Saturday 20 June 2015

Dogmas that strengthen your prospects of career success

It is your thoughts and beliefs that make your world. Whatever you are today is a result of what you have thought and believed. That means that your focus, your beliefs, your fears and your qualms become your reality. In other words, the beliefs that you have about yourself, conditions, workplace and job define the results that you accomplish in your life. It is also how you think about your capacity to prompt and shape your own future that actually brings about corresponding outcomes.
To be able to succeed in your career and life, you need to be a top-notch and exceptional adaptation of yourself rather than being an inferior rendering of anybody else. There are many dogmas that strengthen your capability to forge a successful career, notable amongst them being:
· I can build my own veracity: Your own reality is explained by your thoughts and subsequently or eventually, by your actions. You cannot presume that whatever transpires in your life is outside your power of management. Your success is always a result of your hard work and luck has nothing to do with it. If you subscribe to the contrary, you will be afflicted with defencelessness and thus will be always prompted to lead a life founded on possibilities. Your objectives and actions are complementary; one leads to or reinforces the other. Building your own veracity entails envisioning your future and electing to act so that whatever you dream is attained.
· I trust my own actions: If you are involved in a career or job that do not signify anything for you, the chances of your advancement are rather remote. You need to give wings to your passions and trust your actions; doing so will serve to invigorate and galvanise you to work towards success. Remember that you are so made that when anything fires your soul, all cul-de-sacs automatically disappear. It is only your passions that can elevate you to great heights.  
· I have no doubt about my proficiencies & competencies: If you know about your proficiencies and competencies, you are bound to apply them whenever and wherever they are required. But if you disbelieve them, you will always tend to be reluctant and hence fail to grasp opportunities that come your way. Related to your belief in your capabilities is faith in your power of conviction to succeed. If you continually doubt, you will more often than not, end up getting derailed on the success track. And doubting your capabilities is the biggest mistake that you can ever make. Remember that if ever you underestimate yourself, you will never be able to achieve potentials inside you. Therefore, do not let doubt defeat you.
· I don’t doubt my capacity to come out of tests and trials: It is a truth that a career journey is never smooth. There are obstacles and potholes on it in the form of delays and challenges. You simply cannot afford to give up midway and in the process, accept something inferior. Impediments are intended to prompt you to think so that you can negotiate them. You should believe that your persistence can alone alter circumstances for the better; you simply cannot allow yourself to be identified and treated as a casualty. If you realise that your destiny lies in your own hands, there will be nothing that you will perceive as an obstacle. 
· I have confidence in my learning capabilities: As you advance in your career, you existing skills will call for improvement; continuing with what you have will serve no purpose. There are no limits to learning and you should be positively disposed to it. You need to assure yourself about the need to progress and that you have the power to do so. Remember that learning is an eternal process and that you can make yourself adept at it. More importantly, if you have confidence in your learning capabilities, you and your mind will never get exhausted.   
· I am fine with myself: It is you alone who knows every single aspect about yourself. If you have the mettle to portray a genuine image of yourself, you stand to succeed. You should not endeavour to do anything at the cost being untrue to yourself. In other words, you should not take shelter behind a smokescreen. The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. So, be yourself, no matter what others may say about you. It is essential to follow the way that your heart tells you.

It is of no consequence if you are presently distant from your aspired position. What is of consequence is that you should never stop believing that you will soon be there. You need to harbour great optimism that the path that you have set your foot on has a meaning and that things will sooner or later work out for you. If you remain relentless and persistent, whatever you seek to achieve will be a possibility. You need to have an unambiguous mental state that is brought about by tenacity, resolve and self-trust. If you do not have a mind that is free of self-doubt, you will never be able to focus on the road to success.

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