Friday 10 April 2015

Dogmata that shore up career success

Whatever results we achieve in life, they are contingent on the principles and values we have relating to ourselves, our surroundings, our conditions and our work. They also depend to a great extent on what the future holds for us and our adeptness and capacities to influence the turn of events.
While there could be several dogmata that have an effect on our capability to embark upon a successful career, major ones harboured by people are:
· I can craft my own actuality: Anything that you select to ruminate on or experience about and eventually do that, expresses your actuality that is originated. If you believe that your life is spinning out of control and success is eluding you, you will tend to be left high and dry. You will start relying only on providence. Remember that whatever you dream gets transformed into accomplishments and from such accomplishments, additional dreams   come to you. It is this cyclic phenomenon that generates the utmost form of existence. Success will never become an actuality unless you get going to make your dreams into actualities.
· I have confidence in my abilities: When you are cognisant of your dexterities and hold them in regard, you will definitely strive to apply them to practical situations. But if you suffer from any reservations or qualms about them, you will always be reluctant in your outlook and in the process fail miserably at clutching prospects that keep passing by. Hesitation and disinclination will be quite a common occurrence when you have to move outside a relaxed environment and experiment with new things. That is the time when you need to be really confident about your capabilities and belief that success is crucial for you.    
· I have full faith in whatever I am doing: If you take up a job or a career that does not hold out much significance or sense for you, it is implausible that you will ever flourish. You need to give wings to your passions in a manner that is of benefit to you and the world. It is an established fact that when you engage yourself in any activity that you adore and with a conviction that it is of import, your disposition, attitude and life-force gets uplifted. The greatest satisfaction of life is the conviction that tells you that are correct. In other words, you need to have full faith in whatever you do.
· I know that I am competent enough to do better: Restraining your self-confidence will invariably render your life unrewarding. You should be certain of your capacity, the external boundaries of which are determined exclusively by your individual convictions and imaginations. You may set any number of objectives for yourself and perhaps identify several ways and means in terms of skills and knowhow to attain them. That by themselves may not suffice; you must have confidence in your own faculties, competencies and potentials to attain success. 
· I know I can learn more: The knowledge base that you have today will not see you through your entire life and career. At some stage or the other you will realise your deficiencies and feel the need to acquire more. But if you fail to take any action, you are bound to stagnate. You should not believe that you have crossed the learning phase. You should feel confident in your ability to learn. 
· I do believe that I can defy all tests & trials: Your career journey will have its share of ups and downs; evidently the downs will be exasperating and trying. Most people tend to give up in the wake of difficulties. It is essential that you do not get bogged down when you get stuck; any impediment or obstacle that you encounter should goad you to think and find a way out. You must keep doing your utmost with a conviction that you can bring about a positive alteration to the situation that you are faced with or are in currently. If you happen to harbour any signs of a wounded outlook, the earlier you shed them, the better it will be. Despite all the tests and trials, you need to feel that you are the author and potentate of your own fate and future. It is only then that you will succeed in negotiating various hurdles in your life. 
· I am an original and not a dual personality: To be successful, it is inescapable to be an authentic and genuine individual. Even while building your network, you have to be so. You must guard against any presumptuousness with regard to emulating behaviour that does not gel with you. Trying to hide behind a smokescreen is unlikely to lead you anywhere other than failure. Your actions and deeds should be in harmony with you are and nobody knows you better than you yourself. Remember that having a dual personality will never help you in the identification of your shortfalls, as a result of which, you will never be able to affect any self-improvement. 

To accomplish great things in your life and career, you need to act and also dream. You also need to plan and believe. There are many rules for success, but none of them will work unless you do. Victory invariably belongs to the person who is most resolute.

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