasing chances and occasions over your continuing protection or wellbeing?
· Set B
ü Are you apprehensive about what and how you should be doing things?
ü Do you worry about doing things in the right manner to attain proper outcomes?
ü Do you feel that in your quest for a better career, you need to have everything pre-planned before you take off?
ü Do you suffer from a zero-error syndrome and do not want to commit any slip-up for fear of lowering your image in the eyes of others?
ü Does your need for security hinder your chances of identifying and clutching opportunities?
If your responses are yes to most questions in Set A, then you harbour a magnate-type outlook. Likewise, positive responses to questions in Set B indicate your underling-type outlook. One of them will come more obviously than the other.
You will, by this time come to know that a person who has a magnate-type outlook, is more inclined to clinch prospects of changes, modifications and alterations in his or her career. More importantly, this will be done very confidently and optimistically. He or she would remain ahead in terms of time and distance vis-à-vis a counterpart harbouring an underling-type outlook.
In the light of the above, you need to adopt a magnate-type outlook in your work life, particularly if you happen to be afflicted with some vagueness and ambiguity. The changeover may not be a cakewalk, but will be worth its price in gold. Remember that in this world, change is inevitable and that it should be approached optimistically and confidently. 

Making correct decisions

“Decision without thinking is like a body without head.”
― Israt Ali
Making decisions is an ongoing activity. While some decisions can be far-reaching, yet many people find decision-making a difficult affair. Some of them tend to defer the entire process by making ceaseless efforts to gather additional information, including seeking viewpoints of others. There are others who want to go by consensus. Yet there is another class that decide on issues by a draw of lots.
Your efforts to make a decision notwithstanding, many decisions cannot be the best choice. But you can always make the decision-making process more effective.
We ought to be clear about what decision-making actually is all about. In its most elementary sense, it is an act of selecting one option for an action amongst two or more. It should be remembered that the options available may not always be the best and that the one you choose can also be likewise. This could be on account of various factors, and a note of all decisions arrived at should be made so that explanations, if required can be given later and better decisions can be made in the future.
Decisions can be prompted either by logic or instinct, but in most cases, both of them jointly trigger them. Whatever be the prompting factor or factors, decision making has to be structured well so that intricate decisions are trimmed down to effortless steps. Structuring also helps in witnessing the very procedures that go into decision-making and also facilitate making plans to make them meet set timeframes. Normally, the process of decision making comprises seven stages as under:
· Itemising likely answers & alternatives: To be able to do so, you can resort to working alone or in a group. You thus deliberate and come up with possible solutions. This maiden stage is significant because your decision will be arrived at by picking up from amongst fixed options. Sometimes not taking a decision is also a decision by itself.
· Laying down a timeframe & responsibility: When you earmark time for making a decision, you invariably tend to reflect on the deadline imposed, if any and consequences if you overshoot it. You also ponder over the significance of the decision required to be made and the benefits of a quick one vis-à-vis a well-deliberated one. It is likely that the responsibility for decision-making could be assigned to a group and hence any backfire has to be shared collectively. Who is the individual who will thus be instrumental in decision-making? The question per se is important because the extent to which the responsibility can be shared can immensely have a bearing on the quantum of risk factor people may be ready to accept.
· Collecting facts & figures: This is an inescapable requirement to arrive at a sound decision. Insufficient or incorrect information can prompt a wrong decision and similarly information overload can also lead to making the process difficult. You will have to deliberate on the time that you can allocate apropos any risk entailed in making a wrong decision.
· Reflecting on entailing risks: The quantum of risk that can be undertaken in decision-making is a crucial matter. It will be contingent on the gravity of situation that may develop following a wrong decision as also the advantages that accrue in arriving at a correct one. Depending upon the circumstances and exigencies prevalent, you could be brash, take recourse to the middle path or play safe.
· Balancing on principles & standards: Everybody subscribes to principles and standards that are considered to be important. Varied values thus lead to a disharmony of views. Hence, shared decision-making can cause discordant decisions. Therefore, it is prudent to go by consensus after having stipulated principles and standards that cannot be compromised.
· Evaluating the advantages & disadvantages: This is possible if you evaluate the pros and cons of every option available to you. The advantages and disadvantages can be quantified; and the option emerging with maximum advantages will undoubtedly be the best. This by itself is a technique for arriving at a decision that does not entail complicated considerations.
· Arriving at the decision proper: In some instances, you can engage in a direct comparison between various alternatives. The process could be intricate, particularly when it necessitates an evaluation of numerous conflicting principles and options available.
There is also decision-making prompted by instinct or gut feelings. It is possible that the factors being considered are not all-encompassing; the possibility of bias or even wannabe ideas coming into play cannot be totally discounted either. Under such circumstance, previous experience is relied upon but sans any consideration of oversights and errors in judgement. An easy way out, decision-making based on instinct or intuition is not recommended. But when it is an option, you should guard against unwary, impetuous and imprudent reactions.

Decision-making is a wider process of resolving problems. No technique can be a substitute for good judgement and clear thinking. But due contemplation on various factors that have a say on a subject should be taken into account always. It is only then the decision arrived at will be sound and the decision-making process reliable. 

Saturday 24 January 2015

Dispelling myths about career fairs

Given the intricacies of the job market that prevail today, you need to begin your job hunt as early as possible. And it is always advisable to establish direct liaison with potential employers. Career fairs are one place where you are afforded an opportunity to do so. You get to interact with likely employers and learn more about what an employment in a company is all about.
Career fairs are excellent places to interact with company representatives from corporations of all industries and sizes during a short period of time. Every job fair has a set of similar, basic elements or processes that require your attention. Attending a career fair is a very easy effort. You must go there with an open mind. There are some myths that need to be dismissed so that you are well-prepared to stand out. Five common myths associated with career fairs are:
· They are intended for only senior and experienced people: This happens to be the most perilous of all figments. Besides being excellent venues for finding jobs, career fairs offer immense chances to establish and build relationships. You could still be in the final year at college but at a career fair, you get to present yourself with your CV to hirers and obtain leads related to openings for on-the-job-training. But most importantly, you learn about explicit jobs, their different fields and what it entails getting into one. You get an opportunity to interact with people already in similar jobs. It should be understood that career fairs are not merely gateways to jobs, but also venues for learning more about them.
· You need to carry just a few resumes: The requirement is to carry as many copies of your CV as possible. If you run short of them or attempt to keep one possibly for subsequent use, you are axing your own feet. Remember that re-utilizing a resume could be agreeable, but if you miss an opportunity, the outcome could be highly unfavourable to you. In recent times, the procedure for submitting job applications have changed. Many companies want you to submit applications and resumes online; in that case, carrying a hard copy of your CV is of no significance.
· Some people don’t know what to discuss: There could be nothing unrealistic than this. The fact is that you have got what it takes and just in case, you do not, there is no cause for worry. A smile can do wonders; so smile when you are around at a stall. You must make it a point to introduce yourself by your name before you make any query about a job. For example, you could say, “Good morning. I am Ayush and am doing my graduation in economics. I am also pursuing an online certificate course in Human Rights. I wonder if you have a position for someone like me.”  Almost instantly, you will get the ball rolling, even if you have no previous knowledge about a job or company. But it is always recommended to find out details before you come to the fair. Your research and knowledge will help you to extend and amplify your introduction fruitfully. And when that happens, you are perceived as a contender.
· Getting to know information about participating companies is difficult: This could be true at fairs far away from your current location. The organisers of a career fair will make available details of participating companies. In addition, they will also tell job-seekers about companies that participated in the past too. Efforts to find such information have to be made in advance; and once you do have a list, you will have adequate time to shortlist company stalls that you would specifically like to visit on the D day. 
· You can wear anything you want: At college, it is a different issue; you have the right to dress as you like. But when going to a career fair, it is different. It is a part of your job search. Therefore, if you dress smartly, a good impression will be made on a prospective employer. Unkempt appearance and shabby clothes will manifest an absence of devotion and possible steadfastness on your part. It is not necessary to wear formal attire, but definitely, you need to be presentable.

At a career fair as also in various facets of your job search, your resume is all that an employer sees to determine whether to shortlist you for an interview or not. But at a fair, you have an opportunity to demonstrate yourself in a manner that your resume may perhaps not. Interpersonal skills, communication skills and work-place-appropriate social skills are critical. Many employers evaluate these skills heavily because they want to hire people who can fit well in their companies and make a good impression on their clients. Career fairs are probably the most powerful tools in your job search inventory. You must make full use of them.

Pursue your chosen career with resolve

“The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, and light will dawn, and shine with increasing clearness on your path.”
-        Jim Rohn
For a large majority of people, laying hands on a career that is more or less permanent and pleasurable in every possible way is a sort of voyage by itself. It is not that only the rich and privileged who can have a successful career. Ordinary people can also be successful.
There is a general tendency amongst commoners to view successful people like Mukesh Ambani, Kumar Mangalam Birla or Laxmi Mittal and others; and presuppose that they became rich and pioneering almost instantaneously. However, that is not true; it perhaps took decades of hard slog to be where they are today and achieve whatever they have accomplished.
The above notwithstanding, if you were to ponder over which career is apt for you, it will be a Herculean task. Three significant issues that warrant serious consideration in this context are:
· Discerning your values that manifest what you are: You need to discover your enduring and persisting principles and standards that have gone in to make you whatever you are. There will certain things that appeal to you the most and certain things that you tend to abhor the most – things that you want to continue with and things that you want to discontinue doing. When you decide on selecting a particular career, it is all about yourself. The reason is that sans any self-awareness, you will not be in a position to convince your employer to recruit you. In most cases, people attach great importance to their kith and kin as also the capacity to set work in the vicinity of our lives. There are others who are prompted to work with specific categories of people instead of any type. It all depends on how such values are valued by you and accordingly you ought to be at ease with yourself and being ready to experiment with new things.
· Discerning your strongpoints: It is essential that take cognizance of aspects that you always excel at and things that draws out your best capacities, capabilities and skills. If you possess great writing skills but cannot withstand physical stress, then possibly you will not join the armed forces. You can get to know your strongpoints through a variety of means. However, it essentially entails being certain of what you love and disapprove; what you expect from the career of your dreams; and what actions that you initiate will get you there. You need to take up work in a sphere that is your cup of tea and gels with your personality. In short, your career has to be based on what your personality and penchants are; and not on salary or other considerations.
· Doing something that you enjoy doing: You should guard against falling into a trap, in that you should never get lured into a job or career that will make you feel antagonistic and petulant towards everything. You will have certain intrinsic qualities and which are the requirements of certain career posts. Fortunately, the number of such posts will be several. Joy and contentment in both our careers and life are vital issues that need to be appreciated and treasured by all of us. Your happiness and satisfaction are great for people generally in your vicinity. But you too get to boost your mental and physical robustness. 
Some amongst us may have been born with a silver spoon in our mouths and need not really toil to survive. But there is this large majority who have to indeed do hard slog; make and create adequate resources to subsist; and face intense challenges to move ahead in life. No matter what your background is or what your current circumstances are, you can always live up to your dream. All you need to do is to hitch your wagon to the star – set great objectives, aim for the best and be relentless in your efforts. You must have the spark in you to be a visionary and a trend-setter. It is only then that you will attain your dreams.

Remember that your life will constantly examine you for your level of devotion and that its greatest returns are booked for those who display a ceaseless steadfastness to keep performing till such time they attain whatever they set out for. A determination like this can move tons of load, but it must be relentless and unfailing. As one-dimensional as this may appear, it is still the common denominator that distinguishes people who live their dreams from those who live in remorse. Whatever career you have chosen, work hard for your way up in it.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Excel yourself as a good new boss

So far you were relatively junior in your company, but now you have been promoted to a management position in your company. It does entail additional responsibilities; you are now responsible for the productivity and welfare of your entire division. Till now, your success was not contingent on issues outside your individual territory, but henceforth it will be. There will be a new set of eyes that will look up to you for encouragement and assistance.
Efficient management and superintendence in your new role calls for an expertise that is distinct from the one that made you reach your new position. In some form or the other, you would have displayed it in the past, otherwise you would not have got this promotion. But it will be of immense benefit if you can determine precisely everything expected of you henceforth so that you can equip yourself accordingly and be successful in your new role. Some major aspects that you need to focus on to facilitate your transition to your new charter are:
· Put together a line of action: This formulation should be affected before you get down with your new responsibilities. If you have the line of action clear in your mind on Day 1 itself, you will have no reservations about how to go about creating the necessary impact on your unit. Planning apart, your maiden step should be to find out the maximum about your new functions. Be it in your present company or a new one, you will need to gather all details about the people with whom you will be associated and engaged with. In addition, you must cogitate over a strategy to offset any prevalent shortfalls to facilitate your line of action taking shape. You also need to contemplate over changes need to be introduced together with their schedule. The line of action made by you should invariably include objectives enunciated by your management and also different boosts visualised by you.  The plan that you set into motion is bound to be subjected to reviews as time passes; nevertheless, planning now will help you to anticipate your future responsibilities better.
· Line up for a success as soon as possible: It will be most apt if your line of action incorporates strategies for a successful accomplishment of a task and which your team can begin straight away. When you finish a project successfully, your team’s confidence and optimism will rise. You will thus be able to establish your position as a leader. Selecting a project has to be done prudently. It should not be very intricate and should entail teamwork with proper supervision by you. The assignment could well be a fresh mandate or dealing with a customer that you are certain of handling well and thereby boosting future company prospects. But upon completion, its impact should be felt; at that time, you must make certain that the credit for success goes to the entire unit. In that manner, you will be able to build your team’s confidence in you as a leader.
· Get to know the people in your team: Your initial days should be focussed on this as also your team’s contributions in your company. Regular interactions and dialogues to discern their expertise, standpoints and individual goals as part of unit objectives should be undertaken. Efforts should also be made to find out previous problems and how they intend coping with them that now you are there. You will thus be able to make the most of individual abilities and work as a harmonious setup. Remember that in any establishment, the greatest assets are the employees and the need to maintain constant touch with them cannot be dispensed with.
· Enunciate your group’s objectives & value structure: This ought to include clearly quantifiable targets and a framework of common values. The objectives could well be meeting increased targets, launching a new product, interior economy accomplishment or boosting client satisfaction. Such objectives may not ensure long-term success; it will be necessary to have a value system that will boost loyalty and productivity. Camaraderie will offer your team a feeling of self-worth and contributing towards common goals. Therefore, the enunciation has to be done in a manner that at all times everybody feels elated.
· Display genuine headship attributes: There is no better way than by leading from the front. If you seek unflinching loyalty and support from your subordinates, you need to be confident, honest, unprejudiced and totally principled. A clear vision coupled with strong managerial and directorial qualities; openness and approachability; willingness to accept suggestions; and a good comprehension of different team-players will serve to enthuse your team. They will then always emulate you and work with optimism, zeal and constructiveness.

You will be successful if you make your team-members realise that they have more ability than they think they have so that they regularly work hard and perform better than they think they can. Remember that your own integrity, efficiency and productivity speed will be the integrity, efficiency and productivity of your team.

Heave your career up

Come Diwali, don’t you spruce up your home? If that be so, don’t you think that a similar attempt should be directed at your career? You must take stock of where you stand and the progress that you have accomplished since the last time such an exercise was undertaken. In the light of your findings, you need to decide on changes that need to be ushered and plans to hone your skills. In other words, you must get cracking for formulating a line of action for the future of your career.
An exercise to yank your career can be undertaken at any time. Some tips in this context are explained in the succeeding paragraphs. They are not required to be followed in the sequence in which they have been discussed and you can devote as much time as possible to each of them.
· Look at your life & career holistically: There are some issues about which you must seek answers from yourself. Do you feel that the place where you are currently is where you actually wanted to be? Has your progress been steady ascendancy or are you where you were? What is the degree of harmony between your life’s objectives and your present job and career course? Have you been able to strike a good work-life balance? You need to be honest in your responses distinct advantages will accrue to you derive benefits of planning and initiate actions to bring about definite improvements. It is only thereafter that you should proceed ahead.
· Set objectives for your job search & career: Attaining success sans any objectives is sheer luck. Objectives and a career vision help you to attain more and derive greater delight on accomplishing any one of them. The exercise necessitates exploring various career alternatives and hence, you should get acquainted with different pursuits in your specific career line and identify specific jobs within its gamut that are vital for formulating your career objectives. Your career objectives have to be realistic and if things so warrant, you can decide to even affect a career change.
· Refresh & expand your contact base: Your current status vis-à-vis your present job or your job search efforts notwithstanding, the need to have a wide contact base needs no emphasis. It is a very potent weapon under your dominating influence. You must nurture good associations with everybody you know and make serious attempts to enlarge your network. Taking membership of a professional fraternity or connecting with people whom you have forgotten will prove to be very useful.  
· Hone your skill & expertise: If you fail to keep abreast with latest developments and acquire relevant skills, you are likely to become antediluvian. You need to develop your communications and interpersonal skills; they are essential for crisis management, meeting deadlines and maintaining camaraderie. In addition, hard skills that hold the key in your job and career alike also need to be improved upon. You need to get cracking to acquire relevant knowhow for your job and career. You could enrol for evening classes, subscribe to distance education programmes or take up an online course. If your company’s has a policy to support such efforts, you could possibly go in for a regular curriculum. Once you acquire additional qualifications or improve your existing skills set, you will be able to enhance your very scope of employment.
· Refine your CV: When people get into a job, their resume starts gathering dust. Your CV needs continual updating. It has to be in consonance with current drafting trends and custom-made for particular jobs and companies.  
· Be acquainted with new job hunting practices: You need to be adept at engendering and profiting from job leads. It is essential that you know the best places where jobs could be listed – newspapers or online job portals - so that you are geared up to face any adverse eventuality. If you have gone through the process earlier, you may perhaps realise that quite a number of jobs are not even advertised; they get filled up with word-of-mouth publicity.
· Learn how to face interviews: Your ability to face and do well in an interview is the crowning glory of your job search. It is never too late to review and refine your skills in this context. You need to research on what interviewers seek to find out from candidates, how questions are put to them and be prepared with your responses. In fact, you have to develop your individual marketing strategy to facilitate making a good impression.  
· Put your USPs to test: The prospects in the job market vary from time to time and are greatly contingent on upon how self-assured you are about your worth in it. If you have followed the above tips, you stand perched at an advantageous position to sell yourself to a prospective employer. You have to convince your employer that you are indeed the best among all candidates. It is your creativity and ingenuity in putting forward your skills that will matter.
· Don’t rule out the prospect of staying put with your current company: During the last twenty years in particular, mutual trust employees and employers has declined. Organisational restructuring and retrenchments have caused employees to keep looking for opportunities outside. You should not be impulsive to leave your present company. It is possible that an absence of adequate growth prospects apart, you may not have anything else adverse against it. Under such circumstances, mulling over different career courses and opportunities within your present company will not be a wrong proposition.

Remember that the only way of discovering the confines of the conceivable is by going beyond them into the impossible. If you can dream it, there is no reason why you cannot achieve it. And if you believe that you can do it, half your battle is already won. You need not live your fears; all you need to do is to work hard and walk that extra mile. There will be no traffic jams along that extra mile. You will be able to yank your career the way you want.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Spanning your credential gaps

In any job search effort, there are two major risky gaps – absence of previous experience and skills. Both of them are apparently overwhelming impediments because it is impossible to fill them up straight away. Experience can be gained only if you work and skills can be acquired only over a period of time. But still, you can span the gaps, provided you are disposed to shedding your unclear and woolly ideas; and getting out of your comfort zone.
In the conditions that prevail today, rather triumphs in its so-called links and networks, it is rather weird that aloofness is a critical way of life in the employment market. Whatever we may do – establishing relationships with people, making contacts with placement agencies or contacting potential colleagues – it is brought about from the comforts of our home. Telephone and internet are made full use of. 
We tend to forget that the relationships brought about using otherwise distant interfaces and communications are bound to be always one-dimensional, narrow and superficial. People at the other end do not identify us as fellow humans but simply as an entity on the screen. They are not in the know of our charm, individuality, principles, standards and makeup. They remain uninformed of various aspects of our life that stimulate and change us into a unique individual. You may flash hundreds of emails or SMSs, they will continue to perceive you as an unknown nobody. Over the communication line, they will be pleasant and affable, but in the real world highly guarded and restrained. If there are prospective employers who are being contacted, the writing on the wall should be bold and clear – they are simply adhering to rubrics and procedures.
If a job advertised lists the qualitative requirements in terms of number of years as experience or specified skills; and if you do not happen to have them, rest assured that you will not be taken into account for the post. Notwithstanding the counterbalancing attributes or the will to do well that you may possess, the fact is that they cannot be singularised from the distance that you are located at. In other words, all such qualities are nigh on indiscernible and hence cannot be considered in their initial estimation.
Does the above imply that you simply do not stand a chance if you do not fulfil the qualitative requirements of skills and experience? The answer is “No”. But you have to learn to span such gaps. You will need to get out of your comfort zone and woolliness.
Research conducted has thrown light on the fact that the skills, academic qualifications and experience get relegated to a secondary position if the hirer has a direct knowledge of a candidate. Stated differently, if the distance between you and the recruiter or prospective employer is less, the closer you get to be visualised as a suitable candidate. This is largely because of the truth that closeness adds profundity and strength to relationships that are superficial. Your proximity makes you visible and the impression of being a ‘somebody’ gets transformed into one with distinguishable assets and qualities. You thus become a real world personality. This automatically serves to span any gaps that may exist in your CV.
How do you span the gaps in your CV? You have to step out into the cluttered, troublesome and nerve-wracking cauldron of personal exchanges. In a nutshell, you have to cease to be known as a ‘somebody’ or an unfamiliar person. You have to make certain that you are better known to and acquainted with people around you. You should take memberships of professional clubs or help in social causes to be recognised. Your name will travel and reach people who matter, including prospective employers.
  Dale Carnegie said that there are four ways in which you can have contact with the world and by which you are evaluated and classified. They are what you do, how you look, what you say and how you say it. And when you do so, you also convey a feeling of being required. Can this be possible via a distance mode? You have to develop personal liaison to be successful. You have to make use of your organic filaments.  Remember that your job search will have to rely on a basic element – meeting people.

Success will not come to you on its own. You have to go after it. The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply. Do not wait for your ship to come in; swim out to it. That should be the guiding factor for your job search, despite any gaps in the qualitative requirements that you may have.

Sailing through various career states

The most important facilitators for career success are active career planning and management. However, your best of ideas and strategies can become unfocussed if you fail to set your sights on the skyline of prospects and possibilities. It is essential that you remain prepared for any and all unforeseen ups and downs or diversions that your career path may be subjected to or forced to adopt.
During the course of your career journey, there will be several events and happenings that will unfold before you; some of them may be anticipated and some startlingly unpredicted. If you are already working, perhaps you would have experienced a few. The pertinent point is that if you can learn to deal with them effectively, the likelihood of enhancing the prospects of your career success will be high. Common career situations that will show on the horizon for you at some time or the other and for which you ought to be primed for are:
· Sudden job loss: When this happens, you will invariably wonder about what you should be doing next. Since you have been rendered jobless, some element of uncertainty will plague you about the shape of things to follow. Therefore, your focus will be on how to get going and from where.
· Change in organisational pecking order: You may find that your boss has resigned or there has been some reshuffling. You may be required to work under a new boss and for which you may have to start all over again to harmonise your equation with him or her.
· You have started off on a new job: A new job has its own challenges because you are not aware of the work procedures and organisational expectations of you. You will have to demonstrate your capabilities and establish yourself. In all likelihood, you will be on probation and hence creating the correct impact will be your priority.
· An opening for a lateral transfer comes up: The new position could well be in any vertical and you want to be in the race for it. Your aim will evidently be to get to the top of the list of contenders. When the opening comes is another matter, you have to anticipate and be prepared for it.
· Leaving your job on own accord: For whatever reasons, you may decide to leave your company and decide to do something on your own. What ought to be the factors that should be considered before making a decision? And how do you make that crucial decision and will your initial priorities?
· Overlooked for a promotion: This is a distinct possibility and you should be prepared for it. But when it does happen, you will invariably cogitate over the causative factors and identify measures that you will take to offset them. Perhaps you may realise that your people skills were deficient and hence you may have to identify people with whom you need to have more potent associations.
· The annual review is about to take place: The annual performance appraisal is a ritual that you will have to go through. With it scheduled, you will wonder what you should do to get a good rating. You will think of your contributions in the last twelve months.
· A promotion is due to you: It could be due, but there is many a slip between the cup and the lip. You will have to think how you could capitalize on your chances.
· Enough is enough & I want a change: You may want to change your job and even your career. It will be a perplexing situation. You will always wonder how to go about it.
· Your job hunting is not progressing: Your job search attempts may not yield results. You may feel as if you need to haul and thus think about recreating your push to create worthwhile prospects.
· Your shortfalls are impeding your advancement: You may feel as if despite best efforts, you are simply not moving forward in your job and career. If you realise this, you will also thing of corrective steps that you should take.
How do you address the above issues? You will do well if you take assistance of a mentor or counsellor. The person whom you identify as a mentor or coach should be one who has gone through similar experiences and come out successfully. You could also research and ascertain how others coped with such situations. The need will be to have a realistic plan to make things happen. But it will be inescapable to be on the lookout for any such developments in advance so that you are well geared up to deal with all upcoming events and situations.
If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will incapacitate your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges. You will need to have faith in yourself, look challenges straight into their eyes and dig deep within yourself to subdue all apprehensions. After all, you have to be always in the forward-moving mode. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Get ready for a career change

Are you always interested in the larger mosaic of things? Do you prefer to view things as an all-encompassing idea and generate a visualisation that can serve to motivate you to march ahead? But when it comes to placing features of fact in it, do you tend to get dreary; and your concerns and enthusiasm starts spiralling down?
If the above is true, then you are one of those types who grapples with career change. You do visualise a magnificent new career but are unable to look beyond the planning and exploratory actions that go with it to make it a reality. Any plan to affect a career change has to be split into phases. However, in most instances, people need to envision a larger picture before they actually start getting down to conceive and shape each phase.
How can you bring the “larger mosaic outlook” to your career change?
Your career journey, including the new one on which you wish to embark has seven phases. If they are okay with you, then you need to visualise it as a course with landmarks en route to guide you in reaching your last stop. Each phase of the journey entails numerous small but not trivial steps and if you do not lose sight of the larger picture, you will be able to maintain focus. The seven stages are:
· Knowing your outlook: You need to delve into your outlook towards the entire process prior to taking the first step. You will be able to recognise and comprehend your obligations in that whether you are sincerely pledged or whether you are simply moving about doubtingly. In case you are cynic about the whole thing, you are likely to incapacitate your own endeavours anytime during your journey.
· Discerning where you are presently located: Before you start moving, some evaluation is inescapable. You need to query yourself for definite answers on two issues. How did you reach wherever you are today? Are there any lessons that you can learn from the choices that you exercised earlier and the direction your career has taken up to now?
· Knowing precisely who you are: Everybody has his exclusivities that make them who they are. What are yours? You will definitely have to your credit some skills and experience that can be of utility; you need to identify them. You will also subscribe to certain principles and standards in life; the same also have to be enunciated. Over the years, you would have clocked some attainments and which need to be catalogued in a manner that they indicate your primacies at work and in life.
· Determining prospects obtainable to you: You need to be in picture about all the latest developments related to your line of work. And in the light of the foregoing, you must identify specific prospects available to you. Opportunities and openings could be existing, but are you fully qualified for them? So far you would have been confined to a particular career, but now you need to think about widening your horizon. You should try to know more about all such alternatives, what they entail and how you can launch yourself in them.
· Deciding upon the matter: Having acquired an extensive databank pertinent to you and relevant to your field of work, you need to evaluate it in detail. You are required to make a decision employing both your logic and instinct. How do you do that? It is likely that you may unnecessarily dillydally the   possibilities and hence you must plan for initiatives that will preclude you from getting stuck.
· Setting objectives: One you take a decision to go ahead, what then remains is formulating your next moves to make things work. If you harbour a “larger mosaic outlook”, you will need to set a big objective extending into the distant future to keep you going. You are already through with nearly three-fourth of your actions and hence the task will not be difficult. Nevertheless, you will need to split your big objective into smaller goals that can be focussed on for attainment in a progressive manner. It will however, be essential to monitor your progress periodically, even on a day-to-day basis, if necessary.
· Initiating action: This is the final and the most important stage. You simply have to act in harmony with whatever you have deliberated. Your efforts up to setting objectives will go waste if you fail to get into an execution mode. But if you have been serious all along, you will be able to transform your plans for a career change into a certainty.

Remember that you cannot afford to let your guard down at any stage. You will be required to concentrate on what is happening down under by working on minutiae. But your comprehension of the larger mosaic and the long-term plan that you have formulated will facilitate seeing the rationale behind all such minutiae. You will thus be able to keep moving forward and not getting wedged.