Sunday 18 January 2015

Excel yourself as a good new boss

So far you were relatively junior in your company, but now you have been promoted to a management position in your company. It does entail additional responsibilities; you are now responsible for the productivity and welfare of your entire division. Till now, your success was not contingent on issues outside your individual territory, but henceforth it will be. There will be a new set of eyes that will look up to you for encouragement and assistance.
Efficient management and superintendence in your new role calls for an expertise that is distinct from the one that made you reach your new position. In some form or the other, you would have displayed it in the past, otherwise you would not have got this promotion. But it will be of immense benefit if you can determine precisely everything expected of you henceforth so that you can equip yourself accordingly and be successful in your new role. Some major aspects that you need to focus on to facilitate your transition to your new charter are:
· Put together a line of action: This formulation should be affected before you get down with your new responsibilities. If you have the line of action clear in your mind on Day 1 itself, you will have no reservations about how to go about creating the necessary impact on your unit. Planning apart, your maiden step should be to find out the maximum about your new functions. Be it in your present company or a new one, you will need to gather all details about the people with whom you will be associated and engaged with. In addition, you must cogitate over a strategy to offset any prevalent shortfalls to facilitate your line of action taking shape. You also need to contemplate over changes need to be introduced together with their schedule. The line of action made by you should invariably include objectives enunciated by your management and also different boosts visualised by you.  The plan that you set into motion is bound to be subjected to reviews as time passes; nevertheless, planning now will help you to anticipate your future responsibilities better.
· Line up for a success as soon as possible: It will be most apt if your line of action incorporates strategies for a successful accomplishment of a task and which your team can begin straight away. When you finish a project successfully, your team’s confidence and optimism will rise. You will thus be able to establish your position as a leader. Selecting a project has to be done prudently. It should not be very intricate and should entail teamwork with proper supervision by you. The assignment could well be a fresh mandate or dealing with a customer that you are certain of handling well and thereby boosting future company prospects. But upon completion, its impact should be felt; at that time, you must make certain that the credit for success goes to the entire unit. In that manner, you will be able to build your team’s confidence in you as a leader.
· Get to know the people in your team: Your initial days should be focussed on this as also your team’s contributions in your company. Regular interactions and dialogues to discern their expertise, standpoints and individual goals as part of unit objectives should be undertaken. Efforts should also be made to find out previous problems and how they intend coping with them that now you are there. You will thus be able to make the most of individual abilities and work as a harmonious setup. Remember that in any establishment, the greatest assets are the employees and the need to maintain constant touch with them cannot be dispensed with.
· Enunciate your group’s objectives & value structure: This ought to include clearly quantifiable targets and a framework of common values. The objectives could well be meeting increased targets, launching a new product, interior economy accomplishment or boosting client satisfaction. Such objectives may not ensure long-term success; it will be necessary to have a value system that will boost loyalty and productivity. Camaraderie will offer your team a feeling of self-worth and contributing towards common goals. Therefore, the enunciation has to be done in a manner that at all times everybody feels elated.
· Display genuine headship attributes: There is no better way than by leading from the front. If you seek unflinching loyalty and support from your subordinates, you need to be confident, honest, unprejudiced and totally principled. A clear vision coupled with strong managerial and directorial qualities; openness and approachability; willingness to accept suggestions; and a good comprehension of different team-players will serve to enthuse your team. They will then always emulate you and work with optimism, zeal and constructiveness.

You will be successful if you make your team-members realise that they have more ability than they think they have so that they regularly work hard and perform better than they think they can. Remember that your own integrity, efficiency and productivity speed will be the integrity, efficiency and productivity of your team.

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