Friday 27 March 2015

Mistakes that can cost your career dear

Do you ever have a feeling that despite working satisfactorily, you simply are not moving forward?
If the answer to the above question is in the affirmative, you need to mull over specific areas where you could be faltering. You could be indulging in conducts that are not appreciated by your colleagues and management alike. Perhaps it is high time to recognise your appalling habits and keep your aspirations on the correct course.
It is possible that you could be habitually doing any of the following detrimental activities:
· Ignoring dealings & contacts: You may be of the opinion that a person should simply do his work and disregard everything else. Well, doing your work is obligatory and hence it is no great favour that you may be bestowing on anybody. You should also be focussing your thoughtfulness and responsiveness to your dealings, associations and interactions with your colleagues. Though it may seem normal to believe that an individual ought to be evaluated solely on the basis of his or her performance at work, the actuality is that inter-personal relationships are equally vital at work.
· Attiring unimposingly: You may or may not subscribe to this philosophy, but the truth is that your outwardly appearance is of great significance. Therefore, it is essential that you focus on your outfits, hair and accoutrements. You need to understand that at work, you do not symbolise just yourself; you characterize and personify your company too. Since you exemplify your company’s brand, any wrong dressing will imply that you are deliberately not thoughtful of yourself and your professional objectives; and that you are purposely disregarding your organisation and its interests.   
· Muddling the contours of individuality and professionalism: Your seniors and management will be cognisant of the fact that your personal preferences are linked with your own settings and situations. However, that does not necessitate that you highlight that correlation at your workplace, particularly if you are in assignments that call for mediations and discussions. Your boss and others will generally appreciate that your actions will impact you, but then they would like to see positive impacts on the company too. Remember that if you direct your efforts only on yourself, your career can take a severe beating. There is no denying the fact that developments on your personal front have a major effect on how you conduct yourself at work; the reverse is also true. Therefore when you seek to negotiate any issue related to your work, you have to make certain that your personal and professional lines are demarcated well.
· According higher precedence to pecuniary issues vis-à-vis prospects: You cannot afford to concentrate excessively on money matters and be unable to picture various other gratifying involvements and your overall delight and contentment. If you do so, you will culminate in detesting your very work. It has been seen that when people tend to hold money as more significant than tangible prospects, their career derails. The reason for this that you will fail to clutch opportunities that come knocking at your door and also be unsuccessful in impressing those who can help you in your career progress. Any excessive weightage to financial benefits or additional perks will never stand you in good stead anytime – job interview onwards – in your career journey. 
· Displaying an absence of dynamism and enterprise at work: Exhibiting inventiveness, creativity and ingenuity at work implies ensuring that things do happen or fructify. You simply cannot hope for an apple to fall into your hands, that is, you cannot wait for an incitement or opportunity to come to you on its own. You will have to make serious efforts to make that happen. Remember that taking initiative is the foundation of your career advancement. You will get noticed for your initiative alright, but a lack of it will make you noticed more. Therefore you should not wait for directions and guidance at every step. It is also important that you prioritise your tasks so that you meet all deadlines and are not singled out for any reminders. And if you are unable to create such circumstances for yourself, you are bound to get side-lined and branded as a slow doer.

 Remember that your purpose and calling is not a matter of stake; in fact, it is an option that you exercise. And you just cannot keep waiting for it. You have to get out and achieve it.  You simply cannot afford to restrict yourself by committing acts of blunder. Since no road to success runs downhill, it is essential that you should be prepared to get dripping wet in your work, much beyond the capability of a mediocre person. You have to hold faithfulness and sincerity as your first principles. Sans such a resolution, you will never move up in your career.

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