Friday 17 April 2015

Benefitting from a sudden job loss

“Set fire to the broken pieces; start anew.”
― Lauren DeStefano

Jobs today are like roller-coaster rides; they may come and go. Some job losses could be forced like when a company is downsized and the axe falls on you, despite having worked satisfactorily for a number of years. There are some that are voluntary, but nonetheless anticipated; you yourself decide to quit because of various reasons. However, the strain and ordeal are just the same in both.
A job loss is a loss, whether expected or not, whether voluntary or otherwise. It is rather difficult to foretell who will survive an unexpected job loss and flourish thereafter, their background or reasons for the crash notwithstanding. This is a fact relevant to everybody – men or women, young or old and leavers or losers. But while some people cope with it in a positive manner, others find it difficult to terms with. How is that possible? Having rendered jobless, what are the vital tasks that need to be done to put your career back on rails?
Anybody who is able to bounce back will agree on one singular truth and that is that the revival process is gradual and not overnight. The period can extend to weeks and months. You may discover shortcuts in your job search, but finding them for your emotional regaining is indeed difficult. The transition to a fresh stability will have to undergo three elemental phases entailing forgetting the past, remaining without a clear identity for some time and then embarking on a new path. These phases are:
· Liberating yourself of the past: The maiden step required to be taken by you is severing your links with your previous job – both physically and mentally. You must refrain from making references to or using your old designation, status or associations till you are secure at some other place. Your old company should be out of your mind, including what is transpiring there or what is happening to whom there. You may find your experience enjoyable and to some extent also invigorating. But the fact is that you will find it difficult to reconcile to the fact that you are jobless. You will be able to come to terms with it when you mourn its demise once and for all and understand that on the emotional plane it is all over. This phase can be trying alright, but it has to be undergone. 
· Lolling about to open up: People have varying personalities – they could be loud and unreserved or quiet and reticent; bright and buoyant or gloomy and unenthusiastic; and precise and measured or creative and imaginative. But when a crash hits them, there could be drastic changes in their outlooks. That apart, you need to be flexible in your approach because you are now required to cut through your skylines and cogitate all-over again as to who you are and what you aspire to be. You need to afford yourself time to reassess your abilities and aspirations. This will be possible only if you repel the stunt of settling in a new career straightaway. This phase will be one when you could be devoid of an identity, but you can overcome this disturbance by treating your present times like a vacation. It is only when you have come to terms with your job loss should you think of get going once again.
· Taking the forward plunge: Your lolling about automatically ceases when you decide to take on a job. Your precedence should not be to find a job alone. While at a job, people regard it as central to their life and a source of their [H1]  self-esteem, self-confidence, pride and dignity. Little do they realise that it is devouring all their time and there is no happiness in their life. That is why, it is necessary to go through a self-awareness exercise before taking up a job or career. Now that you happen to be once bitten and twice shy, you need to alter that arrangement. You need to consider all things more holistically and accord priorities to other things that you now realise are important. Your new job could well turn out to be a different pursuit altogether, a new beginning as they say.
Following a sudden job loss, you should view your life as a fresh chapter. You should explore yourself one again. And if you are persevering enough, you will emerge as a more self-assured and assertive individual. You will find your new job or career rewarding on both your individual and professional planes. Remember that there are as many worlds as there are kinds of days. You ought to realise that if a door closed, it was because whatever was behind it was not meant for you. Just as an opal changes its colours and its fire to match the nature of a day, so can you. You always raze the old to raise the new.


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