Friday 15 January 2016

What is career success all about?

Career success’ is a relative term and it is rather difficult to define it explicitly. And it is all the more difficult to attach a monetary tag to it. For some people, a fat bank balance would signify career success; while for others, being able to meet all daily requirements could amount to career success. There could be many who do not equate money with career success in any form.
It is indeed quite a bit of a task to identify people who would honestly assert that they indeed are fond of their career. There will be few who would not like their career or are inclined to detest their career; but in most cases, they may not be loving their career. Financial aspects apart, career success actually gyrates around contentment. It is all about being keen on and enjoying whatever you do.   
A career that rouses a certain measure of enthusiasm, zeal and contentment in a person can be said to be successful. If a person feels happy in going to his workplace, he or she is surely into a successful career. A successful career is one that makes a person feel happy to go to work each day. It is one that generates pleasure, satisfaction and appeal. And since no two people are alike, individual perceptions about career success vary. And it is this diversity related to concerns, ethics and standards that makes it possible for the world to move forward.
Why do people who are not happy with their jobs continue with them? It is only because of apprehensions related to:
· An absence of career stability in their lives.
· Instability arising because of likely retrenchment or loss of job.
· Inability to cope up with domestic pressures because of reduction in income.
· Problems in finding fresh employment.
· Perceived losses due to withdrawal of perks.
Unemployment is surely a very frightening prospect because it can put you into very difficult situations, particularly finances. And regrettably, whatever claims people and governments make, the rate of employment in our country is pretty high. Unemployment generates helplessness and hopelessness; and which further leads to frustration. A frustrated person will never be able to find a career for himself – a career that has the prospects of being successful. It should however, be remembered that if you are forced into a state that is frustrating, you are always in a better position to re-discover your career and pick up one that assures you of successful growth.   
There are many people who are unwilling to quit their current jobs even if they do not like them because they are afraid of the alternative. That alternative is an absence of employment. . But people who are already unemployed have no qualms; they have an option – an option of being able to decide on the course their career ought to take.  
What should unemployment signify to you? It should indicate the following:
· You possess the capability to start all over again.
· You possess the ability to concentrate your efforts on a new career.
· Nothing can stop you from pursuing your career aspirations and goals.
· Nothing can stop you from becoming an impresario or a magnate.
· You are well within your rights to acquire new skills and qualifications.
A successful career path calls for a vision, dedication and confidence. Under no circumstances should a situation arise that others point fingers at you. Nobody should ever be allowed to comment on your incapacities. Your career path has to be drafted only by you and any inclination to consider that somebody else will do it should be discarded straightaway. You should research well all aspects of a new job or career that you wish to take up so that you are not found wanting in the desired skills or qualifications. 
The maiden step required to be taken by you entails being certain about the type of career that will inspire you to be and feel successful. You need to discern what your professional fervour and ardour are; and having done so, there should be no looking back. Resolution and steadfastness should hereafter be your strongpoints so that you attain success with ease. Remember that the choice of profession that you exercise should be a due diligence activity.
The second step comprises setting career objectives. To be able to transform your dreams into an actual happening, it is essential that you move forward gradually and steadily. When you set career objectives, you empower yourself and concentrate your energy towards the different levels of achievement as also the eventual destination of your career journey.
The last step is not losing out on your fortitude and willpower. If you have an aspiration and if you have an objective, nothing should deter you from moving forward at a pace of your choosing. There will be ups and downs but you will have to be properly geared to meet such eventualities and challenges. You should make certain that you do not deviate from your charted course of reaching a stage that you can you can claim to be what you genuinely like.  

Remember that you have got brains in your head and the shoes that you are wearing have your feet. Therefore, there ought to be nothing that should impede your move ahead on a course set by you. 

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