Saturday 20 February 2016

Your capabilities are your greatest assets

Are you yet to taste success? Are you sure that you will be successful in the foreseeable future? If the answer to any of these questions is not realistically optimistic, your career is not on the correct track. Therefore, you should leave no stone unturned to work towards achieving success and not waste your valuable time hoping that it will come on its own. You simply cannot keep waiting for the day when you will be able to rejoice and say that you made it happen.  
You need to understand what successful people are made of. They are all determined and assertive. Both these attributes kindle positivity. Successful people plan for their so that they are not taken by surprise at any given moment.  Most people are unable to emulate them and opine that success comes to people only if they are well-connected or luck favours them. They are unable to appreciate the success achieved by them and the causative factors that brought it about
Remember that success is not contingent on luck and that there is no stipulation on who will taste it and who will not. However, attaining success is no child’s play. If you follow certain basic tenets, you too can be successful. And any deviation from them will make things difficult from you. These imperatives are:
· Always count on success: Most of us have serious doubts on our own capabilities and forget that having confidence in own self is inescapable to achieve success. There should be an assertion from within that one can really do anything to attain success. Nobody will ever do that for you. It is only confidence alone that facilitates getting over difficult situations and in the process infuses optimism for a bright future. Can anything be done to acquire or increase confidence? It may take perhaps less than an hour to get to know where you stand; a written introspection will put the facts straight. You should jot down what your career has been all about in a candid manner and how you perceive your ideal life. A truthful account, will indicate to you a fairly detailed and meticulous depiction of the life you desire to lead. Whenever you experience a feeling of dejection or sense that your confidence level is going down, this description should automatically be thought of.
· Adopt a dynamic mode: Having reposed confidence in yourself and ascertained a model of success in your career, it is high time to search for and get a hold of specifics and essentials. One should now be considering how to march forward to make that model into a reality. The moment you have drafted a line of action, you have won half the battle. For example, you may be seeking to change your career. Are you suitably qualified for it? It is likely that you may require going through additional training; the costs involved for the same should be planned for. A pragmatic evaluation of these issues should be made note of along with what you steps you should be taking. A dynamic mode implies implementing those steps.
· Bestow yourself with success: Successful individuals do not postpone making efforts. Their confidence manifests when they assert by saying only "I will". If you have made up your mind to do something and have decided on how to go about it, you just have start doing it with all the strength at your command. You may get distracted but then determination entails not falling prey to such interruptions and interferences. This would call for a great degree of steadfastness and the ability to decline, when the situation so warrants. For a person who lacks nerve, it is indeed difficult to decline, cry off or refuse; but with little effort, this quality can be acquired.
· Be aware of your primary concerns: You may have made a plan and are totally committed to implementing it. But there would be various contingencies and alternatives too. There is thus a need to categorize them in a viable priority. If the plan made by you is pragmatic, a fairly long list of actions required to undertaken by you will be evident. However, you may not be able to undertake each and everything simultaneously. When to do what or what to do when, this is what needs to be decided by deliberating on each of them. Issues related to their criticality and time required to take them to their logical conclusion will have to be considered. Actions that are considered as not having immediate impact can well be put off for implementation subsequently.
· Be forward looking: There is nobody who can expect a bump-free career journey. There will be moments and circumstances when you will not be able to act at all. Such inability will be brought about by several reasons; you could well be plagued with fears and reservations as also difficulties. If you are prevented from working with the desired enthusiasm, you should start reflecting on the plan that has been made earlier. Efforts should be directed to get the best from the first step itself. It is important that you keep the larger mosaic in mind and in the process, view your efforts that have been put in. This would serve as a motivation to not only move forward but also be hopeful about the shape of things to follow.

The crux of the matter is that one should be strongminded, unyielding and unwavering in your life. Your capabilities are your biggest assets and you need to be confident of them.

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