Wednesday 30 March 2016

The ‘how’ of a good career innings

Today, the days of nine to five jobs are things of the past. Work and workplace alike are getting aggressively competitive and therefore, all endeavours to build a booming career is becoming increasingly complex. Under such circumstances, employees have to really slog to get noticed.  
Everybody is required to use the principle of output management to derive maximum benefits. But outputs should not be at the cost of excellence. Time will always be running short and hence opportunities to impress will be correspondingly less. Therefore, it will always be apt to focus efforts in the correct direction, simultaneously ensuring that deadlines are met.
There are several methods, systems and procedures, all different from one another that an employee can adopt to chart out a successful career. These are:
· Assessing the amount of output: This is a mandatory requirement for career progression and can be used to great benefit and gain. The answer to this vexed essentiality is to not give undertakings or make tall promises; one ought to be modest about capabilities and pledge accordingly about projects and assigned tasks. To put it in simple words, the technique requires promising less and delivering more. For example, if a project requires three days for completion, there is nothing wrong in seeking five days from the boss. Subsequently, when the work is completed ahead of schedule, the employee image registers a very significant boost in the eyes of the employer. The lawyer fraternity uses this technique more than anybody else; perceived intricacies, loopholes and weaknesses are invariably highlighted to the clients. But when the judgment is delivered, it speaks volumes of the advocate. This method can immensely help those wanting to excel in a workplace environment. After all, there is nothing wrong in a little bit of self-promotion.
· Getting into trivia and details: The requirement is to get noticed and acknowledged by the boss. But time will always be at a premium and hence the most vital point is to focus on issues that are his key requirement areas or that are likely to be observed by him. Some people may assert that this technique smacks of opportunism, but since there is no cut-throat or letting down of others involved or being indulged in, there is no harm adopting it. Sometime needs to be spent researching what the boss is generally seeking or on the lookout for. It will be sheer wastage of time concentrating efforts on items that the boss is unlikely to look for or is disinterested in. It is always better to devote little time in identifying aspects that receive maximum consideration of the boss, prioritize them and then proceed to concentrate on them. Needless to say but very significant is the issue of time management. The foregoing is very important in an atmosphere where rapidity and tempo are key attributes. The magnitude of importance registers an additional boost if employees have the option to choose what they ought to do and decide on the priorities for their accomplishment.
· Eluding efforts to multitask: Inferences drawn from workplace research indicate that if an individual concentrates his or her effort on several projects simultaneously, the results achieved are qualitatively inferior. Such outcomes adversely affect the efficiency and output factors. Therefore, undertaking a number of run-of-the-mill projects at a single point of time is unlikely to facilitate career progression. At best, it will ward off the pink slip. Individuals who excel or get involved with exceptional assignments invariably get noticed. And individuals who get noticed get recognition. So, when promotions are round the corner, they are likely to reap improved and enhanced benefits. It is of little consequence if the time taken to complete a singular project is relatively more; on the contrary, better output quality is always desirable.
The truth of the matter is that if one can plan on what work is required to be done and then do that work in accordance with the plan, the workload that is involved will be subjected to better control. And if the load associated with the work gets reduced, stress levels also diminish. It should never be forgotten that a disorganized and overwhelming atmosphere leads to poor performance too.

People can slog all twenty four hours and never stop dreaming big about their careers. But if their centre of attention is incorrect, there is every possibility that they will never reach great heights. Anybody who understands that a specific task may get him or her into limelight is bound to make it to the top. They will then no more be just ordinary persons in the crowd. On the other hand, they will be those who matter. They will be successful people. 

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