Friday 27 November 2015

Fundamental initiatives for your career advancement

A good knowledge of yourself to include your likes, dislikes, penchants and preferences; availability of necessary resources; and possession of appropriate skillsets are essential for you to do well in your life and career alike. You could well be in any job or pursuit, sans any discernment of your strengths and weaknesses as also aspects that you can excel at or improve upon, your career advancement may not be possible.
You need to select your career with care and having selected one, you should do proper planning. All this calls for prudence and farsightedness. But despite planning, there will be glitches and hitches as you move ahead in your career; and which will call for serious contemplations. You will have to take bold decisions – some under uncertain circumstances. Your capacity to make sound decisions will depend on what information you are privy to at that particular time. At the same time, you should also know what knowledge you do not possess and hence make efforts to first get it and then evaluate it for its credibility.
Career planning generally comprises three phases – selection, planning for the way ahead and assessing an employment offer. While the first two could do without much of decision making, the third phase definitely calls for good decision making prowess. You could also decide to change a career and that would necessarily entail understanding what you as a distinct entity signify and manifest. You should thus know in detail about yourself, what you stand for, what you like or have a penchant for and where you are or what precisely is your current status in your career journey. It will be of no use if you go in for an employment without knowing these important facets of your personality.
There are eight fundamental initiatives that you should take for your career advancement and all of them are highly decisive ones. They are:    
· Assess your propensities: It is in your interests to be aware of your strengths – be they execution of professional assignments, social obligations, communication skills or grasping power. You should be clear about your likes and dislikes because it is only such knowledge that facilitates strategizing and charting a schedule for career advancement.
· Estimate your legerdemains: You can always acquire new skills and improve upon existing ones. But whatever you are cut out for is innate. However, betterment of your expertise is brought about by learning and development programmes followed by practical training. It is here that your skilfulness at grasping new things come in. The faster you acquire such additional knowledge, the faster will be your career advancement.
·  Identify your individual élan: No two individuals are alike. Each person has exclusive mannerisms, way of communications and response mechanisms to different situations. You will be always at ease when you have to act in harmony with your individual flairs and hence it is essential that you know them well. This will also facilitate effective and constructive interactions with people.  
· Ascertain your interests: With the passage of time, you can decide on issues that need to be the focus of your attention as a matter of routine. In other words, you get to be clear of what interests you and what does not. It is thus easy for you to make use of your abilities and skills towards your career advancement.
· Appreciate your own background: It is not easy to erase impressions and habits formed on account of your past circumstances, background, childhood and education. However, it is essential that you understand how in the backdrop of such conditions, you as a person has been stimulated and moulded. Such a comprehension will help you to apply your make-up in your efforts to move ahead in your career.     
· Bond with your values: Your ability to judge situations for their veracity and effects; and people for their knowledge and character traits is triggered by the philosophies, ideologies and values that you stand for. That is how you are able to distinguish matters that are principled or[H1]  unjust and workable or impractical. You are thus geared better to able to put across your perspectives and standpoints to others. In the context of your career, you can utilise such abilities in consonance with other stakes to heighten your plans and preferences for your career advancement.
Remember that your career advancement is contingent on the targets that you seek to achieve. You can always change your objectives; such an alteration can be facilitated by your inherent attributes. However, there is no denying the fact that it is you and you alone who will have to evaluate ongoing developments for their effects on your career advancement. But more importantly, it is essential that you have an open mind towards success because you will invariably attain whatever your mind permits you to attain. Your own resolution to move ahead and up in your career will count the maximum.


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