Sunday 1 November 2015

Get on to your new job effectually from day one

A new job is an excellent opportunity for re- creation and re-discovery. At a new workplace, people generally do not know who you are and therefore, you are better poised to generate a good image of yourself. If that be an aim, you have to work hard to synchronize and harmonise all your actions towards it. In a nutshell, this would imply adhering to punctuality, displaying an upbeat outlook and exhibiting a sense of participation. Your deportment should be of a high order because the management will be out to assess you right from the word go.
What do you do to get on to your new job effectually from day one? Here are some tips:
· Be prepared for varied responsibilities: You need not get perturbed if your charter of work does not turn out to be similar to what was conveyed to you at the time of interview. You must expect a little variation.
· Utilise your initial days astutely: Like while playing golf, a new comer at a workplace can play with some handicap. You should be courteous, but at the same time smart enough to not be submissive. There is nothing wrong to follow up on all un-kept assurances, including those pertaining to training and amenities; any reticence would indicate your inability to do things. The on-the-job training sessions are important events and you should take down notes, even on the most elementary of issues. While there is nothing wrong in seeking clarifications, but asking repeated questions may not be appreciated. You must make use of this time to memorise names of key appointment holders.        
· Deal with your manager diligently: The need to align yourself with your boss needs no emphasis because in his happiness lies your contented work life. Your manager will surely be a busy man and therefore, you should be on the lookout to comprehend the nuances of his daily schedule and be aware of the stressful life that he may be leading. A close observation of his routine will indicate to you the best time to approach him. By even observing the way he talks and sends messages, together with his non-verbal communications, you will be able to gauge him. But in case you do not readily understand his instructions or expectations, seeking clarifications on issues is perfectly in order.   
· Maintain records & your house in order: Your own documentation and records should be up to date at all times. For example, quite a few organisations do not reduce to writing the charter of duties of employees holding different appointments. If you have not been provided with a job description, seek one from your boss at the earliest. You could also draft one yourself and make a copy available to him. Perhaps you may not visualise the importance of this document, but it may come in very handy at the time of your annual performance review or when you seek a restructuring of your present job. Likewise, you must also retain copies of all communications and emails acknowledging the good work done by you.   
· Don’t rush to make friends: It is always better to be slow at evaluating anything and addressing issues. For example, a very bad-mannered person could act rather shyly and generate a good impression whereas a sweet and helpful person could well turn out to be an office bad hat. You must take your own time to familiarize yourself with people, including those with him you do not have any official interaction. 
· Find the correct functioning equilibrium: At a new job and workplace, any unwarranted dependency on others can give rise to a feeling of enslavement and which can be highly exasperating. You need to thus display forbearance as you get accustomed to the work schedule. People will expect you to start contributing at the earliest, however, it is always better to first get embedded so that you do not botch things. Normally, organisations put employees on probation for about six months, but that period is rather long to establish your reliability and credibility. It is always advisable that in the first month or so, you should follow the dictum, “Be seen, not heard”.
· Revere the previous & bygone: If you have been selected to head a team or to function in a senior designation, the company will have great expectations from you. You will be required to display an out-of-the-box approach and offer new suggestions so that your team feels rejuvenated. But you will have to determine how things were functioning in the past and aspects that were not working well. Having done that, you will have to take your team in confidence and explain why changes, if any have been introduced. You can expect good results if you carry your team along because doing anything all by yourself is a sure shot recipe for failure.

At work, you need to set a high degree of ethical standards for yourself and which will invariably call for an equally high degree of integrity and superiority in work output. Since downbeat impressions are rather difficult to knock down, you should work hard to incapacitate them. And when you work in the direction of the right, you will realise that your own self-value and self-dignity increases. And that realisation by itself will usher in a feeling to do well.

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