Friday 29 January 2016

Fancy your job & delight in it too

You may like your job and pull on well with your colleagues, finding them logical and reasonable. And you serve to inspire them. There are many more of your category and also many unlike you. But despite a positive aura that your job may be having, you may find it a very wearisome, exasperating and uninteresting slog. Monday morning blues afflict you daily. So, how can you overcome the miseries of tiresomeness, monotony and disinterest?
The fact is that there is nothing unusual about feelings of fatigue, unconcern and boredom. It does not imply that you have put up with them; they need to be overcome. How do you do that? You can always re-galvanise and revitalise yourself so that you find every facet of your work exciting and pleasurable. In any case, if you love your job, revitalisation of your diminished passion will not be difficult. Here is how you can do so:
· Don’t neglect your health: Gladness and contentment is more a state of health than of wealth. And a good respite taken is half the work done. You may suffer from a wrong notion that everything at your work is okay, yet you could be facing enormous problems. You may be thus ignorant of the fact that you are the actual problem. Remember that happiness originates from you and you alone; and therefore, you should not vacillate on issues related to your good health and wellbeing. Regular exercise, adequate rest, healthy eating habits, an active lifestyle and a positive disposition should be your focus.
· Evaluate & involve yourself: It should be highly heartening if everything at work is smooth sailing for you. But it is essential that you make a record different issues related to your job that you delight in. The list could well include even your seniors, peers and subordinates; in addition, the very type of your job could also figure in the list. Issues related to the workplace environment and the facilities extended to you should also be reduced to writing. Likewise, aspects that you abhor to include commuting timings or absence of work facilitators should also be noted. Making alike and dislike list will help you identify the upbeat aspects and serve to motivate you day in and day out as also issues that have put you off; you can definitely get over disconcerting features of your routine. A comparison of the two lists will throw light on what is pre-eminent and help you discern if the overall situation is fine or bad. Your perception will stand clarified.
· Keep reminding yourself: The list of positive features that you compile should be perused off and on so that it serves to boost your inspiration level all times. An outcome of this will be a tremendous boost to your self-esteem, self-confidence and feeling of security. Resultantly, you will start loving your work, delighting in it and deriving contentment from it. The point to note is that you need to glance at such jottings periodically and doing so will help you to negate the disheartening consequences of negative developments.
· Don’t hesitate to guide others & be guided: The likelihood of monotony and boredom about to creep in to your routine cannot be totally discounted. Well, such a development can eventually be disastrous and hence nipping it in the bud is always recommended. You should focus on maintaining an appropriate work-life balance by pursuing leisure activities to include guiding others in their work. This will help you to evaluate your progress and new things learnt so and hence help you to share your knowledge with others. In a large number of instances, associating oneself with a guru can also be an exhilarating experience; interacting with somebody who has gone through what you are undergoing today and is currently in a position where you aspire to be. Guiding others and being guided by others can both be great impelling factors to perform better.
· Connect professionally: If you join a professional organisation that has people of the same line as you, you will be presented with a plethora of supportive means. Your networking will increase and you will be able to establish contact with new people who are experiencing similar challenges like you. Just like an alumni meet of your school or college, attending organisational meetings as an ex-employee can also be an encouraging experience with support coming in from everybody.
· Take a break: Do you remember the last occasion when you took a break from your busy routine? Most people accumulate their leave entitlements and after some time, allow it to lapse. Therefore, it is always a good time to take some time off to relax and rejuvenate yourself. This will help you ward off fatigue. Even if you are not having problems doing whatever you like, you still need time to take a sabbatical and let bright ideas come to your mind. Indulging in a non-work related activity will facilitate this.

You should never forget that if you seek to be successful, it is an inescapable requirement to first take a fancy for your job and career alike. After all, any work sans passion and love is nothing but bondage. And when you start deriving happiness from your job, your output automatically becomes just right and appreciable. 

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